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Chapter 934 Yan Wen breaks through Ren Guizhi, Wu Yue and Qi Yu go on a dangerous journey

Yan Liang, Wen Chou, and Zhang Liao are all junior heaven-level warriors. Among them, Yan Liang and Wen Chou are slightly stronger, with a base strength of 101 points, and combined skills, making them even more powerful.

Zhang Liao is slightly weaker. Although he is also a junior heaven-level warrior, his basic force is only 100 points.

If the three of them join forces and face a god-level junior warrior, they will not be able to win in the end, but if they can resist for a while, it is not impossible.

However, what they encountered was the mid-level god-level fierce general Lie Shan. Even though Lie Shan was the weaker one in this ranks, facing the three of them, he was still overwhelming. With three consecutive heavy attacks, he was defeated.

All three people were swept away.

Lieshan's strength was so strong that even after the three of them joined forces, they could only barely resist.

If Yan Liang and Wen Chou hadn't broken through on the spot, and their basic strength had reached 102 points, they probably wouldn't have been able to block the third sword. If it hadn't been for the two of them, Lieshan's third sword would have at least been blocked.

Directly kill one of the three of them.

Yan Liang and Wen Chou, just looking at their records, Yan Liang killed Geng Wu with one combination, Song Xian with three combinations, Wei Xu with one combination, and Xu Huang, who was tied with Xu Chu in fifty combinations with twenty.

Wen Chou first appeared in Zhao Yun's 50th round. When he fought against Gongsun Zan, he fought against seven generals, killing three and injuring four. He defeated Gongsun Zan in more than ten rounds. When Lu Bu fought against Gongsun Zan, it also took him more than ten rounds to defeat him.

Judging from these records alone, these two people are definitely five tiger level, or even super five tiger level masters.

However, in the novel, they were chopped down by Guan Yu in the end. This instant kill record put their strength in the first appearance at such a low level.

And among the many generals born in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, their stamina was also very strong.

Although Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, Zhang Liao, Xu Huang, Ma Chao, Zhang Fei, and Xu Chu all made breakthroughs, some even made more breakthroughs than the two of them.

However, among them, Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, Zhang Liao, Ma Chao, Zhang Fei and others took advantage of the system rewards after achievements, while Xu Chu received the permanent attribute points given to him by Wang Yu.

There was only one Xu Huang, who, like Yan Liang and Wen Chou, did not rely on external forces at all. The progress he made was truly based on hard work on the battlefield.

After all, Xu Huang is at a super first-class level, and the difficulty of his breakthrough is not comparable to that of Yan Liang and Wen Chou.

The three of them also seemed to have broken through the two basic points of force value by virtue of their own training on the battlefield. However, the gold content of Yan Liang and Wen Chou's breakthrough was far higher than that of Xu Huang's breakthrough.

Among the many figures who were born in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, if we talk about who has more stamina, apart from Guan Yu who relies on his own martial arts understanding and combines the righteousness of the Spring and Autumn Period with martial arts, Yan Liang and Wen Chou have the most stamina.


Yan Liang and Wen Chou were already on the verge of a breakthrough. Lieshan's knife also allowed these two people to successfully take the next step under the pressure of life and death.

On the other hand, Zhang Liao's accumulation was far behind, and he was still far away from a breakthrough. He was unable to accumulate as much as Yan Liang and Wen Chou.

But even if the two of them broke through and faced the mid-level god general Lie Shan, they could only block the third sword for them.

When facing the fourth sword, it was thanks to Andromache that he came to the rescue this time.

As for Andromache, who ranks last among the seventy-two pillars of demons, his strength is not strong even among the masters. With his strength, if they fight head-on, it will be difficult to block Lieshan.

of a knife.

Therefore, in order to save Zhang Liao and the others, of course he could not engage in a direct confrontation. Instead, he made a cold arrow attack and unexpectedly sprinkled quicklime, forcing him to retreat from Lieshan.

Quicklime, not to mention a mere mountain, even those top generals are afraid of burning their eyes with these things.

But this method, facing a master like Lieshan, can be used twice, but it will never be used again and again. If nothing else happens, even if the four of them join forces, it will be difficult for them to be the best of Lieshan.


But if nothing else, the accident happened.

It happened that at this time, Xue Rengui's soldiers and horses rushed in, and when Lieshan was unprepared, Xue Rengui shot Lieshan with an arrow. Although he was only slightly injured, he had to let Lieshan temporarily give up Zhang Liao and the others.

