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Chapter 909: Internal strife in Zhenbei, Zilong aids Chu

Hundreds of remnant soldiers were defeated. Facing the countless Zhenbei Army, their will could not change the outcome. Soldiers fell one after another. Even Xu Huang himself was injured in many places, relying on his last breath to support himself.

Refuse to fall down.

"Xu Gongming! Look at the gun!"

A big gun in Tian Bu's hand passed by again, but when he shot, he still left some strength behind, not with the intention of killing.

And with Tian Bu's 103 basic strength, even if he has lost some strength, it is still not comparable to Xu Huang, who is at the top of his class. Not to mention, Xu Huang is already on the verge of collapse at this time.

With a single shot, the battle ax in Xu Huang's hand couldn't resist Tian Bu's force and was thrown away, while he himself was swept to the ground by the force that followed.

Before he could get up again, the handle of the spear hit him on the back of the head. His vision immediately went black and he fell unconscious.

"Take it!" Tian Bu commanded several soldiers with high spirits.

"Get out of the way! I'm going to kill him!" Zhou Debiao appeared from nowhere and was about to kill Xu Huang who was caught.

His brother died tragically at the hands of Wang Yujun, and his hatred for Wang Yujun has already reached its peak. He can't kill Wang Yu or Yue Fei now, but he can kill Xu Huang first and collect some interest.

Besides, to vent the hatred in his heart.

But when Zhou Debiao was about to strike with the weapon in his hand, he was stopped by Tian Bu's spear.

"General Zhou, Xu Gongming was captured by me. It shouldn't be General Zhou's turn to decide how to deal with him!" Tian Bu said unceremoniously.

If he wanted to kill Xu Huang, he would have killed him long ago. How could it be Zhou Debiao's turn to do it this time?

Since he left Xu Huang's life behind, it's not his turn to just come and take Xu Huang's life. At least this week De Biao is not qualified!

"General Tian, ​​how about I give you some face?"

"Let me kill this guy, and I will repay today's kindness someday!" Zhou Debiao suppressed the anger in his heart and said.

"I can't decide on Xu Gongming's life, and you can't decide on it either. It should be left to the general!" Tian Bu still stopped in front of Xu Huang and refused to give in.

Although De Biao is already a senior general this week, Tian Bu would be the one to fall for this trick!

If he is happy, he will give it to him! If he is not happy, even if he does not give it, what will happen?

"Tian, ​​are you really going to have trouble with me?" Zhou Debiao's tone was obviously starting to get a little angry.

His personality is inherently violent, and after being stimulated by his brother's incident, and also being bitten by Lie Feiyang, this little temper gradually developed again as he was being seduced.

"What can I do if I can't get along with you?" Tian Bu is obviously not the kind to be easy to deal with. The more rude De Biao's tone this week, the more unwilling he is to give in.

"That's enough. You are all fellow countrymen. How can you be so noisy and unbecoming?"

"Maybe it's my brother who wants to fight first?" Lieshan, who was on the side, finally couldn't bear it any longer. While ordering several other generals to make arrangements to put out the fire, he couldn't help but stand between the two of them.

If these two people continue to quarrel, they might actually have an internal fight.

Tian Bu is doing better, but this week De Biao is different. He can do this kind of thing, it's not like he has never done it before.

This week, Mangzi's temper has risen, but he really dares to do anything!

"General Lie, this Xu Gongming is considered the number one figure in Wang Yu's army. Keep him, maybe he will be useful some time!" Tian Bu said with his hands clasped in fists.

If Xu Huang dies, it will really be over, and this person will be of no use.

But if this person is alive, he may be able to negotiate terms with Wang Yu in the future. Even if it is really useless in the end, we can just kill him when the time comes. Is it possible that they still lack his bowl of rice?

"In this case, then I will go and tell the general to keep this person for now!" Hearing what Tian Bu said, Lieshan would never make sense. He waved his hand and had Xu Huang detained first.


"General Chu! Is the Bank of China camp really lost?" Zhao Yun, who was sent by Zhang Liao to rescue him, looked at Chu Qingtian and his group of defeated soldiers with a worried expression.

Zhang Liao and Xu Huang used flying pigeons to send messages to each other. The situation at Xu Huang's place was urgent, and Zhang Liao also received the news.

Even though it was extremely difficult for Zhang Liao, he still asked Zhao Yun to lead hundreds of soldiers to support him.

It's not that Zhang Liao didn't want to support more troops, but he gritted his teeth and took out these hundreds of soldiers.

After Zhang Liao established his second camp, the situation there became much better.

It was difficult to defend the first camp. Essentially, the enemy troops came too quickly. The enemy troops came before the camp was fully set up.

The second camp is not comparable to the first camp in terms of defensive capabilities.

Therefore, at the beginning, Xu Huang relied on the complete defense of the Bank of China camp, and the pressure there was easier than that of Zhang Liao.

But the further we hit, the pressure on Zhang Liao became easier than on Xu Huang's.

After all, Zhang Liao not only faced fewer troops, but the combat effectiveness of the government army was not comparable to that of the Zhenbei Army.

There were actually quite a few soldiers and horses following Chu Qingtian, almost 2,000 of them, most of whom were from the Black Cavalry. Most of the captives of the Zhenbei Army had died along the way.

However, even though there seemed to be a lot of people, they could still be injured. Many people were even unable to stand up at this time. They were all carried or carried by Pao Ze.

Of these two thousand people, I'm afraid there won't be many left who can actually fight.

"Zilong, I, Old Chu, am so ashamed that I failed to defend the camp!" Chu Qingtian said dejectedly.

"By the way, where is Gongming? Why don't you see Gongming?"

Zhao Zilong looked and looked, but still found no trace of Xu Huang, and he had some bad premonitions in his heart.

"Hey, General Gongming stayed behind to break up the brothers, and then set fire to the camp. At this time... at this time, the situation is probably far worse!" When he said this, Chu Qingtian became more and more dejected.

"Forget it, General Chu, take the soldiers back to the camp quickly and let the medical officers treat the soldiers' injuries first!"

Xu Huang was left alone. Apparently, Zhao Yun also thought that Xu Huang was in danger.

With Xu Huang's strength not yet at the heaven level, Zhao Yun really couldn't think of any possibility that Xu Huang could kill him.

Don't mention Xu Huang, even if he was in that situation, Zhao Yun didn't think he was completely sure that he could fight out.

This chapter has been completed!
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