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Chapter 1010: The master 'takes the sword' and the seven monsters seize the corpse, Ying Xiao has no choice but to abandon Hedong

It was enough for Wang Lizhi to fight ferociously, but Wang Yu was not at ease with an army of more than 10,000 being handed over to him.

Therefore, after giving Zhang He a full meal, he sent him back immediately.

The next task he gave Zhang He was to make a gesture of sending troops to Chen County and Liu County.

Unexpectedly, the two soldiers Zhang He, Di Qing and Gan Ning had the same mission.

Of course, it is just a gesture of sending troops, not a real intention to send troops.

Yingxiong and Xiao Ruolin were unable to cover everything due to their military strength. Therefore, Ye County, Lu County and Fan County were seriously lacking in military strength. However, Chen County and Liu County, which were directly south of them, were no longer like this.


Chenxian and Liuxian, these two cities are not only more solid, they are much better than Yexian, Luxian and Fanxian.

Moreover, from behind these three counties, it is also the closest road for them to return to Hexi Road.

At the same time, their boat was also within the Meshui River between the two counties.

The Moshui River was where Su Dingfang defeated the soldiers of the Great Sword Dynasty. However, obviously, although it is the same river, it is not the same location.

Although the Moshui River is a tributary of the big river, it is just an inconspicuous tributary among thousands of tributaries. In addition, most of the rivers are relatively narrow, and the overall water of the Moshui River is shallow.

Therefore, this river cannot support large ships and can only be used for parades of some small and medium-sized boats.

This is why Yingxiong is confident enough to leave the boats used to cross the river here. Gan Ning's navy is affiliated with Yanbei navy. It is also a navy, but the attributes of sea navy are more important than those of river navy.

After all, the naval base is at the seaside port, and most of them sail on the sea.

Therefore, the warships of Yanbei Navy are mainly large warships, even very large warships, with only a small number of small and medium-sized warships and small patrol ships as auxiliary.

It is precisely because of this that Gan Ning's naval warships are really not suitable for sailing on the Black Water River.

The ships of the soldiers and horses in Hedong and Hexi, like the ships of the Great Sword Dynasty, are small boats similar to fishing boats that were summoned temporarily just for crossing the river.

Therefore, Chen County and Liu County are not as easy to capture as those three cities!

Furthermore, if these two cities are really taken down together, Ying Xiong and Xiao Ruolin will really have their dumplings made. And this is not in line with Wang Yu's future interests.


"Brother Ruofeng, it hurts me so much! It hurts me so much..." After the news of Xiao Ruofeng's death in battle came back, Xiao Ruolin and Xiao Ruojin were filled with grief.

Especially Xiao Ruojin, a mouthful of blood flowed out, and she almost fainted on the spot. This was not like their original world, where the two people were in conflict because of the relationship between the throne and the high-achieving master. Without these factors, as blood brothers, they

, the relationship is still very friendly.

When the news came back that Xiao Ruofeng and Lei Mengsha and his wife had died in battle, many people in the Jianghu who responded to the order to dismantle were filled with indignation.

Xiao Ruofeng was a native of Da Cang, and although Lei Mengsha was from Da Qian, he once studied at the Da Cang Confucian School Shangyin Academy.

After graduation, when he followed Xiao Ruofeng to travel in the Jianghu, he also spent a long time in the Dacang Jianghu. These people were all influential figures in the Dacang Jianghu at that time, and because they were generous and loyal, they even stayed in the Dacang Jianghu. Many good names.

When such a person was killed, those Jianghu people who had enough to eat and had nothing to do, and who thought they had a strong sense of justice, naturally swore to get rid of Wang Yu, this evil thief who killed loyal people indiscriminately.

"Brother Ruolin, this is Brother Ruofeng's sword that was recovered by the righteous Zhu Cong!"

Ying Xiong asked someone to open a square box behind him. Inside the box, there were two swords glowing with cold light. One of them was Xiao Ruofeng's sword Hao Que, and the other was Li Xinyue's sword. Heart sword.

Zhu Cong, one of the Seven Monsters of the South of the Yangtze River in the Golden Book, is known as the Master of Scholars. Although his martial arts is not very good, his skills are superb and unpredictable. He steals antidotes and items from the enemy as if he were picking things out of a bag. .

Mei Chaofeng is already a top-notch master in the world. When Zhu Cong fought with her, although his martial arts were far different, he still managed to steal the antidote and the "Nine Yin Manual" from her arms with his bare hands.

