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Chapter 482 Two Swords, Two Guns and Four Generals

Among the sixteen elites, Zhang Guiba was ranked quite low, a full 14th, but he still had heaven-level strength.

From this, the prosperity of martial arts during this period can be seen.

Moreover, there were not only strong men like the Sixteen Heroes during this period. In fact, counting from the older generation, except for one Li Cunxiao among the Sixteen Heroes, none of them could even be ranked among the top five of that period, or even

Even Wang Yanzhang, who is second among the 16 elites, may only be able to barely make it into the top ten, or even be in the top ten for sure.

And Zhang Guiba, among the many fierce generals of that period, was called the Silver Spear General.

"Ding, once Zhang Guiba's Silver Spear skill effect is activated, after this skill effect is activated, his own strength is 6, his basic strength is 101, his Eight Treasure Coiled Dragon Bright Silver Spear is 1, and his current strength rises to 108."

When Zhang Guiba was born, he had a complete army. Not only did he bring out his eight-treasure Coiled Dragon Bright Silver Spear, but he also brought out his Lightning White Dragon Colt.

However, just like Guan Yu himself dismounted the red rabbit horse, in this terrain environment, it is definitely impossible for them to fight on horseback.

Zhang Guiba, who was hiding behind several soldiers, launched a sudden attack. Guan Yu, who had just used his sword, was weak at this time. Guan Yu did not completely dodge Zhang Guiba's sudden attack.

There was a scratch scratched out.

"Brother! Well done!" Zhang Guimou saw a hint of joy on his face when he saw Guan Yu was stabbed by Zhang Guiba.

"You and I, brothers, work together to kill this red-faced thief!"

Zhang Guiba was still extremely calm at this time. Although Guan Yu was indeed stabbed by him just now, it was just a scratch caused by his failure to dodge in time, which was almost negligible.

"General Zhang! You and I can join forces and kill this red-eyed thief easily!" Another general also spoke.

This general is not an easy one. Although he, like King Deng Tian, ​​is a minor player in the residual Tang Dynasty, he is not a simple one.

But, being a walk-on doesn’t mean you’re weak!

In the end of the Tang Dynasty, Ge Congzhou, Meng Juehai, Zhu Wen, Deng Tianwang, and Zhang Guiba were known as the five tiger generals of the Qi Kingdom. Among these five tiger generals, the white jade general Ge Congzhou was

There are two more generals with swords and double spears at the bottom, namely Geng Biao, Zhang Long, Li Hu, and Cui Shou, known as the Four Biao Generals.

Among them, Geng Biao did not have many achievements in the residual Tang Dynasty, but he performed well. He had a terrifying record of beating Li Siyuan to the point where he vomited blood. Although Li Siyuan ranked last among the sixteen heroes, even though he was ranked last

Facing Zhang Guiba, who was ranked fourteenth, Li Siyuan was able to fight with him for forty or fifty rounds before he failed.

Of course, no matter how powerful a hero is, he can only take one move in Li Cunxiao's hands. Although there are some who fight Li Cunxiao for several rounds or even more than ten rounds, Yang Gun did it because Li Cunxiao was merciful, and Gao Siji did it because Li Cunxiao was ill at the time.

They are essentially ineffective examples.

Geng Biao was always brave when fighting, and he couldn't wait to take the initiative to attack Guan Yu. A purple gold sword was in his hand, and he was playing like a tiger, and it was not weaker than the Qinglong Yanyue sword.

Facing this kind of lineup, if nothing unexpected happens, Guan Yu will be really in danger today. After all, Guan Yu has not yet recovered from the drag.

But if nothing else, there will be an accident after all!

"Brother, Li Yuanba... Li Yuanba is also in the city, Zhang Lihu and Tian Yunlong have died in the battle!" At this moment, Zhang Guihou, who was covered in blood, came in panic.

Guan Yu did not participate in the Battle of Henan Road, so the Zhang family brothers did not know Guan Yu!

However, although Zhang Guiba was seriously injured and returned to the rear to recuperate, so he never met Li Yuanba, Zhang Guihou actually met Li Yuanba.

Zhang Guihou, Zhang Lihu, and Tian Yunlong are all city guards responsible for guarding the city wall.

After Li Yuanba stormed the city wall, these three people did not dare to fight Li Yuanba at all. Instead, they hid among the crowd and were responsible for commanding the soldiers to resist. But for those ordinary soldiers, facing Li Yuanba under such circumstances was no different from facing death.


But, where could they hide in the environment on the city wall? As long as Li Yuanba kept killing step by step, he would always be able to encounter the three of them!

And Li Yuanba killed fiercely, his own generals were too afraid to fight, and these soldiers were beaten too hard to dare to attack. Naturally, the three of them were forced to be exposed from the crowd.

The three of them mustered up their strength and led their soldiers to kill them again. In fact, they wanted to get into a melee with Yan Nan's army and blend in with Yan Nan's army to escape.

However, the three of them obviously didn't know enough about Li Yuanba! Li Yuanba, who started the war, didn't have much idea of ​​his own people! Even if Yan Nanbing blocked his way, Li Yuanba would just hit him with a hammer.

Therefore, although these three people took advantage of the melee to huddle among Yan Nan's army, they could not escape Li Yuanba's pursuit.

Fortunately, when escaping, you do not necessarily need to run faster than your enemy, at least you must run faster than your teammates.

Obviously, among the three people, Zhang Guihou was the fastest one, and the remaining two had become a pile of minced meat by this time.

"Retreat first! Preserve your strength first!" Zhang Guiba glanced at Guan Yu regretfully, he was taking advantage of this guy today!

There is no need to risk the lives of several of their brothers here just to kill an enemy!

"General Geng, don't worry about the red-faced thief for now, let's retreat first!" Zhang Guimou helped Geng Biao force Guan Yu back with one shot, and pulled Geng Biao away to the backyard of the mansion where the war horses were stored.

"Those who sell their heads by inserting bids will never leave!" Guan Yu was extremely angry and rushed forward to kill him. However, he was blocked by a group of enemy troops who were blocking his way. After he killed this group of enemy troops, Zhang Guiba

Several generals had already mounted their war horses and rushed towards Fugui.

"Go and bring me General Chitu!" At the first moment, what Guan Yu wanted to do was mount his horse and pursue him!

"Order Tian Kai to burn down all the important supplies in the city. I would rather destroy them than leave them to the enemy!"

"The beacon fire should be lit!" Zhang Guiba asked worriedly.

"Brother, don't worry! When we discover the enemy, we will light it immediately!" Zhang Guihou quickly replied!

Qingbei is a less dangerous area, and there are no important places such as Yanbei Tianlang Pass and Yuehu City to guard key points. If you want to send troops to Qingbei, you can find several main roads alone.

Qingbei can only use important cities here and there, supplemented by a varying number of small cities around them, to form a multi-city system to guard the main roads.

Once an enemy is discovered in one of the cities, the defenders of that city will light the beacon fire as soon as possible. Certain outposts will be set up at a certain distance between each level. Beacon towers are also set up in these outposts to pass the news from level to level.

Under this, the news of enemy attacks in surrounding cities can be conveyed immediately.

This chapter has been completed!
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