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Chapter 1025: The royal merchants join forces to fight back, and the four economies begin to collapse

Moreover, even if you want to destroy them, what's the point of bringing only a thousand of them?

Do you really think that the Nangong family is an ordinary businessman, or do you think that the Nangong family can't carry a knife?

What's funny?

Among the top aristocratic families in Da Cang, if anyone's mansion has the strongest defensive power, it is of course the four royal merchants!

The strength of the Four Towns General's Mansion is only the army, but they can't put all the troops in the mansion! At most, they can arrange a guard team of several hundred people!

The four great imperial merchants are among the many top aristocratic families in Da Cang, and they have the strongest overall quality of masters.

With the resources possessed by the Four Imperial Merchants, things like Heavenly Beings cannot be piled up with resources alone. However, the following Grandmaster level, and even the lowest Xiantian level, does not mean that resources cannot be used to forcibly pile them up.

Come out, as long as you are willing to invest.

Although, generally speaking, this kind of forcibly piled up masters have the weakest combat effectiveness among the same level, and it is not necessarily impossible to be killed by others even if they leapfrog their level.

However, first of all, the people trained by the four imperial merchants are not without geniuses, and not every one of them is purely relying on resources.

Secondly, just because the combat power is weak, it does not mean that we cannot rely on external forces to make up for it. But among the top families in the world, whether they are civil servants or military officers, which one lacks martial arts?

Moreover, good equipment is also an external force. It just so happens that the four major imperial merchants, these big dogs, have no shortage of these!

Therefore, Zhao Hong and Bu Ji were kicked directly on the iron plate this time.

It’s not their fault. Before they joined Tianshi Dao, they were just two strong farm men. In the early days after joining Tianshi Dao, they did many things like slaughtering families and annihilating households.

Every time, they did everything to their advantage, bringing thousands of people with them to rob any house they wanted.

However, can the Nangong family be the same as those families they copied before? Not to mention families like the Nangong family, they have not even copied families like the Xuanyuan family that are ranked high in the same group.

Full of confidence, he led his troops to fight in. However, as soon as he kicked open the door and entered the front yard, hundreds of people were suddenly killed and killed.

These more than a hundred people are all elites who have been selected from the orphans trained by the Nangong family since childhood. Each one has an innate level of strength, and among them there are one hand's worth of grandmaster leaders.

Although they are not high-level masters, except for the leader, the rest are all top-notch junior and middle students.

However, there is no denying the power of this force.

Moreover, each of these hundred people is equipped with soft armor. On the basis of ensuring the defense power, the lighter weight will not have much impact on their actions.

The arms are equipped with hidden arrows, the soles of the shoes, thighs and other parts are equipped with hidden weapons, and a convenient hand crossbow is hung on the waist. Although this kind of crossbow is only suitable for short-distance combat, it can be used directly for longer distances.

It's not bad, but the sudden sudden appearance within a short distance is quite powerful.

The uniform configuration of long swords and daggers, although they are not magical weapons, are made of fine iron. Although this kind of weapon configuration is almost meaningless on the battlefield, the Nangong family has not trained this team for the purpose.

They go to the battlefield so that they can look after homes and homes or deal with some shady matters.

This kind of mission is naturally mostly based on street fighting, and the configuration of long and short swords is just right.

Unfortunately, the Nangong family's mansion happens to be within the city.

The hundreds of people were divided into groups of varying sizes, and the thousands of people were led to different places. They used their familiarity with the city's terrain to annihilate them. They suffered heavy losses with almost no casualties.

Even the god of the Nangong family came out with anger this time and personally took action to kill Zhao Hong and Bu Ji, who were the instigators.

Although it is said that except for a few top-level exercises like Shen Jian Xiao Tian Jing, which are purely internal or purely external, most of the top-level exercises are actually both internal and external. Only when they have reached a higher level of practice do they start to focus on it.


However, even if there are top-notch exercises that are practiced both internally and externally, such as the Dragon King's Manual of the Da Cang royal family or some Taoist exercises, there are very few that can truly achieve a balance between the internal and external aspects.

