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Chapter 341 The most powerful general of the Pishi Army

After withstanding two rounds of arrow rain, the Pishi army approached the deceased soldier. The knight held the scimitar in his hand flat. This was a common move they used when dealing with infantry. With the speed of the war horse and the power of the scimitar, it was enough to

Kill the enemy with one blow.

Relying on the power of the charging horses, the force generated when this army collided was terrifying.

The Euphorbia and Trap camps obviously went beyond the norm in terms of defense.

The huge shield trapped in the camp caused a lot of trouble to the Pishi Army. One of the Pishi Army knights was unable to stabilize his body after the collision. He flew out of his horse and fell to pieces.


However, the collision force of the cavalry was also vividly reflected at this moment. Even if they were trapped in the camp, there were still weak and strong ones. A soldier from the trapped camp holding a shield was knocked out of the formation, and then greeted

It was the killing of the knights of the Pishi Army.

The war between the two sides fell into a stalemate for a while. However, the Pishi Army, which had the advantage of war horses, was a great deterrent to the three elite infantry groups on such a battlefield. The defense of the trapped camp was in place, but in the face of the collision of the war horses,

Their fate can be imagined, but as long as the cavalry on the war horses work hard to stabilize their bodies, they will not have to worry about their lives.

"Behead the horse's legs!" Zhang He, the leader of the Euphorbia warriors, shouted loudly!

Although the Trap camp and the Euphorbia warriors are both heavy armored infantry, the positioning of these two units is different. Compared to the Trap camp, the Euphorbia warriors are extremely mediocre.

The weapons equipped by the Fallen Soldiers and the First Arrival Dead Soldiers are more complex, and naturally there are more tactics that can be operated. In comparison, the weapons equipped by the Euphorbia Soldiers are relatively simple.

If it is a simple Euphorbia, if it faces a cavalry unit, and it is a cavalry unit with the ability to mount and shoot, there is actually no difference between it and simply dying.

Euphorbia soldiers are heavy infantry, each soldier is equipped with a halberd and heavy armor, and each Euphorbia soldier is one of the best in a hundred. They are an elite army that Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan can compete with. Unfortunately, in the battle with Gongsun Zan,

He met Baima Yicong, who was good at riding and shooting, but was restrained by Baima Yicong.

When Yuan Shao was fighting with Gongsun Zan, Yuan Shao heard that Baima Yicong had such a conversation - Shao laughed and said: "There is a 'White Horse Yicong' there, and a certain one has a 'Euphorian Soldier', what are you afraid of?" Huhe

"Junyi, I will break it for you!" Hezi looked around without saying a word. Later, in the Battle of the Boundary Bridge, he first defeated the White Horse Yi Cong, but the Thousands of remaining White Horse Yi Cong riders still defeated the Euphorbia Soldiers.

If it were a pure Euphorbia warrior, there would be almost no chance of winning against the Pishi Army. But in ancient battles, what matters is the cooperation between various arms. Who can rely solely on the Sword and Shield Army and the Spear Army?

Or can archers rule the roost? Which of the famous ancient generals relied on a single unit of arms to fight? Which of the famous ancient generals did not rely on the cooperation of multiple units of arms when fighting?

And among the elite troops, such a cooperation can also occur!

The trapping camp, which has the strongest comprehensive defense and the strongest defense, is responsible for resisting the first wave of the Pishi army's charge. Naturally, the innermost first-to-die soldiers are just pouring out their own firepower, while those in the trapping camp and the first-to-die soldiers are

The one in between is the Euphorbia!

Although the weapon configuration of the Euphorbia is extremely simple, it does have an effect on cavalry, but it is aimed at cavalry in close combat.

The biggest feature of the halberd, which is different from spears and guns, is that the halberd has twigs on the side, and it is longer and can hook the horse's legs flatly, which can greatly hinder the speed of the cavalry. Once the cavalry has no speed impact, its threat will disappear.

Big discount.

The trapped camp withstood the first wave of the Pishi Army's charge, and then it was time for the Euphorbias to play their role.

Relatively speaking, even though the Euphorbia Soldiers were not as good as those who fell into the camp and died first, they were still elite. Facing the charge of the Pishi Army, they still showed no timidity even though they tried their best to support them.

Following Zhang He's order, dozens of Pishi troops fell off their horses by surprise. The Pishi army's horses were not protected by armor. Not to mention the Pishi army, even the heavy armored cavalry were not protected.

It's impossible to protect even the horse's legs.

However, when a war horse charges, it is very difficult to hit the horse's leg. The vanguard dead soldiers in front paid the price of their lives to slow down the Pishi Army, giving other soldiers a chance.

The three elite infantry groups cooperated with each other, making the Pishi Army, an elite cavalry army, miserable. Even before the fight started, the Pishi Army had already lost a lot of people.

The battle between infantry and cavalry gives people a tragic feeling.

Ren Jintong snorted coldly, sighted the center of the enemy formation, and led the cavalry to charge away. Both sides were fighting against elite troops, but the perfect cooperation between the enemy's three elite troops allowed them to compete with the cavalry against the infantry.

, but they are the ones who suffer more losses.

However, the Pishi Army still has a numerical advantage after all. No matter how good the enemy's cooperation is, a temporary advantage cannot become a lifelong advantage. If the fight continues for a long time, the Pishi Army will definitely take advantage in the end.

Ren Jintong, he is the most powerful general in the Pishi Army. Although it is indeed not worth mentioning compared to the most powerful generals in the Black Cavalry and Champion Battalion, this army has only been established for a few years after all.

It certainly cannot be compared with those troops that have been passed down for a long time.

Moreover, the special background of this army determines that the generals of this army must not only be capable, but also loyal.

Furthermore, Ren Jintong has already reached the heaven level at a young age, and may not stop there in the future.

The generals on both sides will not choose to retreat at this time. This is a battle involving honor. The Pishi Army represents Yelu Abaoji. Although the Three Wolf Guards are the most famous cavalry among Dongyi,

But the Three Wolf Guards cannot represent Yelu Abaoji. What can represent Yelu Abaoji is the Pishi Army.

The Pishi Army was not called this name at first, but was later changed to the Pishi Army. As a unit from Yelu Abaoji's personal guard, the predecessor of this unit should be called the Fuxinbu.

You can tell from this name that this army is the real confidant of Yelu Abaoji.

The three elites such as the trapped camp represent the pride of the Zhendong Army infantry. After all, the Zhendong Army’s own sons have always been cavalry. If these three infantrymen had not caught up with the formation of the Fubing today, as well as other Mingli

There is a series of opportunities in the dark, but there is really no chance of getting ahead.

Moreover, if troops like the Pishi Army were allowed to rush past them and rush into the battlefield of the former army, it would be impossible for the ordinary infantry in Zhendong to withstand the charge of the Pishi Army. The defeat of the former army would be a foregone conclusion and even affect the

to the entire battlefield.

Even considering the overall situation, the commanders of the three infantry battalions had no chance of retreating.

This chapter has been completed!
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