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Chapter 1075: Disaster victims spread everywhere, civil strife raged, people waited for work, Su Lie destroyed the country

Of course, Su Dingfang's mass killing within Dalan also caused many counterattacks within Dalan.

However, all of Dalan's main troops were wiped out by them. Will Su Dingfang still care about these counterattacks?

These common people who were organized to fight back were no longer common people, but an army.

For Su Dingfang, these are military merits given to the soldiers!

Although he does not need these military exploits, it does not mean that his generals and soldiers do not need these military exploits.

Naturally, Su Dingfang would not refuse the military exploits that came in vain.

Of course, Su Dingfang did not want to waste his energy on these sporadic counterattacks, so he gave Zhang He 30,000 troops and horses to guard Dalan, and also made him responsible for suppressing these counterattacks.

And he himself led the remaining 70,000 troops and horses all the way across the Lanjiang River and into Dasheng.

It was precisely because Su Dingfang destroyed one of the four small dynasties in such a short period of time that the Dahao Dynasty truly realized the strength of Su Dingfang's military power. At this time, Su Dingfang sent people to welcome Zhang Bin back.

Only then could it go so smoothly.

After truly seeing how powerful Su Dingfang was, and they had completely offended the remaining three dynasties at this time, they naturally did not dare to continue to offend Su Dingfang. If they offended both parties, as long as Su Dingfang sat back and did nothing, the rest

Those three dynasties were able to swallow him up to nothing.

Even if they are not willing to send Zhang Bin back, they can only send Zhang Bin back.

As for Zhang He, who stayed behind in Dalan, although he faced a situation of chaos everywhere, it was only a minor trouble. Although it made him a little tired, there was no one who could compete with him head-on.

After all, the Dalan Dynasty's regular troops had been completely lost, and those who were captured alive were under strict guard by them.

Even if there are some slight rebellions between various places, they are just a bunch of rabble. Under normal circumstances, regular soldiers and horses can completely defeat one against ten.

Besides, Su Dingfang, who entered Da Sheng, originally wanted to repeat his old tricks. After Da Sheng's troops and horses gathered together, he would decide the outcome in one battle, just like Da Lan, wiping out the main force of Da Sheng.

However, after receiving the lesson from Da Lan, Da Sheng has also learned the lesson and will not stick to it.

Moreover, it was impossible for Su Dingfang to isolate Da Sheng from all sides like he did against Da Lan, thus forcing Da Sheng to mobilize his troops.

Therefore, Su Dingfang once again attacked the enemy and rescued him. He personally led Yuwen Chengdu and the black cavalry, bypassing the cities along the way, as if he was sending troops towards Shengdu.

The Four Small Dynasties have always been famous for their fertile land. That is because, like the Hetao area of ​​Blue Star, the Four Lower Dynasties are almost surrounded by large rivers. Most of this area is a typical impact plain with few mountains and few

Dangerous place.

Therefore, the country is well connected in all directions, and as long as logistical issues are not considered, it is entirely possible to avoid the cities along the way and head towards the capital.

The Black Cavalry's combat prowess is famous all over the world, and the four small dynasties have only experienced it not long ago!

The Great Sword Dynasty had tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, but they were defeated by ten thousand black cavalry.

Di Qing also led 10,000 black cavalry to attack the capital of the former Dalan Dynasty.

Therefore, after receiving the news, the old Emperor Dasheng quickly gathered all the soldiers and horses around the capital to strengthen the weak branches, because he was afraid that they would repeat the mistakes of the Dalan Dynasty.

However, when Su Dingfang approached the capital, he gave up on the capital. Taking advantage of the situation, all the troops in the cities around the capital were mobilized. Within a few days, he conquered seven cities and defeated these cities.

The food was looted.

Take away what you can, and if you can't take it away, just burn it. Anyway, don't leave even a grain of rice for others.

For a time, there were a large number of hungry people around the Kingdom of Dasheng.

Faced with this situation, the old Emperor Dasheng had nothing to do or care about.

If they take care of it, but Su Dingfang's black knight is outside, how can they take care of it? If they send someone to take care of it at this time, wouldn't it be equivalent to delivering food to others?

Even if they are willing to open the gates of the capital and let these hungry people back, once the gates are opened, what if Su Dingfang's people are hidden among the hungry people who flood in?

But if we don't care, there will be so many hungry people, it will cause a big chaos.

Since ancient times, hungry people often rioted and were forced into desperate situations. These hungry people were capable of anything. Even before external troubles were resolved, internal troubles followed closely.

How can they have any chance of winning this battle?

