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Chapter 644 Mr. Meng Da

It is precisely because he sees the road ahead, instead of being confused as before, when the road ahead was completely obscured by fog, that Dong Lai is so excited during this period.

The speaker may not have meant what Ling Donglai said, but the listener definitely did!

Yes! Everyone is a thousand-year-old fox, who knows if someone will start earlier than them!

Therefore, everyone couldn't help but clap their riding whips again, and the speed increased by three points again.

Even great masters like Ling Donglai and Kunpeng still ride horses and do not know how to use Qinggong to travel. How about always using Qinggong to travel, not to mention the consumption of internal energy. After all, as heaven-level warriors, they are in the state of unity between heaven and man.

They have consumed capital, but the unity of nature and man will not help them regain their physical strength.

It is precisely because of this that although a Celestial-level warrior can run away when faced with a large army, it does not mean that he can absolutely run away, especially when being chased by cavalry. Of course, if that is the case, Celestial Being will not be able to escape.

A top level warrior would not cover his head and run around, but would instead go deep into the mountains and forests or into the county town.

It is said that Chang'an City is indeed the imperial capital of the Dawu Dynasty. Even if you don't enter the city but are 30 miles outside the city, you can still feel the prosperity here.

Wang Yu didn't know what kind of prosperity Chang'an in the prosperous Tang Dynasty was like in the world history where Wang Yu lived in his previous life, but at least in this otherworldly city of Chang'an, he could clearly feel the prosperity of this thousand-year-old ancient capital, and the impact on his face.

The sense of history that comes with it.

Of course, although they arrived at the imperial capital of the Dawu Dynasty, Wang Yu and the others did not enter. The academy was not within Chang'an, but in a mountain range outside Chang'an.

There are many mountains to the north of Chang'an, and the academy is built against the mountains. It is located in Tushan on the outskirts of the capital. Because of its continuous mountains, it is also called Lianshan.

It is worth mentioning that the Academy was originally a villa of Wang Ruoxu, the first hero of the founding of the Dawu Dynasty. The Taizu of the Dawu Dynasty was able to recreate Dawu because Wang Ruoxu provided him with all-out logistics, which gave him the capital to conquer the world. He

It is equivalent to Xiao He among the three heroes of the early Han Dynasty and Li Shanchang under Zhu Yuanzhang.

The Dawu Wang family, before their decline, was just like Wang Yu and his family in Da Cang, they were also the top powerful family in Dawu.

On this side, after becoming an official in his later years, he started teaching in this large courtyard gifted by Taizu Dawu. It can be regarded that the old man was given his last thought by Dawu, and he used these old bones to train a few more for Dawu.


Moreover, this was because several famous Confucian scholars from the Dawu Dynasty were invited to teach together. From then on, the prototype of the academy was born. The first Confucian school in the Dawu Dynasty, and indeed the first Confucian school in the whole, was actually

It started out as a villa owned by Wang Ruoxu.

Later on the second day, Wang Yu and his party, consisting of six people and six horses, arrived at the foot of Tushan Mountain.

Although Tushan Mountain is not as dangerous as the Tianshan Mountains or as majestic as the Tianyou Mountains, it still has many peaks and peaks. The peaks protrude from the high places and are shrouded in clouds and mist. At a glance, you will know that it is a hermit's retreat.

Now that they have arrived at their destination, Wang Yu is not in a hurry. When he reaches the foot of the mountain, one or two academy disciples will occasionally appear.

It will be good.

He was no longer in a hurry, but was leisurely packing up his travel-stained luggage. The dust along the way could not be covered up, so there was no need to pretend to have come from a long way. Instead, he had to organize his clothes to show that he was serious about the visit.

respect of the person.

Although the academy has been established for hundreds of years, it does not look magnificent.

There are no tall walls or majestic buildings, but no one dares to underestimate this simple courtyard that has been in disrepair.

I saw two angry wind lanterns hanging on the main door. They illuminated the wooden plaque with black paint and red letters on the lintel. There were two big characters written on the plaque: Academy, and the signature was: Gu Qingzhu.

The font is vigorous and powerful, which makes people wonder whether the so-called "penetrating three points" came from here.

At this moment, an old man was already waiting in front of the gate.

Wang Yu and Gu Qingzhu have both met Gu Qingzhu and Negative Yue. If you just look at their appearance, these two are the standard images of teachers in any small village. When meeting these two people for the first time, before their identities are revealed, they will definitely not

Will be reminded of themselves.

But this Meng Xueli has a completely standard image of a great Confucian. His upper body clothes are mainly green and tan, his lower body is light yellow, and he wears a green jade pendant around his waist.

Meng Xueli was once the governor of Zhongguandao in the Dawu Dynasty. He came from a small family. He ranked first in the township examination at the age of fifteen and became the champion at the age of 18. He was the county magistrate for seven years and the county guard for five years. In the next twenty-two years, he was among the three roads.

He served as governor successively, and Zhongguandao was the last of the three governors he served as. Of his 22 years of experience as a governor, 19 of them were in Zhongguandao. During this period, the Dawu court wanted to let him go on many occasions.

He came to Beijing to take on six important positions, but he was rejected one by one.

It took 19 years to build the Zhongguan Canal. In terms of Zhongguan Road and the three southern roads, this man is like a saint in this world.

Dawu Dynasty's 22nd Road, Zhongyuan Seventh Road and Southern Three Roads are naturally the most fortified, but Zhongguandao and Southern Three Roads are often affected by floods. Hundreds of years ago in the Dawu Dynasty, there were several large-scale floods.

, the number of people affected by each disaster reaches millions, and in the worst disaster, the number of people affected is even close to 10 million.

However, although the construction of the Zhongguan Canal has not completely eliminated floods, at least it will definitely prevent floods on such a large scale from happening. In the next hundred years, even if there are any more floods, they will be within the controllable range.


At the same time, a Zhongguan Canal also benefited the three southeastern roads, giving the Dawu Dynasty thousands of miles of fertile land and an important grain-producing land.

But after Meng Xueli came to Zhongguanqu, at the time when his reputation was at its peak, he gave up the opportunity to become the prime minister of the court and retired to seclusion. At this point, there was one more academy scholar in the academy, and one more person who was extremely strict in teaching.

Mr. Meng Da.

To put it bluntly, if anyone wants to rebel, as long as he can get the help of Mr. Meng Da, in the southern land of the Dawu Dynasty, there will definitely be a large number of followers, and the mass base can be reached.

"Mr. Meng Da greets me, and this junior is extremely frightened!" Wang Yu dismounted his horse and trotted over, bowing to this man and saluting. This is the respect a junior born to an elder has, and it is also a respect for a sage with thousands of living people.


Although Mr. Meng Da has no cultivation and is just an ordinary person, unlike Mr. Meng Er, who is a celestial-level warrior, his deeds are so weighty that he deserves a tribute from anyone.

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