Cultivating both inside and outside represents two possibilities, but these two possibilities do not mean that they are equal parts 50-50.

Like the Dongfang family's Kung Fu, although it is also practiced both internally and externally, 70% of the emphasis is on internal Kung Fu, and the remaining 30% may be on external Kung Fu.

For example, the Buddhist Suppressing Prison Sutra of the Fourth Town General Mansion, or the Nangong family's exercises, are more focused on external skills.

The ratio of external strength to internal strength in the Buddha Suppressing Prison Sutra is only at the beginning of seventy-three, but the Nangong family's method is almost at the level of eighty-two.

Therefore, although the Nangong family or the Four Towns have many strong generals, to some extent, they are indeed unsatisfactory. For hundreds of years, even if they have talented people,

Stepping into the realm of heaven and human beings, however, there are only very few people who can achieve anything in this realm.

From all these families combined, there are no more than three celestial beings who have been able to reach the later stages of the family practice within a few hundred years.

As for Wang Xianzhi, I'm sorry, this one is obviously the kind of person who has good luck, and his fundamental skills are not family skills, but inherited from Emperor Bai and Emperor Wu.

Although the Nangong family's Heavenly Being is only in the early stage of Heavenly Being, no matter what, if you deal with people like Zhao Hong and Bu Ji, isn't it just a matter of holding them in hand and ravaging them as much as you want?

Zhao Hong and Bu Ji died simply, but they threw all the big trouble to Xuanyuan Huang.

At that time, Xuanyuan Huang was still on the front line, still thinking about how to take advantage of Ye Xiaoying and force Ye Xiaoying's troops out of Heyang Road.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! When the news came, Xuanyuan Huang, no matter how well-mannered he was, still wanted to scold her at this time.

However, he still can't really scold his mother.

Most of the people in the big tent saw their own people being slaughtered, by the executioner Nangong Qixing's clansmen whose hands were stained with the blood of their brothers.

A very small number of people even clamored to send out a large army to take revenge on the Nangong family.

Only a very small number of people can see the real problem.

At this time, Xuanyuan Huang was forced into a dilemma.

If he takes action against the Nangong family, how can the Nangong family be so easy to deal with? If they are really pushed to the limit, neither party will feel comfortable.

But if we don't take action, those reckless people below can turn the world upside down.

The Nangong family would not sit still and wait for death. After repelling Zhao Hong and Bu Ji's soldiers, the main group of Nangong family and all the children under the age of ten began to retreat.

Their business routes extend in all directions, and the four imperial merchants have accumulated countless favors in various walks of life, and that is the time to make use of them.

Moreover, as the local snakes in Heyang Road, they will definitely have a lot of secret backhands.

It is absolutely impossible for the entire Nangong family to escape intact. However, it is not difficult to leave only such a small group of the most important group of people.

Perhaps the fate of those left behind will not be good.

However, the Nangong family is not afraid of sacrifice!

The living will not let the dead sacrifice themselves in vain!

They will make their enemies pay a hundred times or a thousand times the price.

Soon, countless merchants from Qingnan, Qingbei, Donghai, and Heyang were buying various basic living supplies such as firewood, rice, oil, and salt at high prices. Xuanyuan Huang was on the front line and did not have time to react immediately. When he realized that something was wrong,

, the matter has become very serious.

Furthermore, although Xuanyuan Huang is an all-rounder, in terms of businessmanship, he is not as versatile as he is in other aspects, and he lacks the most direct sensitivity.

In a short period of time, the supplies on the market have increased several times. And, most importantly, these are the most basic supplies that ordinary people need for their lives.

Moreover, many ordinary people, in pursuit of profit, have sold no one knows how much of the grain they have in hand.

As for what kind of problems will be caused after prices rise exponentially? I believe this kind of problem does not require too much explanation.

Xuanyuan Huang finally saw the danger at this time. He was originally relatively benevolent, but this time he caught a dozen typical businessmen and staged a show of killing chickens to scare the monkeys.

