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Chapter 454 Two Kings Combined into One and Three

Hearing Kuai Liang mention his wife Huangfu Yuwei in his words, he was really in a dilemma!

Wang Yu's rebellious intentions are already obvious. If he deceives Huangfu Yuwei again and says that Wang Yu is doing it for Da Cang, wouldn't he be deceiving him as a fool?

A woman born into a royal family, but it is not impossible for a fool to appear!

However, is it possible that a woman born into the royal family, especially a woman who was once able to thrive in the royal family, is a fool?

The death of Huangfu Mingze made Huangfu Yuwei despair of Wang Chang and his son. No matter who was responsible for Huangfu Mingze, it would always be one of Wang Chang and Wang Yu!

However, Huangfu Yuwei is the wife of General Zhendong, but she is also a princess of the royal family!

From the very beginning, she was placed in the most embarrassing place!

However, neither Wang Chang nor Wang Yu can be persuaded by Huangfu Yuwei!

The final result is that Huangfu Yuwei is completely heartbroken and has now trapped herself in the backyard, always accompanied by the ancient Buddha with a green lantern, which even Wang Chang cannot see.

"Moluo! Take this sword and go to the military camp to select three thousand soldiers. Go to the Wei Mansion and Shangguan Mansion and control everyone in the two mansions. No one is allowed to enter or leave the two mansions." Wang Chang ordered the personal guards at the door.

General Kumara called closer, and as he spoke he pointed to the sword behind him.

Hou Yi and Wang Shengzhi were still guarding Beidi in Tianlang Pass at this time, and only Kumarajiva followed Wang Chang.

How should I put it? Although the Shangguan family has indeed married Wang Yu, it can only be said that the two father and son are indeed of the same blood. They never put their hopes on others, but put their decision-making power in

In one's own hands.

Anyway, it’s a matter of course. While keeping an eye on the Wei Mansion, we should also keep an eye on the Shangguan Mansion!

After all, these two families are the two largest aristocratic families in Yanbei Road, and they also have some energy under their control. Although the probability is not high, but in case they do something stupid at this time.

In many cases, especially when it comes to things like power, never underestimate how crazy your enemy is, and never overestimate how smart your enemy is.

How many smart people will go crazy for rights. In a sense, if you are qualified to go crazy for rights, it means you are on a higher level. Those mediocre people don't even have the opportunity to go crazy for rights.

Furthermore, no one can be 100% sure about forced uterus. At most, one side has a better chance of winning and the other side has a smaller chance of winning.

Some people may not dare to try again at this time, even if they are trying to block the car with their arms, they still dare to try again.

If it really develops to that extent, Yan Bei might really have no choice but to engage in internal strife on his own.

When Wang Yu made a move to prepare to raise his troops to force the palace, both sides were actually tense at this time. Maybe some things were just a small thing at first, but at this time it is likely to become a trigger.

Let both sides fight into a puddle.

"The last general takes orders!" Among the Zhendong Army, Chu Qingtian is the most powerful general, and Kumara is the second most powerful general.

Although Kumara is not much stronger than Wang Shengzhi, Yi Ke and others, he is still strong even if he is not much stronger.

As for Hou Yi, he is not included. After all, this one is a long-range shooter and is difficult to estimate.

If it were really a close combat, Hou Yi might not be able to defeat some of the peak heaven-level warriors, let alone compare with those divine generals, even if he unleashed the blood evil to the extreme.

Specializing in martial arts, Hou Yi learned some marksmanship just to allow him to better survive in certain situations, rather than to let him change his profession and become a melee fighter. His strongest point is always at long range.


On the other side, Huangfu Yuwei and his two remaining wives were in the Zhendong General's Mansion. With Wang Chang personally watching over them, he was not worried about any problems.

The reason why I wanted to watch Huangfu Yuwei was simply because I was afraid that someone would make a fuss about Huangfu Yuwei at this critical moment.

After everyone around him drank away, Wang Chang sighed. Wang Chang walked to the jade steps and stopped. He had to sit down and rest for a while. After a while, he actually felt a little tired.

, not physically tired, but mentally tired. Maybe he is really old!

Wang Chang didn't know whether his choice was right or wrong, and which path it would take the entire Zhendong Wang family to. However, many times, there was nothing he could do about it after all!

He thought of his three sons, maybe four sons.

That year, his eldest son died!

Later, Huangfu Yuwei became Mrs. Zhendong and Wang Yu was born. Because his eldest son was involved in many things of that year, and even a large part of Wang Chang's subsequent ruthlessness was rooted in this, this one became

It broke the taboo in the mansion and became Wang Chang's taboo. No one dared to mention it anymore, and even until now, few people know about it.

In this way, Wang Yu naturally became the eldest son of the family, not the second son.

Putting aside his ability, just talking about his character, Wang Yu is at least ruthless enough! In fact, these things he did did not take his mother's position into consideration at all!

Since ancient times, ruthlessness has been an indispensable means to achieve great things, at least that is the case in most cases. If you really want to be ruthless to the point where you will not recognize your relatives and will give up everything, you may not be able to achieve much success in this life.

, but at least it won’t be inactive.

Speaking of the second son, Wang Xin, he has gradually grown older over the years, and he has grown up. This child is a bit precocious. In this regard, he is just like Wang Yu back then, who is conscientious and conscientious.

Wang Xin was very cautious and never made any mistakes. Wang Chang couldn't really say how filial he was to himself, but Wang Xin definitely had nothing to do with being unfilial.

As for the third son Wang Wu, he is still a child at this time and cannot see so much!

Let's exclude the third child, who has nothing to show for the time being. At least from the perspective of the eldest and second child, Wang Chang is still more inclined to the ruthless Wang Yu after all.

To be honest, as a parent, Wang Chang would always dislike a son like Wang Yu who did things like this without caring about their parents' son. It could even be said that he was an unfilial son.

Although it is true that Wang Yu is the one who most resembles Wang Chang, especially after Wang Yu went to the imperial capital, sometimes it is because he is too similar that he is not liked by people.

However, after all, he is more than just a parent.

Wang Chang is not dissatisfied with his second son. If he were in a peaceful and prosperous age, Wang Xin would be pretty good. In a prosperous age, it would not be a big problem to defend the city but not be enterprising enough. But if he were born in troubled times, then this would be the original sin. He would be the defender.

I can't live with Wang's share of the family fortune.

This chapter has been completed!
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