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Chapter 334 Zhendong Battle against Liaozu

After all, Wang Dangzhi is also the commander-in-chief. With his support, Xue Rengui, Su Dingfang, Yu Chigong, Qin Qiong and others are calling for a vigorous fight. Those conservatives who want to be steady will still be unable to change the overall situation! In terms of momentum, they cannot compare with Xue Rengui.


"General Wu is so heroic, so General Wu will cooperate with General Yi and General Yang as the vanguard!" Wang Dangzhi said calmly.

There were many fierce generals among the enemy army, so their strength as the vanguard must not be weak, and Wang Dangzhi suppressed the three god-level generals in one breath.

Yi Ke is the oldest among them all. He is now in his forties and has rich battlefield experience. He is definitely a good candidate for the vanguard.

Wu Changkong is strong enough, and defeating Gatlin is the best proof of this.

Yang Zaixing was the best general to rush into battle. He was the type to put his life at risk when a battle began. He would dare to attack anyone he saw. It was precisely because of this that Yang Zaixing was still injured.

After Yi Ke, Wu Changkong, and Yang Zaixing issued the order, except for Yi Ke, who had a relatively calm personality, Wu Changkong and Yang Zaixing were all rubbing shoulders and preparing for a big fight.

After arranging the troops in formation, Yi Ke took the vanguard, leading 20,000 troops and horses.

Su Dingfang was the commander of the left wing, and Guo Ziyi was the commander of the right wing. Each led an army of 30,000 people to move left and right.

The reason why Wang Dangzhi entrusted Su Dingfang with important tasks was because, like Xue Rengui, these people were Wang Yu's people. This was not a secret. Wang Dangzhi's move was regarded as an advance show of goodwill to Wang Yu.


Furthermore, Su Dingfang is indeed one of the best candidates, and has become famous and distinguished in recent years.

There are only a few heaven-level commanders in the Zhendong Army. In the environment where big battles and small battles occurred frequently in the past few years, it is normal for Su Dingfang to be able to stand out.

As for Guo Ziyi, this person is relatively hidden, except for themselves. Even Xue Rengui and the others don't know that Guo Ziyi and the others are actually Wang Yu's people.

However, in recent years, Guo Ziyi has become equally famous in the government, and with his ability, he is able to take on the important task of the right wing.

Although the government troops of Yanbei Province are indeed government troops, these government troops are originally reserve troops who have been trained for a long time, and many of them are veterans who have retired. In addition, they have experienced war since they were formed.

Although its combat power is not as good as the Zhendong Army, it is still much stronger than the other armies.

As for Wang Dangzhi, he led the other troops except the black cavalry to sit in the middle army.

As for the black cavalry troops, they have to wait for the opportunity. Xue Rengui's talents have long been recognized among the Zhendong Army. When is the best time to enter the army, Wang Dangzhi does not need to worry about Xue Rengui.

To be honest, controlling so many troops in a battle at one time is a lot of pressure for Wang Dangzhi himself. Letting Xue Rengui take control of the opportunity to enter the battle can also allow Wang Dangzhi to concentrate more energy on the main battlefields.

It can be considered that he has reduced the burden on himself.

Why Han Xin is said to be powerful is because he can handle even the largest legion battles with ease! And for the vast majority of famous generals, once the number of troops they command reaches a certain level, they are likely to start to fail.

When Yelu Abaoji was ready, he and Yelu'an's soldiers and horses came out in unison, crushing towards the Zhendong Army camp. Wang Dangzhi also led the entire army out of the camp, facing each other head-to-head!

Wang Dangzhi originally had the intention of sending a few generals to fight him first, but the Yelu Abaoji didn't follow the rules at all, and without even saying hello, the vanguard led by Leonidas had already driven up.

The presence of two great masters, Wu Changkong and Chu Qingtian, in the Zhendong Army had already made Yelu Abaoji lose confidence in the fighting generals.

The strongest ones on Dongyi's side are Gatling and Lu Fa. Gatlin has been defeated by Wu Changkong, and Lu Fa is injured and cannot display his strength 100%. Even if he takes action, he will definitely win.


Therefore, Yelu Abaoji must of course find ways to avoid their weaknesses!

As for Leonidas, even the former Yelu Abaoji did not believe that he could stop the 30,000 Cang army with only 3,500 men. However, Leonidas had just arrived at that time and was very powerful. Yelu

Abaoji is not good at offending his face.

Therefore, Leonidas was asked to try, but at that time Leonidas had his son Yelu Deguang lead 15,000 soldiers and horses to be ready to help at any time.

In this way, Leonidas' face is not offended, and the smooth progress of the battle can be ensured!

However, Leonidas also gave Yelu Abaoji a big surprise at that time. Leonidas actually did it! So Yelu Abaoji decisively let Yelu Deguang, a soldier and horse, attack Wang Dangzhi.

to the rear, thus establishing the advantage in the battle of Yelu Abaoji in one fell swoop.

Fortunately, Xue Rengui, Su Dingfang and other generals responded in time and actually responded, so in the end it was just a small defeat.

After that battle, Leonidas seemed to have become Yelu Abaoji's new favorite general. Instead, he was entrusted by Yelu Abaoji with the important task of vanguard in this decisive battle. He was able to command Yelu Shulu and Jia, who had just arrived.

The two great generals of Trin.

"Raise the command flag, and the front army will press forward!" Yelu Abaoji had no idea of ​​a fighting general. Instead, the army pressed forward. Wang Dangzhi also threw all thoughts about fighting generals out of his mind, and calmly led the troops underground.


"Ding, Wang Dangzhi's Zhendong skill is activated.

In the east of Zhendong, Wang's unique skills of the Da Cang Dynasty can only be awakened by the descendants of Wang's blood. Different people have different effects.

Note: Only when a basic commander reaches the first-class level can he have a certain chance of awakening. The probability of a basic commander becoming a super-first-class commander is not higher than 30%, the probability of a basic commander being awakened at a heavenly level is not less than 50%, and the probability of a basic commander being awakened by a god-level is 90%.

Effect 1: When fighting against aliens, commander level 3, intelligence level 3.

Effect 2: Zhendong Iron Cavalry, when leading the cavalry in battle, the amplification effect of its own horses is doubled, and the speed of the cavalry under its command is increased to a certain extent.

Effect 3: If the enemy is a foreign race, and if the enemy has the effect of an army-wide amplification skill, half of the effect of the army-wide amplification skill will be copied.

Note: This skill effect can be activated at most once per battle, and cannot be used on god-level commanders.

Effect 4: When facing an enemy of a foreign race and you are located in the east, your three random attributes will be temporarily increased by one point.

Effect 5: When facing an enemy of a foreign race, if you are the commander, the command value of three random generals of the opponent will be reduced by 1 to 2 points."

"Ding, Wang Dang's Zhendong skill..."

This chapter has been completed!
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