The Seven Monsters of Jiangnan visited Peach Blossom Island, met Ouyang Feng and his party, and were all killed. However, before Zhu Cong died, he was able to steal Yang Kang's "embroidered shoes", which later became the key evidence for Huang Rong to solve the case.

It can be seen that Zhu Cong's stealing skills have indeed reached a level of proficiency.

The Seven Jiangnan Monsters, although they are called monsters, are worthy of being heroes.

If you are bullied on the road, Wu Jue may just take a look and leave, but only the Seven Jiangnan Monsters will definitely help you if they meet you.

No matter you are one of the "Five Wonders of the World", "Iron Palm Floating on Water", or "Dark and Windy", as long as you have done something unfair and they find out, then they will definitely take care of it!

The bet between the "Seven Freaks of Jiangnan" and Qiu Chuji at the Yanyu Tower was not so much about fighting for a chance, but rather out of chivalry. They went to find the righteous man and stayed there for eighteen years.

After finding Guo Jing in the desert, they have been teaching Guo Jing for eighteen years. Don't they miss their hometown?

Of course I miss him, but the word "righteousness" comes first and we must cultivate Guo Jing into a talented person.

They not only taught Guo Jing martial arts, but also taught Guo Jing how to be a good person, taught Guo Jing what a chivalrous person is and what righteousness is. This laid the foundation for Guo Jing to become a great chivalrous person in the future.

Many people travel around the world. Although they have practiced superb martial arts, they seem to have forgotten what a chivalrous person is and what righteousness is. They always want to fight for fame and fortune. However, the "Seven Monsters of Jiangnan" stick to their original intention of being chivalrous and righteous, despite repeated defeats. Against the enemy, but the original intention remains unchanged.

As for the Jiangnan Seven Monsters, they were actually Wang Yu's staunch fans at the beginning. When Wang Yu conquered the capital of Dongyi Kingdom, how many people in the Cang Dynasty heard about it and weren't they all excited?

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! However, these people are very traditional Jianghu people, the kind of Jianghu people who support the orthodoxy of the imperial court.

Therefore, all the forces in Da Cang, Wang Yu and Prince Jing were slandered, Tianshi Dao, Zhenxi Mansion, and King Wei were also slandered by them, and the Hedong and Hexi court, the most orthodox child in blood, was Da Cang in their hearts.

Some are orthodox, and the others are treacherous officials and traitors.

The Jie Wu Ling itself did not attract them much. The reason why they were attracted here was firstly because of this, and secondly because Wang Yu had slaughtered families and sects several times in a row.

Especially the Five Mountains Sword Sect, Junzi Jianyue is not a group, and the Sanding of the Hengshan lineage has a certain reputation in the world. And Wang Yu massacred the sect and destroyed the sect, especially the Hengshan lineage among the Five Mountains Sword Sect.

The cruelty of food has completely turned their fans into black fans.

Therefore, I got involved in this matter, and I was attracted here by taking advantage of the dissolution of martial law.

When they were halfway there, they happened to hear that Ye County had been conquered and that the Fenghua Young Master Xiao Ruofeng and the Zhuo Mo Young Master Lei Mengsha and his wife Li Xinyue, who were famous in the academy more than ten years ago, were defeated and died.


Of course, it would be okay to die in defeat. After going to the battlefield, you can't blame others. However, when the Jiangnan Seven Monsters couldn't tolerate it, after the three people died in battle, even their corpses were hung at the city gate.

Everyone has already passed away, so why bother letting them live in peace after death?

Therefore, Zhu Cong, a masterful scholar, stole the weapons of these two men, while the remaining few took advantage of the darkness of night to snatch the corpses and then rode away directly.

Speaking of which, hanging the bodies of Xiao Ruofeng and the three of them above the city gate was also not Zhang Jaw's idea. At that time, Zhang Jaw had already left Ye County. This matter still belonged to Wang Jiulong.


When Wang Jiulong recalled this, it was not wrong to say that he was wrong.

After all, in the battle of Ye County, they did suffer huge losses because of Xiao Ruofeng's existence. In this kind of thing, under normal circumstances, the attacking generals would indeed do something extraordinary to serve as a warning to them for future attacks.

The generals of the city warned them to prevent them from following the same example.

However, this time, I encountered these tough guys like the Seven Monsters of Jiangnan.

Xiao Ruolin and Xiao Ruojin burst into tears after seeing Xiao Ruofeng's Hao Que Sword.

The past events are still vivid in my mind, but it is a pity that this person has passed away!

"Brother Yingxiong, Ye County, Lu County and Fan County have been lost. As a result, Chen County and Liu County have become our army's only retreat. We must not lose anything."