Then, Xue Rengui held a halberd and cooperated with Chu Qingtian and Zhao Yun to force Xiao Chen and Gongsun Shu back.

Since then, Xue Rengui's 30,000 troops have officially stationed in the Zhonghang Mountains, while Zhang Liao's troops have retreated to the rear to recuperate.

And since all the counties and counties along the road have been occupied by Xue Rengui, Xue Rengui's troops are naturally no longer alone. All kinds of grain, grass and baggage in the rear are also being supplied continuously with the cooperation of Qishan County Guard General Ning Feng.

Pulled up.

Coupled with a large number of manpower, in just ten days, the already dilapidated camp was almost repaired by Xue Rengui while fighting.

Although Xue Rengui's 30,000 soldiers and horses are definitely not as good as the Black Cavalry in terms of combat power, the Black Cavalry is strong in charging, but now it is engaged in a defensive battle.

Moreover, although these 30,000 soldiers and horses fought several battles along the way, they did not encounter any strong enemies. Now they can even be said to be a new force.

With 30,000 soldiers and horses defending against the danger, and with a god-level commander like Xue Rengui under the command, even though the Zhenbei army has strong soldiers and horses, more and more Zhenbei soldiers and horses are concentrated on Zhonghang Mountain.

However, within a short period of time, there is absolutely no possibility of breaking through Xue Rengui.

Moreover, after Yue Fei won a great victory, Yue Fei's troops had already moved towards the medium-sized mountain range, while Di Qing's troops had already taken the lead in returning to Hedong Road.

Not only Di Qing's troops, but after Wang Yu and Zhang He pacified the remnants of Shanyang Taoist Army in Wuyue Mountain, these two troops will also go south to Hedong Road.

Wang Yu's purpose in this battle was never just to hold Shanyang Dao, but to hold both Hedong Dao and Shanyang Dao in his hands.

Shanyang Dao and Yannan Dao are relatively poor Dao among the Eighteen Dao of Da Cang, and they are ranked low among the entire Eighteen Dao.

The value of Shanyang Road is only to trap the Zhenbei Army in Shanyin.

And if we want to talk about what can really make Wang Yu's power develop rapidly, we should also talk about Hedong Road, one of the four rivers. The place where the money and food in Da Cang is the most abundant is still the land of the Four Rivers. And those who are determined to compete with Da Cang will never

This land of four rivers may be overlooked.

Currently, there are only 20,000 soldiers and horses left on Wuyue Mountain, mainly distributed on the mountain. To reach the mountain, there is only this winding path leading directly to the mountain. The location is relatively narrow, and the large group of troops cannot disperse at all.

On the high ground on both sides of the mountain road, a thousand soldiers and horses were ambushed respectively, with some flammable objects and a large number of rolling logs and thunder stones piled on top.

If Wang Yu's troops want to reach the mountain safely, they must first clear out these two groups of troops. Otherwise, when Wang Yu's troops pass through the mountain road, they will easily be blocked by the opponent in the middle of the mountain road. A big fire will destroy the corpses.


On Wuyue Mountain, in addition to the 20,000 troops, there were more than a thousand disciples of the Five Mountains.

If these disciples of the Wuyue Sword Sect were placed on a frontal battlefield, they would only be brutally massacred. However, once they reach the mountain, the soldiers will not be able to spread out. The opponent will take advantage of the terrain and it will become their home field.


In such a narrow terrain, ordinary soldiers are usually the ones who suffer the biggest losses when fighting against these Jianghu sect disciples.

Of course, Wang Yu has already been prepared for this.

When Zhang He arrived, the euphorbia under his hand had also arrived.

Although the Euphorbia suffered considerable damage in the war with Beidi, at least the personnel have been replenished. However, it will take a certain amount of time to restore the quality to its peak.

Even if the euphorbia warriors wearing iron armor cannot form military formations in such a narrow environment, for a sect like the Wuyue Sword Sect, where few people have achieved innate and acquired skills, they can't find many. Most of them are first-rate.

The disciples are just second- and third-rate low-level sects, and they can still fight against them.

In most ancient times, weapons such as swords and guns were basically not banned. However, what was banned were crossbows. Once someone was found to be hiding a crossbow, it was likely to be a banishment.

What is more serious than hiding crossbows is hiding armor. Hiding one armor is equivalent to hiding three crossbows. Most of the time, it will even be punished as a crime of treason.

