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Chapter 946: The power of the country, the battle of all the people, the army pressing down on the border, the battle of Guifang

However, due to a small number of reasons, the Luotang and Manchu tribes became weaker and weaker as they fought. Therefore, both forces were thinking of ways to solve the food problem, and even sent people to Dongyi to purchase food and grass with large sums of money.

After all, it is better than letting the people starve to death!

However, Yelu Abaoji kept insisting.

Beidi is a hungry wolf. Can they benefit from letting this evil wolf regain its strength?

However, today, Yelu Abaoji has to let go of a hole.

Even Nurhachi is not required to actually send troops to attack Tianlang Pass. He only needs to send troops to attack Tianlang Pass, even if it is just thunder and no rain.

As a result, the possible support forces coming from Xiping Road should be reduced as much as possible.

Of course, the most important thing is that no matter how much food and grass he is willing to give, it is impossible for Nurhachi to attack Tianlang Pass. At most, it will only be thunder without rain.

The three forces combined have not broken the Tianlang Pass. If Nurhaci is the only one now, he is not a fool, how can he really fight?

On that day, Yelu Abaoji laid down the banner of the oath of heaven, and the force of the Liao Dynasty attacked Xiping Road.

Among the five Dongyi Roads, Beiping Road is famous for its dangers, while Xiping Road has steep terrain on the left and a fertile plain on the right.

Most of the remaining three roads, Zhongping, Nanping and Dongping, are wealthy places.

As for Yelu Abaoji, he monopolized Beiping Road, Dongping Road, and half of Zhongping Road.

Therefore, the entire Daliao Dynasty had as many as 420,000 troops.

Of course, the evil wolf Beidi is right next to Beiping Road, and there are also a lot of troops who need to stay behind. This time, in order to take back the entire Xiping Road in one fell swoop, Yelu Abaoji directly dispatched 300,000 troops, and

The troops were divided into two groups to attack Xiping Road.

Along the way, led by General Lu Fa, a total of 100,000 troops set off from Beiping Road and attacked the west side of Xiping Road.

Although the west side of Xiping Road is the more steep part of Xiping Road, if this area can be captured, the connection between Xiping Road and Yanbei can also be cut off, and the Wengzhong capture of the Yelu Qingde puppet court can be completely realized.


On the other hand, he personally led an army of 200,000 troops out of Zhongping and attacked the important town of Jiubao.

This time, Yelu Abaoji was coming with great force, as if he would not give up until he recaptured Xiping Road.

Yelu Abaoji really tried his best to send out troops this time. It can be said that the whole country's strength was mobilized.

Lufa, Leonidas, Gatlin, Gatel, and Xiao Yi, five masters of the general level who had recently broken through to the level of a general, joined forces to attack.

Xiao Yi is a young talent from Dongyi. During the Battle of Dongyi, he had peak heaven-level strength, and now he has reached this point naturally.

On the other hand, the Iron Thunder Eight Treasures, although under the influence of combination skills, its peak strength has reached 105 points.

However, his situation is the same as that of Yelu Deguang and Shi Yongkai of the Zhendong Army, who have insufficient foundation. At this stage, they can only continue to accumulate their own foundation before they can take that step forward.

Of course, in addition to these five people, there is also Kratos, a guest general, who also participated in this battle.

The reason why he is said to be a guest general is because Kratos did not seek refuge with Yelu Abaoji, nor did he join the system of the Daliao court.

At the beginning, Kratos actually had a good impression of Yelu Abaoji, so he fell into a dilemma.

It was precisely because of his dilemma that Yelu Abaoji could not let go of this brave general. Therefore, the design made Kratos owe him one favor after another.

Kratos didn't notice anything at first, and he thanked Yelu Abaoji from the bottom of his heart. However, after Yelu Abaoji went through the battle of Dongyi and saw that Wang Pengfei had powerful generals like Xingtian and Li Cunxiao in his hands, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Finally some flaws were exposed.

And it was because of this, and some coincidental factors, that Kratos realized that the so-called favor he owed was just a deliberate design by the other party.

Kratos doesn't care about anything else, except his instinctive rejection of being designed by others to design his own destiny, and arranging the principles designed by others. But this Spartan warrior is still the kind of very radical and paranoid.

As for the two sides, they almost had a stalemate.

However, although those favors were designed in advance, the favors owed were real, and Kratos did benefit a lot from them. Therefore, Kratos and Yelu Abaoji made a gentleman's agreement, and Kratos

He promised to help Yelu Abaoji complete three tasks that did not go against his heart. Afterwards, the two of them would no longer owe each other any more.