After all, Xiao Ruolin had been an official for many years, and he quickly suppressed the grief in his heart, and began to analyze the current situation seriously.

"Although Chen and Liu counties each have eight thousand troops, if Wang Ni really wants to take action, I'm afraid the city will be left alone and difficult to defend." Ying Xiong said helplessly.

Without him, the three troops of Di Qing, Gan Ning, and Zhang Jia alone have tens of thousands of people. If these three people really send out all the troops to attack, if Chen and Liu counties only defend for a while, then naturally

There is no problem. However, if these two counties can be as stable as Mount Tai, then Yingxiong and Xiao Ruolin dare not make any guarantees.

From ancient times to the present, although there are countless so-called miracles in defensive battles, the advantage of the defending side has always been recognized. However, when the attacking side has an absolute advantage in strength, the examples of miracles are only a very small number, and most of them are.

In the end, the city was destroyed and people died.

"If there are no reinforcements, I'm afraid, our army will be defeated! But in today's world, how can we get reinforcements?" Xiao Ruolin sighed deeply.

Among the many forces in Da Cang, except for the Zhennan Army, the rest naturally stand on their opposite political stances. They can only act as enemies and help them. The only Zhennan Army is beyond the reach of the whip.

And they themselves were unable to send reinforcements. Su Dingfang's troops in front of them were always watching with eager eyes. It was not easy to protect themselves, and it was really difficult to take care of Chen and stay in the two counties.

"Brother Yingxiong, maybe it's time to make a choice."

"If we stay trapped in Hedong any longer, I'm afraid it's just self-destruction!" Xiao Ruolin said with great sadness in his heart.

Just as Wang Yu thought, forcing them to the last step would make them think of leaving Hedong Road.

At this time, Xiao Ruolin, who made this suggestion, felt extremely heavy in his heart. Although he was the governor of Hexi Road, he was a native of Hedong, and his family was also located in Hedong Road.

After leaving, I am afraid that I will really be far away from the clan in the future. Whether he will have the opportunity to come back again is a question!

"Brother Ruolin, do you know what you are talking about?"

"The land of Four Rivers is the foundation of my great power! Enke gave up so easily!" Yingxiong said with an excited expression.

"General Ying, Emperor Shenwu once said, if you save people and lose land, everyone will gain it; if you save land and lose people, you will lose everyone!"

"If our army does not withdraw from Hedong, once Chen County and Liu County cease to exist, our army will die without a burial place!"

"By then, if there is no such soldier and horse, not to mention half of the Hedong Road, how can even the Hexi Road be preserved?"

"General Ying, when the time comes, where will you place His Majesty on Hexi Road?" Xiao Ruolin said sadly in her heart.

It is indeed a pity to give up the remaining half of Hedong Road like this.

However, if they cannot be so cruel, how can they save these tens of thousands of soldiers and horses?

Without these tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, His Majesty, who is still located on Hexi Road, will lose his greatest protection!

From the fate of Huangfu Mingze, we can see that political power comes from the barrel of a gun. If there is no army in hand, the so-called emperor is just a joke.

The then emperor Mingze was still an emperor. No matter how he got the title of emperor, he could still be said to have reluctantly sat in that position.

However, the little power he had in his hands was all lost in the hands of Zhendong Army Wang Chang due to various factors. From then on, the seeds of his tragedy were laid.

But now, as a childish little emperor, if he does not have enough powerful guards around him, his end will only be worse than that of Huangfu Mingze.

"But if there is no Hedong and only half of Hexi, how can we help His Majesty regain Cangshi? Why can we restore peace and tranquility for Cang?" Yingxiong said in an excited tone.

It's not that he doesn't understand the truth, but understanding it is one thing, being able to accept it is another thing entirely.

If there is really only half of Hexi Road left, then they will really have to rely on the danger of the river to come to the north to defend Wang Yu. With half of Hexi Road, how can they fight against those who have countless people?

Wang Yu from the land of Tao?

Moreover, facing Wang Yu, they still have the danger of the river to rely on!

The remaining half of Hexi Road is still in the hands of Zhao Ni, the Zhenxi Army.

Zhao Ni, who suppressed the Western Army, was just like Wang Ni in the north. They were all in the same category, and they were both wolf-like and ambitious people.

As a result, they have wolves in front of them and tigers behind them. It is difficult for them to protect themselves with only half of the Hexi Road. And they have been struggling all the way up to now, is it just to let His Majesty establish a small separatist force?

This chapter has been completed!
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