In the evening, the sixty red-listed Jinshi could not conceal their inner joy, and entered the Qiongyuan Garden one wall away from the imperial palace one by one to participate in the Qionglin Banquet given by the emperor. Since the middle of the Song Dynasty, every time the imperial examination ended, there would be a banquet hosted by the emperor on the night when the results were released. The emperor gave a banquet to entertain the new scholars and all the examiners. This is the famous Qionglin Banquet.
Qiongyuan, which was usually quiet, now seemed so lively, with people coming and going, and the laughter and laughter of the new scholars everywhere.
The seat in the middle of the main table is always empty. It is the emperor's special seat. Even if the emperor cannot come in person, no one can sit in this seat. On the left side of the main table sit the three examiners of this imperial examination, He Ji, Ma Tingluan and Weng Yinglong, and on the right side. They were Zan Wanshou, Han Zhen, and Chen Wenlong, who were among the top three undergraduates. Opposite them were Wen Tianxiang, the banquet officer appointed by the emperor for this Qionglin Banquet, and the number one scholar in previous periods.
In the fourth year of Baoyou's reign, Wen Tianxiang, as the number one scholar of that year, had the honor to participate in the Qionglin Banquet at that time, and left a poem "The Imperial Contribution to the Qionglin Banquet Gonghe Poem". Ten years later, Wen Tianxiang participated again as a banquet officer. I can’t help but sigh with emotion.
When He Ji saw that all the successful candidates and examiners had arrived, he said, "Master Wen, can we start?"
Wen Tianxiang stood up and bowed: "Master He, Master Ma, Master Weng, before the banquet begins, I would like to paraphrase His Majesty's oral instructions."
He Ji returned the courtesy and said: "Master Wen, please."
Wen Tianxiang turned around and said to everyone: "Dear new scholars, I, Wen Tianxiang, have been entrusted by Your Majesty to serve as the banquet officer for this Qionglin Banquet. I would like to first congratulate all the high school Xian Chun Red Lists. Tonight's Qionglin Banquet will definitely make you proud." Everyone will keep it in mind. Your Majesty’s oral instructions are for two things. One is that Your Majesty composed half a poem specifically for this banquet to celebrate and encourage everyone.”
"Haha, Your Majesty has a new work? I'm looking forward to it. But why is there only half of it? Master Wen, please." He Ji said with a smile.
Since that day when my masterpiece "Congratulations on the Xianchun Imperial Examination" was released, no one will look down upon my emperor's attainments in poetry. Even great scholars such as Heji, Ma Tingluan, etc. were full of praise.
Wen Tianxiang said loudly: "Your Majesty only asked me to announce two sentences. Why are there only two sentences? You are all very puzzled. I was also very curious at the time, so I asked your Majesty. Your Majesty just said it briefly. The other half of the sentence was given. You can make your own use of it. These two sentences are, "Talented people have emerged from generation to generation, and each has been leading the way for hundreds of years."
"Haha, good poems and lines. Your Majesty always surprises you and leaves half of it for everyone. It means a lot." He Ji and Ma Tingluan looked at each other and laughed and said, "Master Weng, what do you think?"
"Good sentence, good sentence." Weng Yinglong could only smile and agreed.
"There are talented people from generation to generation, and each has led the way for hundreds of years." The sixty Jinshi silently thought in their hearts. They all understood the meaning in an instant and applauded in unison, which meant that they would make the emperor their confidant.
An older Jinshi had tears in his eyes at this time and said secretly, Your Majesty is truly the Holy Son of Heaven. I have studied hard for thirty years before I am here today. I will have a good life to repay Your Majesty for your kindness in knowing me.
If I had been present, I would have known that the oldest Jinshi candidate was the candidate named Fan that day.
The emperor has pointed out the direction for everyone, and the other half depends on your own efforts.
Wen Tianxiang saw that everyone was extremely excited, signaled silence with his hands, and continued: "According to our court etiquette, everyone can be an official or a local official. Regarding this second matter, Your Majesty has repeatedly warned you to remember His Majesty's Gongyuan instructions that day. Okay, I will now announce that the Imperial Examination Qionglin Banquet in the first year of Xianchun has begun."