Although this Spartan warrior from China is a muscular man with muscles all over his body, he does not really have no brains at all. The so-called "not violating one's own heart", just the two words "one's heart" can be interpreted by all.

In Kratos's case, he completely left room for himself.

As for Yelu Abaoji, he didn't take these five tasks seriously at all. It was just a delaying tactic. He wanted to use this method to keep Kuito in Dongyi, and then he would slowly conquer this natural warrior.


It is precisely because of this that Kratos does not look like a member of Yelu Abaoji at all now, he is just a guest general.

In addition to these god-level generals, most of the founding heroes of the Liao Dynasty, such as Xiao Dilu and Xiao Agu, as well as famous Liao generals such as Yelu Xiezhen and Yelu Xiuge in the early Song Dynasty, and even famous Water Margin generals such as Tianshan Yong and Arich, most of them were

Already dispatched.

At the same time, Yelu Abaoji asked Yi Jiange and other top Dongyi sects to come forward. These top Jianghu sects called on Dongyi Jianghu's large and small sects and martial arts people to break them into pieces and sneak into Xiping Road.

Doing damage within.

And, contact the anti-Cang people in Xiping Road to fight a people's war.

When Xiping Road was first captured, there was indeed an endless stream of scattered resistance from various places. Those scattered Jianghu people were even more hateful. They just sneak attacked some patrolling soldiers. It was not painful or unpleasant, but the key point was

It's disgusting.

After that, Wang Yu established the Dongyi puppet court and used the power of the major Dongyi native families in Xiping Road. At that time, he asked the six gates of Gai Nie to suppress it with force. Therefore, he suppressed it with force.

But the bulk of it was extinguished, and scattered small and innocuous disturbances still occurred occasionally over the years.

It is precisely for this reason that I saw the power of these people in Yelu Abaoji. Perhaps they are far from being a decisive force on the battlefield, but they can disrupt the rear of Xiping Road.

Let these people give full play to their guerrilla tactics and further involve the troops available to Yelu Qingde's puppet court.

Xiping Road, Bailong Mansion.

When he heard that Yelu Abaoji's 300,000 troops were approaching the border, Yelu Qingde was almost frightened and hid under the table.

He was able to consider himself the son-emperor, and he also brushed off the achievements of the son-emperor, and even recognized Wang Yu as his sub-father.

Such a person may be someone who endures hardships and endures things that ordinary people cannot endure. Such a person is definitely a ruthless person like Gou Jian.

However, it is also possible that it is really a pure idiot.

Unfortunately, Yelu Qingde happened to belong to the latter group.

Although he ascended to the position of an emperor, he still did not change his essence.

He has only been emperor for a long time, and he already has seventy-two concubines in the three palaces and six courtyards.

And the little emperor wanted several women, and Zhuge Liang, as the Prime Minister of Dongyi, was happy to satisfy him!

What kind of request is this small request? Isn’t it like grabbing a lot of them on Dongyi Street?

Zhuge Liang did not choose any girls from famous families as concubines for the young emperor, but only selected girls born from ordinary people's families to enrich his harem.

As for the little emperor, he didn't care about these at all. For the little emperor, it was an era of looking at faces and figures. As for his origin, he didn't care! Even if he was born well, could he be more noble than the emperor himself?

Seeing the frightened look on the little emperor's face, Kachanyan, a minister of the palace, sighed helplessly.

Although he had been forced to surrender to Wang Yu after being captured alive by Heiqi and Xue Rengui, he was still a Dongyi person, and the blood connection was unbreakable.

Seeing such a virtuous behavior of the little emperor Dongyi, his life seems to be gloomy!

Not to mention Jiachanyan, Zheng Zongliang, Halacha, Bai Xuan, Bai Yi, Huo Erchi and other civil and military officials from Dongyi all sighed helplessly in their hearts after seeing the little emperor's demeanor.


As long as this little emperor can feel a little supported, they will not really work for Wang Yu wholeheartedly.

"Prime Minister, Yelu Abaoji is coming. We alone cannot stop him. We should hurry up and ask Yafu for help!" the little emperor wailed towards Zhuge Liang, eager for the arrival of his father Wang Yu.

"Your Majesty, Wang Zhendong is far away in Da Cangshan Yang, how can he come here in a short time?"

"Besides, I heard that General Wen is brave and good at fighting, how can he be compared to Yelu Abaoji!" Zhuge Liang comforted patiently.