However, Xuanyuan Huang killed more than a dozen merchants and confiscated their shops, but not a single bit of their wealth was found, as if all the materials they purchased at high prices during this period were gone!

Moreover, after killing the chicken to scare the monkey, although the businessmen restrained themselves, they only restrained themselves for a short period of time, and then they turned even crazier.

Even later, after the other three of the Four Imperial Merchants also intervened, in just half a year, prices in these four areas increased by more than ten times compared to the beginning.

The four imperial merchants, on some issues, do not conflict with each other, but on some issues, they will advance and retreat together.

Someone wants to destroy one Nangong family. In the future, someone will want to take action against the other three of their four families.

They have wealth in their hands that makes all the powerful forces jealous. Naturally, when it is time to show off, they must also show that they have enough ability to protect this wealth. At least, they must let some people understand that they want to be jealous of them.

, first of all, you must be able to afford the price behind it.

Although in the past hundreds of years, the four imperial merchants have played the role of money-dispersing boys countless times. However, that is only because they are willing to do so, and it does not mean that others can help them disperse wealth.

Prices rose almost tenfold in a short period of time. At this time, the four roads stopped purchasing goods with almost a tacit understanding. But at this time, the supplies in the hands of the people were almost exhausted.

For a time, all kinds of basic living materials in the Four Lands were sold to sky-high prices.

When the merchants in the four places were frantically purchasing basic living necessities, for some unknown reason, rumors suddenly spread that there was gold in the copper coins. However, a few skilled craftsmen actually cut several copper coins in the middle.

Afterwards, gold was actually cut out.

As for, originally one tael of silver could be exchanged for one tael of copper coins, but since this rumor came out, the exchange ratio of silver and copper coins has been directly out of balance. Moreover, a large number of copper coins have flowed into the market at this time. Originally, only one tael of copper coins could be exchanged for one tael of silver, but now

Now, these copper wires flowing into the market can be exchanged for less than 50 or even 40 cents for one tael of silver.

The money held by the people began to flow out in large quantities.

Da Feng once tried to use the difference in buoyancy to break the rumor that gold was hidden in the copper coins. However, in public, the two copper coins put into the water sank to the bottom of the basin.

Afterwards, during the investigation, Da Feng found that someone dumped a large amount of salt into the wells in the city, and it rained heavily that day, which caused that scene. However, although the reason was found, at this time, even if

I'm afraid no one will believe the reason I told you.

On the contrary, later on, a strange folk man "by chance" exposed everything and debunked the rumor that gold was hidden in copper coins.

But at this time, people's money has been lost in large quantities.

The so-called copper coins, after this rumor was dispelled, faced the most direct depreciation. Traditionally, copper coins, or one hundred copper coins, could be exchanged for one tael of silver, but now it takes a full 130 copper coins to exchange for a car.


Moreover, the methods of the four imperial merchants can be said to be endless, and these are just two of them. The endless methods, combined with today's outrageous prices, make the people at the lowest level feel like they are in heaven.

Xuanyuan Huang was so ruthless that he used both soft and hard methods, but they were all in vain.

He checked countless shops of Nangong's family, both covertly and covertly, but he couldn't find a single stitch.

The originally good situation took a sudden turn for the worse.

Xuanyuan Huang had no choice but to leave the front line and return to the rear to stabilize the situation.

As for the front line, the rear area is in chaos at this time. How can the front line fight normally like before?

The four major imperial merchants headed by the Nangong family would rather burn the materials they collected at a high price after recovering the high price. They would rather make such a loss-making business than let them return to Xuanyuan Huang's hands.


Moreover, not all materials will be burned if the high price is recovered.

Qingbei, Qingnan, and the East China Sea are all close to the sea, and Heyang Road also has the convenience of river transportation. A large part of the supplies were sold to other places at a low price by the four imperial merchants by taking advantage of the convenience of river transportation and sea transportation. Some of them were also half-bought by them.

Half of it was sold to Wang Yu, Prince Jing, Zhennan Army and others.

This chapter has been completed!
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