He Ji picked up the wine glass, walked to the middle of the banquet, and said loudly: "Let's raise a toast to the emperor and the Song Dynasty."
"Cheers, cheers."
After finishing the drink, He Ji said again: "As usual, Zan Wanshou, the top scholar in the undergraduate program, will compose a poem for this banquet to congratulate it."
As the weather gets warmer, Jia Sidao goes to the insect boat to have fun almost every night.
"Sir, there are at least three things wrong with this move." Liao Yingzhong said to the sound of elegant tunes.
"Oh, those three places?"
"Sir, the first thing is that the Lin'an government officials dispatched too quickly. As soon as something happened in front of the Gongyuan gate, the government officials rushed there quickly. Everyone in the capital knew that Wei Quanzhong, the prefect of Lin'an, was a man of the prime minister, so it was inevitable that people would be confused.
Lenovo; secondly, those who took the lead were not candidates. Once investigated, it would be easy to find out that they were deliberately causing trouble. Fortunately, Mr. Wu appeared in time and no one caught him; thirdly, Mr. Weng's words were slightly fierce, and he was not caught.
There is something inconsistent with my usual calmness.”
Jia Sidao nodded and said: "This matter was not considered carefully. I was pressed for time at the time and did not think about it carefully."
"Sir, it's not a bad thing, it can be used to test the emperor."
Liao Yingzhong smiled and said: "Try the emperor's mind. Even if the emperor can guess or find out these clues, there will be no evidence. This can be regarded as a small test for the emperor."
Jia Sidao smiled: "Well, Liao Yingzhong, you can control everything good or bad. Fortunately, you are my wife, otherwise I wouldn't be able to keep you."
Liao Ying was stunned and continued: "Sir, my nephew has done very well this time and has entered the top three. I would like to congratulate you, sir."
Jia Sidao said "Yes" and said proudly: "This boy can still give me credit."
"What are your plans for your nephew?"
Jia Sidao glanced at Fan Wenhu on the side and said: "First let him train according to Zhao Hu's wishes. After a while, let him join the Forbidden Army. There are too few capable people in the Forbidden Army, especially those who are knowledgeable."
Fan Wenhu next to him smiled awkwardly and said, "Yes."
Jia Sidao ignored Fan Wenhu and said, "Junhan, have those people returned safely?"
Wu Junhan said: "Don't worry, sir, we have returned to the villa."
"Very good, tell them not to go out recently."
"Yes, I have already told them."
Jia Sidao asked casually: "Yingzhong, you have had a lot of personal contact with Zhao Yu these days. What do you think?"
Liao Yingzhong said: "My lord, through what I have learned these days, the emperor acts in an orderly manner and thinks quickly, which is consistent with your previous description. The emperor and the prince are completely different. We must be more careful in the future, especially not to leave any excuses for the emperor."
, so as not to be disadvantageous to the prime minister."
"Well, Yingzhong, I think our people in the court are still weak, especially in terms of civil servants in various ministries. You and Yinglong are the only ones who can be reused. I want to transfer Chen Yizhong back to serve in the court. What do you think?"
Liao Yingzhong thought about it and said: "Chen Yizhong is a man who is well-read in poetry and books and has extraordinary intelligence, but..."
"It's just what? If Yingzhong has something to say, it doesn't hurt to say it directly."
"This person is too scheming and can only act when the wind blows. He is just a fool on the wall."
Jia Sidao said with a serious look: "Yingzhong, we have already seen the truth. Since I can support him to the top, I can also make him fall from the horse. No one is perfect. Use him when he can be used, and destroy him when he can't.
Liao Yingzhong and Fan Wenhu both trembled in their hearts and said, "My lord, it's great to see you."
Jia Sidao laughed: "You don't have to worry about it. Chen Yizhong uses it when he can. At best, it is just a piece of clothing. But you are different. You are my humerus, one body."