Although Zhuge Liang was so comforting, the frightened little emperor was not so easily comforted.

Even though Yelu Abaoji had suffered losses at the hands of Wang Yu, among the Dongyi people, this one had been sweeping all the way since his debut, until he conquered the world of Nuo Da.

"Your Majesty!" Zhuge Liang whispered helplessly.

Zhuge Liang was very happy before when the little emperor behaved like this. But after the incident, Zhuge Liang had a headache.

Yelu Abaoji sent troops in two directions. Although Yelu Defei did not attack, he still had 80,000 troops at the junction of Nanping Road and Xiping Road. The junction of Nanping Road and Xiping Road had to be guarded.

At this time, there is an urgent need for people to go to various battlefields and take charge of one side.

He himself is also a military strategist, capable of taking on such an important task. However, with this little emperor’s appearance, how can we let him leave with peace of mind?

If he didn't stay and sit in the center, I'm afraid he might collapse first in the rear before losing the battle on the front line!

Moreover, in fact, Zhuge Liang himself did not have that much trust in many civil and military officials from Dongyi origin!

"Your Majesty is sitting peacefully in the palace. When it comes to matters, I and General Wen Zhong will be responsible for them. Your Majesty, please wait for good news!"

"During these days, Master Bodhidharma can protect Your Majesty in the palace and prevent any rebels from doing harm to His Majesty!" Zhuge Liang helped the young emperor onto the dragon throne again, and then slowly spoke.

Normally, although the emperor was just a decoration, when Zhuge Liang had something to do, he would still symbolically ask the emperor for instructions, even though the emperor's opinion was not important to Zhuge Liang.

However, things are different now. The military situation is raging. Even if he decides to sit in the rear, efficiency must be the priority in everything. Therefore, Zhuge Liang decided to temporarily let him make the decision. As for the emperor, he is peacefully in the palace.

Just play games with those concubines.

Zhuge Liang even replaced the guardian of the palace with Bodhidharma. Compared with Jiachanyan who was born in Dongyi, Bodhidharma who was born in Mahayana Buddhism made him feel more at ease.

"General Yue, remember, your majesty's safety is the top priority and must not be taken lightly!"

"From today on, everyone entering and leaving the palace, including their true identity, must be recorded! And those who go out must be carefully searched!"

"If there is any negligence, the truth will be severely punished!"

Before leaving the palace, Zhuge Liang gave serious instructions to Yue Sheng, the commander of the palace guards.

"Don't worry, Prime Minister!"

"If anything happens to your Majesty, I will ask you first!" Yue Lun vowed.


Around the important town of Jiubao!

Now here, Dongyi's vanguard of 50,000 soldiers and horses has been killed, and within a radius of dozens of miles, there is a depressing atmosphere of black shadows looming over the city.

There are mountainous terrains on the west side of Dongyi, Beiping Road and Xiping Road, and the rest are mainly plain terrain. Therefore, it is impossible for a single Nine Forts to play the role of a checkpoint like Tianlang Pass. Just guard one place and it will be complete.

Cut off the enemy's attack route.

The location of Jiubao is important because it is the intersection of the troop carrier lines of Xiping Road and Zhongping Road.

And Wen Zhong's defense against the Nine Forts cannot only be concentrated on such a city. The defense of the Nine Forts is centered on the important town of Nine Forts and gathers the thirteen surrounding cities. They are the horns of each other. The entire defense line is as long as

Hundreds of miles.

A total of 70,000 Kwantung Army troops were dispersedly stationed in these 13 cities, so that they could block the army from Zhongping Road.

The vanguard army of Yelu Abaoji had just arrived, and Xiao Yi, as the general of the vanguard army, took the initiative to challenge.

Back then, when Xue Rengui marched into Dongyi, he killed only one of Xiao Yi's three generations of descendants in the first battle. The two sides had a deep hatred and would never stop fighting! It's no wonder that Xiao Yi was so impatient, as his troops had just arrived.

, he had already taken the initiative to ask for a battle from Xiao Dilu, the leader of the vanguard army.

"Zhang Guifang, you broken spine!"

"On top of Tianlang Pass, he was beaten like a dead dog!"

"Now, you dare to come to Dongyi to show off your power!"

"If I were you, I would have found a deserted place and killed myself head-on..."

Xiao Yifang was afraid that Zhang Guifang would not dare to come out to fight, so he specially found a hundred soldiers with loud voices, and told them what they knew about Zhang Guifang's dark history without scruples, adding fuel to the fire.

"Dead dog..."

This chapter has been completed!
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