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Chapter 713: The God-conferring General

"Ding, second person, Arash, force 105."

A great hero in ancient Persian legend.

As a warrior of King Manuchhel, who is known as the last king of the Gods of Western Asia.

It ended the sixty-year war between Persia and Turku.

A heroic savior who brings peace and tranquility to the people of both countries.

Equivalent to China's Hou Yi.

Just as when you think of archers and archers in China, you will inevitably think of Hou Yi shooting the sun. When you mention "Archer" in Iran, you will inevitably think of Arash, who brought peace.

During the sixty-year war between ancient Persia and ancient Turan, although the general of ancient Turan, Avraseb, gradually completed the encirclement of the ancient Persian king Menucheher and his army, but

Based on the actual situation on both sides, the leaders of the two countries finally decided to end the war through peaceful negotiations.

However, this negotiation resulted in huge disputes over the division of post-war territory.

If the differences cannot be resolved, then war is very likely to break out again, which is not a good thing for both sides, which consumes huge national power. For this reason, the envoys of both sides finally proposed such a plan.

When a warrior recognized by both sides climbs Mount Dema and releases an arrow to the east, the place where the arrow lands will become the new border between the two countries.

The rulers of ancient Persia and ancient Turan both recognized this proposal, and then the two countries began to discuss the candidate for the warrior.

Arash was King Menucheher's most capable assistant at that time. He was also the top archer in ancient Persia at that time and the leader of King Menucheher's most elite archers. His superb bow skills

He also shined brightly on the battlefield, and his name was well known to both sides.

It can be said that Arash is absolutely qualified to become this warrior recognized by both parties.

When the appointed day arrived, Arash climbed to Dema Peak with a specially made bow and arrow.

Turan's army and Persian army surrounded their respective leaders and watched not far away, wanting to witness the final result with their own eyes.

In full view of everyone, the strong Arash rounded the bow to an unprecedented degree and shot the arrow. Immediately afterwards, terrible cracks burst out on his strong body, and at that moment he transformed into

Got to be torn apart.

Arash died, but the arrow that carried his life turned into a meteor that was difficult for everyone to look directly at. After a flight of 2,500 kilometers, the arrow finally arrived at the Amu Darya River.

River bank.

At this point, the sixty-year war came to an end with this god-like arrow. Whether it was Turan or Persia, they all accepted the result of this arrow and believed that it was the will of the gods.

No more objections.

"Ding, the third person, Pyrrhus, force 106."

Pyrrhus was the second and last King of Epirus to command an army in Italy after Alexander I. He was also the most important and powerful ruler in the history of the Epirus region.

When we focus on his bad luck in life and his much-criticized strategic focus, we often ignore his kingly attributes. Dawson uses "man, soldier, tyrant" to describe Caesar, then we can also use "fighter,

King, statesman" to call Pyrrhus.

According to Plutarch, Pyrrhus participated in countless Homeric duels in his life and showed "very human" strength and bravery in the battle. For example, he once fought with Pampa, the brave general under Demetrius I.

Tars dueled and won. When he was in Italy, he used a sword to cut the enemy of Mertines who provoked him in half. When his son Ptolemy died at the hands of the Spartan cavalry, Pyrrhus was furious and personally

Using a lance to pick off the Spartan cavalry commander Ivacus shows that Pyrrhus was extremely skilled in martial arts.

Pyrrhus defeated the Romans twice on the battlefield, almost drove the Carthaginian forces out of Sicily, and also won two victories against Antigonus's descendants Demetrius I and Antigonus II.


"Ding, the fourth person, Zhang Guifang, force 105."

"Ding, the fifth person, Chi Fushou, force 105."

"System, remove Boyantu and Chi Fushou, and summon the remaining three, Arash, Pyrrhus, and Zhang Guifang!"

It's not that Boyantu and Chifushou are not strong. There are also various versions of Yinglie and various storytelling. The southern and northern schools are different, but whether it is the gun ancestor or the sword ancestor, in their respective storytelling

Among them, although it is not the strongest, it is still top-notch.

However, in comparison, it is still a little behind the remaining three! It is considered first-rate, but after all it is not the ultimate combat power of storytelling. It has basically just reached this level.

Pyrrhus, in particular, was the best among the five. As a king, he was not only a warrior, but also a famous general. He also had certain achievements in governance. It was a pity that this man had bad luck in his life.

How about it.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting Zhang Guifang, 80 in command, 105 in force, 71 in intelligence, 51 in politics, and 72 in charm."

Among the gods, this guy's upper and lower limits are quite outrageous.

After fighting Nezha for thirty or forty years, he was gradually defeated. This record seemed good, but Nezha at that time was not in a state of three heads and six arms, and it was obvious that he had not evolved into the ultimate version.

Moreover, he fought Huang Tianxiang, who was still a teenager at the time, for 30 rounds with no outcome, which obviously shows that although he is a master, he is not much better.

If you rely solely on these achievements, it is very difficult to rank him as a god general!

However, the final battle where I couldn't stand this guy was very good.

After fighting dozens of people including Zhou Ji, Huang Ming, Huang Tianxiang, Nezha, Chao Lei, and Nangong Shi, they fought from early morning to noon before they were defeated and had time to commit suicide. This performance was far stronger than that of Deng Jiugong.

Judging from the results of the final battle, this kind of combat power is extraordinary among the divine generals!

Moreover, the call-by-name and horse-falling technique was his signature ability. Relying on this secret technique, Zhang Guifang stood out among the princes of Babai Town in the Shang Dynasty and dominated the field. His overall strength was ranked first among the immortals in the world of gods, and he was able to easily capture Huang Feihu.

If he hadn't met the unlucky ghost Nezha who happened to restrain him, ordinary people would really be helpless!

Moreover, although "the emperor is not upright", he is not disloyal to the country. This quality is definitely a good quality that monarchs like very much!

Speaking of which, in The Romance of the Gods, King Zhou can no longer be called an unfair king. He has become crooked to the point of being crooked. It is deplorable that he is so foolish and loyal!

"Ding, the identity is implanted. The new recruits added to the Zhendong Army after the Dongyi War were given the title of school captain because of their divine general strength, although they had no military merit yet.


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