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Chapter 907: The mountain sun is about to set, and the flying anger

After firing back an arrow, Shen Wei's pupils tightened and he hurriedly took action to block.

But what he didn't expect was that the target of Yue Fei's arrow was not himself, but the war horse under his crotch.

As a result, his sword was in vain.

When the horse stumbled, the whole person fell directly off the horse.

With his body completely out of balance, he had no power to resist Yue Fei's second arrow.

Yue Fei killed three generals in a row, and one of them was Shen Wei, the strongest among them. This made Shi Jingyuan at the end panic. He did not dare to fight Yue Fei anymore and rode his horse back to the center of a group of soldiers. .

Yue Fei didn't care about him at all. He was a superb general, so there was no need for him to chase him.

Yue Fei asked his soldiers to pick up the heads of the three generals, and just then he led the soldiers and horses behind him to fight fiercely. Wherever the iron hoofs stepped on, the enemy generals were all frightened. Even if some people mustered up the courage to fight with Yue Fei, they would not be able to fight. He is also not the enemy of Yue Fei.

Yue Fei's popularity even overshadowed Wang Fuchen and Jing Yanguang, who were both heaven-level warriors.

Yue Fei led his soldiers and horses to fight everywhere. Even though Zhou Deqing tried his best, he was still beaten back.

The other two heaven-level warriors in his army, Li Chen, the iron lion, were shot dead by Jing Yanguang's rebel army, and Meng Wan, the double-sworded general, was picked and killed by Yue Fei and Wang Fuchen.

However, many strong generals in the army died one after another, and the army suffered heavy casualties. Even the momentum of the Zhenbei Army headquarters, which was originally strong, gradually declined.

This is true for all the soldiers and horses of the Zhenbei Army headquarters, not to mention the 10,000 Shanyang Mansion soldiers.

Under this situation, Shanyang's soldiers and horses were eventually beaten to pieces by Yue Fei, unable to respond from head to tail. As long as Yue Fei is willing to spend some time, Zhou Deqing's soldiers and horses will be cannibalized sooner or later.

However, Yue Fei did not adopt this method of encroaching step by step. When the heat was almost the same, he led his cavalry to directly attack Zhou Deqing's central army.

If it were just at the beginning, Yue Fei might not lead his cavalry to charge directly.

Although the cavalry has the advantage of a natural mountain when facing the infantry, if the infantry forms a tight formation, the cavalry will suffer heavy losses if they charge rashly.

However, the enemy troops are now unable to respond from head to tail, so naturally this is the best time to charge into battle.

In this battle, as Yue Fei's first battle as a general, he achieved a hearty victory.

In a battle with equal forces, Yue Fei not only stepped on the rise of Zhou Deqing, a long-obsessed Zhenbei veteran, but also completely defeated Zhou Deqing's 20,000 troops at the cost of losing only 3,000. Even, Even Zhou Deqing himself was beheaded by Yue Fei himself.

This battle also left Di Qing's troops, who had just arrived with their troops, helpless.

He had just finished cooperating with Xue Rengui, and then led his troops to fight all the way. However, just as he arrived, he received the news that Yue Fei had ended the battle. After all this distance, they were already Running away in vain.

After this battle, it was also announced that most of Shanyang Road's 80,000 troops had been exhausted.

The only two remaining forces were the 20,000 troops that Wang Yu faced and relied on Wuyue Mountain to defend Zhang Liao, and the troops who attacked Zhang Liao outside Zhongxing Mountain.

After this battle, it means that the entire Shanyang Nine Counties can be said to be left to Wang Yu. The Shanyang Nine Counties without troops to defend, next, Wang Yu only needs to send people to a little bit.

Just accept it.

After the news reached Lie Beifeng, Lie Beifeng was completely down. Among all the news, none of it was good news.

It has only been a short time, and although the entire Shanyang Road has not been completely lost, it is already close to being completely lost.

The only 20,000 soldiers and horses left in Shanyang Road were beaten by Wang Yu so much that they huddled in Wuyue Mountain and did not dare to come out.

When there are no guards on the entire Shanyang Road, doesn't it mean that it has fallen into other people's hands?

Moreover, even if the entire Shanyang Road is not defended by soldiers and horses, the key point is that the marching generals who are the leaders have been killed in the battle. How can the group of dragons resist the invading enemy without a leader?

It is said that there is also a Taoist governor, but the key is that he is really not very good at fighting!

However, this is not the most troublesome news for Lie Beifeng.

Xue Rengui's men and horses came towards him in plain sight. This was the worst news.

When Xue Rengui's 30,000 troops arrive, how can he resist with his army, which is exhausted from long battles?

Moreover, Xue Rengui is also a famous general in the world!

Among the generals who have emerged under Wang Yu in recent years, apart from Han Xin who has the highest reputation, the next one is Xue Rengui.

Once Xue Rengui's 30,000 troops arrive, under the attack of Xue Rengui and Zhang Liao, their troops will die in an instant without a burial place.

Moreover, with Xue Rengui's 30,000 troops, relying on the terrain advantage of the Zhonghang Mountains, it may be really difficult for the Zhenbei Army to regain control of the Zhonghang Mountains. This is the most critical point for the Zhenbei Army.

of a place.

As for Lie Feiyang, although he received the news a day later, as soon as the news spread, the atmosphere in the entire camp was ignited. Lie Feiyang's temper could not be suppressed, and he started to curse in public.

Zhou Deqing is an incompetent person.

Although Tie Zhongyang hinted several times in a row, Lie Feiyang, who was getting angry, was still young after all, and his methods in all aspects were still very immature. He didn't understand Tie Zhongyang's hints and only focused on venting his anger.

little temper.

However, the young Lie Feiyang did not notice at this time that there were a large number of senior generals of the Northern Suppression Army behind him, many of whom were already livid at this time.

In particular, the two brothers Zhou Debiao and Zhou Dewei had obviously changed their expressions at this time. Even the hot-tempered Zhou Debiao almost wanted to confront Na Lie Feiyang in public at this time. Fortunately, Zhou Dewei next to him forced Zhou Debiao to pull him away.


Zhou Debiao, one of the three virtues of the Zhou family and known as martial virtue, did not think as much as his two brothers, but he was completely straight-tempered. In the past, even when the violent general Lie Qiankun was still alive, the two of them would quarrel in public.

We had fights and even fought together like children.

However, it was precisely because of this guy's straight temper that Lie Qiankun used him more and more.

Although their brother was defeated in the battle, if he came back and wanted to be beaten or punished, then forget it. If his skills could not defeat others, then the responsibility for the defeat would naturally not be passed on to others. It was his own responsibility, so he should bear it.


However, their brothers have already died on the battlefield. In the final analysis, they died for the Zhenbei Army and for the Lie family.

This chapter has been completed!
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