In movies and TV shows, when armies are fighting against each other, armor seems to have little protective power, especially when faced with powerful soldiers. It is difficult for ordinary soldiers to escape their fate in an instant.

But in fact, in the age of cold weapons, it is not that easy to break through armor: those without armor may not be able to withstand a single sword, and they will be half disabled even if they are not dead; but for those wearing armor, ordinary swords are really not that easy to cut through!

Someone can knock you down with one chop, but you have to chop them several times to knock them down. The difference is obvious!

One armored soldier, under normal circumstances, is absolutely capable of resisting ten unarmored soldiers.

Even among the major dynasties, those who can wear iron armor, except for the elite battalions, the rest are also the elite part of ordinary soldiers and horses. At that time, a group of student soldiers from Wang Yu went to Liangshan to suppress the bandits of the Imperial Army.

Tin cans are a typical example.

Except for a small amount of iron armor, the rest of the soldiers and horses of the major dynasties were basically leather armor, paper armor or clothing armor.

This is why, at the beginning, the Zhennan Army was able to suppress Tianshi Dao. Before Xuanyuan Huang reorganized the new army, most of the time it was a one-sided massacre. Even with Xuanyuan Huang, a god-level commander, commanding

He also fought many losing battles.

As for the low-level disciples of the Wuyue Sword Sect, the armored euphorbia warriors can kill them no matter how they kill them!

The only difficulty for Wang Yu is how to kill him within the range of casualties he can bear!

At the beginning, Wang Yu thought about attacking Yue Fang's troops on Wuyue Mountain from the inside. However, he underestimated Yue Fang's control over this army. The slightest commotion was put down by Yue Fang in almost a moment.


Later, Wang Yu also thought about provoking the people of the Five Mountains Sword Sect. Although these people were a bit insignificant in front of Yue Fang's 20,000 soldiers and horses. But what if he tried? Even if he failed, the person who died was not his.


Although the Wuyue Sword Sect was initially used to scare the monkeys, if there are some in this sect who are aware of current affairs, there is no problem in letting some of them go.

However, he did not expect that there are still so many wily and scheming people in the Five Mountains Sword Sect? Knowing that being picked up at this time is no different from being sent to death. As for the forces of the imperial court, every time they take advantage of the Jianghu forces, they will

Defend to death.

Although a few fools were provoked to jump out, it was a pity that these few fools could still sway Yue Fang?

Instead, because of this incident, Yue Fang increasingly used various means to strengthen his control over the Five Mountains Sword Sect.

The heavy losses in the forceful attack were too great, and the opponent's people's support was shaken from within, but they were repeatedly frustrated. Therefore, this battle has been postponed until now.

According to Wang Yu, who sent people to inquire, when Yue Fang was leading all his soldiers and horses to fight to the end in Wuyue Mountain, he had conquered all the food and grass from several surrounding cities, which was almost enough to feed his 20,000 people for a year.

There are also rivers and waterfalls passing through this mountain, so it would be difficult to deal with a water shortage. In fact, Yue Fang even dug several reservoirs on the mountain to store water just in case.

It is unrealistic to try to stall for time. It is impossible for Wang Yu to really stall here for a year.

As a last resort, Wang Yu could only keep looking for the mountain people and medicine people around him, trying to see if there were any unknown trails!

These mountain people and herdsmen who rely on Wuyue Mountain all year round may be able to find some unknown trails.

In fact, Wang Yu didn't have much hope at the beginning for this kind of thing that relied purely on luck. He just wanted to take a chance first and then talk about it.

In the past, when he wanted to try his luck, the cruel truth always told him that he was a non-chief.

Could it be that when he himself had no hope? Luck actually began to favor him!

The people under him questioned hundreds of mountain people, hunters, herb collectors, etc. who relied on Wuyue Mountain for survival, and he actually asked a path from the mouth of a famous herb collector.

However, this path is extremely rugged. Even experienced herbalists who have been walking for many years are not 100% sure of getting through it. What's more, this path does not lead directly to the countryside, but to a hidden cliff.

, only by climbing over the cliff of more than 20 meters can we reach the mountain without anyone noticing.

If you want to take this road, you must not have too many people, only a few hundred people at most. Once there are too many people, no matter how secretive the path is, there is a possibility of being discovered.

Therefore, this requires that this army is elite enough.

For this battle, Wang Yu personally took the risk, preparing to lead his team on a small road, climb over the cliff, and break through the Five Mountains.

This chapter has been completed!
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