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Chapter 502 Three thousand disciples all bear armor

"Whether it's a blessing or a curse, it's hard to predict!"

After Zhu Yuyan fully described the information about Daqian and Zhennan Mansion from the intelligence department, Wang Yu couldn't help but sigh helplessly in his heart.

When Prince Jing wants to seize the throne, he has to fight for legitimacy. If he doesn't even want legitimacy, he will only have a dishonest reputation and a dishonest speech after he gets the throne.

Regardless of whether he can win this legitimacy, at least he must adopt an attitude and regard himself as orthodox. Then, Zhennan's affairs cannot be ignored.

Just like Zhendong Mansion established a small court in Dongyi, and Yelu Qingde regarded himself as the son emperor, expressed his surrender, and realized an alternative way of expanding the territory. Even if the father emperor respected Huangfu Mingze, Not King Jing, but King Jing also had to issue an edict to commend him.

Even if this commendation has no substance and is just a verbal form, this gesture must be made.

Zhennan Mansion has been invaded by Da Gan. In other words, Da Cang has been invaded by Da Gan, and Da Cang's land has been occupied by Da Gan. If Prince Jing does not respond, Why does he call himself orthodox?

Zhennan Mansion, this force only nominally followed the remaining forces of the imperial court and turned to King Jing, but the important thing was that it was related to their own interests, and they would not pay attention to the other party at all.

And there is such a thing. If Prince Jing does not know how to take this opportunity to strengthen the connection with Zhennan Mansion and transform the previous nominal connection into an established fact, then he is not worthy of being Prince Jing!

Prince Jing's power has become stronger accordingly, which cannot be a good thing for Wang Yu.

Of course, with different perspectives, the results of looking at the problem will be different.

In a sense, it may not be a bad thing.

Prince Jing has become stronger, so Xuanyuan Huang and Zhenxi Mansion should be the biggest headaches.

In addition, the great righteousness involved behind this will definitely become the target of the various forces. It is just a matter of seeing who is more proficient in this skill.

Therefore, Wang Yu would say that this incident is really unpredictable.

However, blessings never come in pairs, and misfortunes never come alone.

Not long after this incident happened, within a few days, another incident that shocked the world happened, completely disrupting Wang Yu's original plan.

Of course, it was never just Wang Yu's plans that were disrupted. Most of the forces in the world had their plans disrupted.

It is definitely impossible for a dynasty to win the Holy War of Xirong with its great military strength alone!

If the four forces in Beidi can unite, their strength will be comparable to that of the two dynasties.

The dynasty established during the peak period of Beidi was defeated and destroyed only after the joint expedition of the seven dynasties.

The strength of Xirong is not inferior to that of Beidi, so one can imagine the strength of Xirong.

However, having this strength does not mean that you can use it 100%.

Just like the seven dynasties of the Central Plains, their combined strength can defeat the Siyi, but even if they unite, can this alliance bring out their full strength 100%?

If this could really be achieved, the seven dynasties would not have to join forces and go through a bitter battle to destroy the Beidi dynasty.

Although Xirong jointly launched this holy war this time under the pressure of the Holy See, this alliance between different forces, even if there is a Holy See above, will definitely not be able to completely defeat them.

All the strengths should be brought into play.

But Xirong's base is placed there. Even if it is a discount, it is not something that Dawu can resist by himself.

After all, Dawu has been exhausted over the years.

Not only were the three northwest roads occupied by Beidi, but even the Xiliang Road was in the hands of the Qin Dynasty. The wars had continued for so many years, which was when the vitality was greatly damaged.

Not only did the academy come forward to let the forces of Dawu Dynasty, Daqin Dynasty and Dou Jiande unite to fight against Xirong, but Gu Qingzhu personally came forward to announce the book to the world, inviting princes, nobles, traders and pawns, and hundreds of schools of thought.

The family and the Jianghu forces were also indirectly involved, and they all signed and stamped their signatures on this letter to the world.

Dozens or hundreds of copies were circulated and spread as quickly as possible to all major dynasties and dynasties of different sizes, requesting help from all major dynasties.

In any case, the seven dynasties of the Central Plains all have common ancestors. It was generations of ancestors who sacrificed their blood and flesh among various ethnic groups to carve out this place for future generations to live. It was not until Emperor Shenwu was shocked that he was so beautiful.

, was born out of nowhere, and after countless bloody battles, the current structure of the Central Plains and Sebari was formed.

Dawu and Dawu each lost three territories in the hands of Seyi, and they themselves were laughed at by the other five dynasties. If the entire Dawu fell into the hands of Xirong, even other dynasties would be affected.

At that time, it was not just a joke, but a shame for the entire seven dynasties of the Central Plains.

The Holy War of Xirong, for the seven dynasties of the Central Plains, the holy word is more dazzling.

Gu Qingzhu's letter to the world was based on this point, asking for help from all the major dynasties out of national justice. No, not just the major dynasties, but all forces.

Just like at this time, Gu Qingzhu was able to say that rebel forces like Dou Jiande put aside their previous prejudices and joined forces to fight against the enemy. Gu Qingzhu also used national justice to seek help from all forces, whether they were anti-king forces or imperial forces, and the brothers were in love with each other.

A wall to keep out its insults.

The three thousand academy disciples were all in uniform, and together with this letter to the world, all the forces were forced into a dilemma.

If any force ignores the great interests of the nation at this time, it may lose the hearts of scholars in the world. To lose the hearts of scholars in the world, in a sense, is to lose the hearts of people in the world.

Three thousand academy disciples are all in uniform. It is not difficult to imagine how much shock this news will cause in the hearts of scholars all over the world when it spreads to all the major dynasties along with this letter to the world.

Among scholars, there are many treacherous people, many cruel people, and many people who bring disaster to the country and the people. But similarly, among scholars, there has never been a shortage of warm-blooded and good men in any era.

Not to mention anything else, the situation here can already be seen from Wang Yu's place. Not to mention those people from the middle and lower levels, such as Yun Luo, Gao Jiong, and Xun You, have all been to Wang Yu's place more than once.

Gao Qiu, who was far away in Yannan Road, did not come in person, but his letters came one after another. This person and that person had a teacher-student relationship.

Let alone them, figures like Guan Zhong could hardly hold back. Whether it was private or public, Guan Zhong could only have one stance on this issue.

This chapter has been completed!
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