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Chapter 753 Six Great Families, Zhuge, Hebei

Although Feng Yi's soldiers and horses are an important force in Hebei Province, where are they stationed?

That's Weiguan!

It is the gateway to the entire northern part of Henan Province!

Since King Jing occupied Henan Road, Yandao has used Henan Road, where the imperial capital is located, as its base camp to operate.

But the gateway to the north is in the hands of others. Does Prince Jing really not care?

Once Wei Guan shows his weak side, once King Jing sees the opportunity to take back this portal, won't he take action?

Although the two sides have reached a preliminary alliance, such an alliance is never worth mentioning in the face of real interests!

Therefore, mobilizing reinforcements from Weiguan is simple to say, but it is likely to be a matter that affects the whole body, and even affects the alliance between the two sides and the final implementation of Ping Cangce.

"Wang Commandery, tell me, do you think there is someone like An Tianwu in Ningping?" Su Hu said with some uncertainty.

Although Su Hu was transferred to Ningping not long ago, he also knew that Wang Yu, who had just established a new family at that time, had indeed gathered some civil and military officials from Hebei Province.

Whether there is a group of ghosts and monsters hidden here, no one knows until the other party jumps out like An Tianwu.

"This matter! We have to guard against it!" Wang Anshi also had a headache at this time, especially since there was a huge aristocratic family in Ningping County.


Zhuge family land!

Outside a room, the most important members of the Zhuge family arrived, and most of them had sad faces.

Zhuge Ming was sleeping more and more these days. In the afternoon he just went to the flower house for a walk and then fell asleep.

When a person reaches this age, his energy for one day can support only a few steps and words, and the amount of energy he can support is becoming less and less...

During this period of time, most of the Zhuge family members stayed outside the door as they did today. Everyone could also see that with the old man's current situation, time was running out and it was still unknown whether he could survive this winter.

I slept until it was dark and I felt hungry, then I opened my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I saw my eldest daughter-in-law, Mrs. Zou, sitting next to the bed, adding silver frost charcoal to the smoke cage.

When Zou saw Zhuge Ming waking up, she said "ouch" and said, "You've finally woken up. There's a lot of noise outside. Third uncle and monk Shang'er are about to be beaten to death!"

Zhuge Ming's face darkened when he heard this, and asked: "Why do you want to fight Lao San and Zhuge Shang?"

Zou said anxiously: "It is said that the two of them not only got involved with those people in the west, but also brought several brothers from the family with them in the name of your old man. They knelt down and smashed their heads.

My father-in-law also refused. Even if I let him hit me twice and spit on me twice, he still won’t die..."

Perhaps other women would not let them know some things. But Zou was different. She was the wife of the head of the family. The Zhuge family also held the position of hereditary duke, so she was also the duchess.

In this generation of the Zhuge family, the Zou family's own son cannot be brought up, but the sons of several other wives are much better.

Zou's own son was bullied to the point where he couldn't hold his head up, so naturally he felt resentful in his heart, and now he took eye drops.

Zhuge Ming, who has grown up in age, naturally understands, but this eye medicine is nothing, and he still has to give this eldest daughter-in-law, who has always been filial, some dignity. So he angrily said: "What a bunch of dirty bastards, I look at them one by one. They are all going to die! Wife, let them get these worthless things out of here!"

"Bring me my spear, too. My slap doesn't hurt. Could it be that my spear can't kill those bastards?"

Mr. Zou was startled when he heard this, and hurriedly advised: "Mr., we are a family after all. We can just scold you, but don't really see blood!"

Zhuge Ming waved his hand and said: "You don't have to worry about it, just get my spear."

When he was young, Zhuge Ming also served as an army counselor and went to the battlefield.

However, one time they were trapped in a tight siege, and even as a counselor, he had to fight with a gun. From then on, although Zhuge Ming did not deliberately practice martial arts, he also began to use spears.

Zou was frightened and regretted that she had said so much, so she went to the wall to get a spear and advised: "Old man, please don't get angry. It would be unlucky to see the blood of one of your own family members, right? It won't be a good thing in a while," he said. Today will be your ninetieth birthday."

Zhuge Ming said nothing and placed the spear next to the bed. When Zou opened the door, the noisy quarrel could be heard.

But outside the door, I saw that the big room, the second room, the third room and several important Pang's houses were all dark and full of human heads.

Everyone's face was full of shock and anger, and the noise was so loud that the roof of the place was about to be blown off.

"You are all jumping up and down. What are you doing here? The boss, the third child, and Xiao Shangzi come in. Get the rest of them out of here. I won't die in the next two days. There is no need for you all to guard here!" Seeing the crowd of people rushing in, Zhuge Ming immediately cursed.

The old man probably felt that his end was coming soon. During this period of time, he had completely let go of himself. He behaved like an old man and a bastard, completely ignoring his own image...

"Boss, Third, I see that you are living a comfortable life every day, and you have even forgotten the ancestral precepts of my Zhuge family!" Zhuge Ming stood up and shot each of these two people with one shot. Take a twitch.

However, the old man himself was quite old, and he looked like his end was approaching. Even if he could take a shot, he would have no strength and would not feel any pain or itching.

"This..." The boss naturally knew that he was in the wrong.

He knew the ancestral motto of the Zhuge family: to be strong as a man, to be loyal to ministers, and to be filial to sons.

The choices made by the children of the Zhuge family and the path they choose must be taken by themselves. Whether there is prosperity or bitterness along the way, they must bear it themselves.

But after they make their choice, they will go on without hesitation and no one else will interfere.

It's just that he is the head of the Zhuge family. The affairs of the family and the development of the entire family have to fall on him. Others can do whatever they want and live for themselves, but he can't.

As the head of the Zhuge family, he holds a high position and holds the greatest power among the entire Zhuge family. But at the same time, he also has responsibilities that he must bear.

The key is that it would be fine if the third child went on their own behalf, but they have been lobbying other Zhuge family members these days, which means they are bringing the entire Zhuge family down!

Now, including Xiping Road, Wang Yu holds the land of four roads. If the third child goes to help Li Shikai but does not beat Wang Yu down at once, their Zhuge family will be located in Hebei Road.

, it is inevitable that your vitality will be severely damaged by then!

This chapter has been completed!
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