For a time, Dasheng Dynasty was simply roasted on the fire rack.

In the end, out of fear of the black knight, the old emperor of the Dasheng Dynasty could only sit back and watch.

If these victims continue to cause chaos, at least his Dasheng Dynasty will not be destroyed on the spot, but if he opens this city gate, Su Dingfang might be killed in the next moment.

However, since the old emperor was so calm, Su Dingfang continued to use his old tricks and continued to disrupt the Dasheng Dynasty area.

Anyway, today's Dasheng Dynasty has many empty defenses.

Although Di Qing is facing a tight defense with a large number of troops from Da Sheng, the tens of thousands of troops under his command are all Zhendong veterans, most of them are brave and skilled people who have experienced countless hard battles in their lives.

In Di Qing's army, there were even more powerful generals. Liu Tianxiao, Luo Cheng, Bian Junwu, Wang Yanzhang, Wang Yantong, and Tai Shici were all brave and capable generals.

Although there are no god-level warriors among them, Liu Tianxiao, Luo Cheng, Bian Junwu, and Wang Yanzhang once their combo skills are activated, especially Wang Yanzhang, with the increase in double combo skills, they have already achieved the basic level.

The fighting power of a divine general.

As for General Da Sheng, he had already suffered countless losses in Hedong Road, so how could he stop them at this time?

Therefore, although Di Qing's speed was slower, he was able to defeat two cities in a row and captured 15,000 soldiers and horses of the Dasheng Dynasty.

At this time, after Su Dingfang had caused nearly 200,000 disaster victims in the Dasheng Dynasty, he led the black cavalry back to Di Qing's army, leaving a mess for himself and handing it over to the Dasheng Dynasty.

Just as everyone had guessed, there was no need for the Soviet Union to continue sending troops to attack at this time. The nearly 200,000 victims, because they were about to starve to death, turned civilians into thieves one by one, forming several groups.

A chaotic force spread to all directions, attacking counties and counties.

Since the imperial court was unwilling to rescue them, they had to find a way out for themselves.

There were nearly 200,000 disaster victims, and even if there were only tens of thousands of them among them, the momentum was still scary enough.

Moreover, because the current forces of the Dasheng Dynasty are basically concentrated on the front line confronting Di Qing, or some are concentrated in Shengdu, they lack enough troops to assess this group of disaster victims.

Therefore, these disaster victims and rebels used their most terrifying ability to coerce.

Although they will suffer a lot of casualties every time they break a city, after robbing all the food in the area, a large number of victims will be forced to join them, making them grow stronger.

However, the more chaotic the situation, the easier it is to become a monster.

A group of disaster victims rebelled against the army, and a few careerists actually emerged, each setting up a mountain, trying to take advantage of this opportunity to become bigger and establish a kingly hegemony.

In fact, if most of the troops of the Dasheng Dynasty were not currently mobilized, how could they be given the opportunity to develop and grow?

Moreover, even if they wanted to establish a royal hegemony, would Su Dingfang agree to it?

However, no matter what, when the situation developed to this extent, Su Dingfang was no longer anxious and began to think about watching a show.

If the Dasheng Dynasty does not take any action, the rebellious army of these disaster victims will grow stronger and stronger, and if it reaches a certain level, even if they want to, they will not be able to eliminate it easily.

Not to mention, when these disaster victims and the rebellion develop to a certain extent, these people may not be willing to be left alone, and you will take the initiative to cause trouble for the Dasheng court.

Therefore, it is now a dead end for Dasheng Dynasty.

In the final analysis, it was because the Dasheng Dynasty lost a large number of troops in Hedong Road, otherwise, such an embarrassing situation would not have occurred.

If they had not lost a large number of troops on Hedong Road, they would have no problem deploying 20,000 to 30,000 troops to quell these victims at this time.

In other words, if Su Dingfang's black cavalry had not lost such a large number of troops on Hedong Road and entered the Dasheng Dynasty via a detour, the Dasheng Dynasty would not have drained the troops from the surrounding areas in order to protect the royal capital.

Su Dingfang can sit still, but the Dasheng Dynasty is on fire now, so of course it is impossible to be so stable.

Even though they knew the danger was extremely high, they could only mobilize a small number of troops from the front line and the royal capital to try to quell these disaster victims and rebels.

At the same time, the old Emperor Dasheng gave administrative and military officials in various places the power to act conveniently. Isn't the Dasheng Dynasty short of soldiers and horses now? Then let them temporarily recruit soldiers and horses, open up the treasury, and equip them.

At the same time, powerful families from all over the country were encouraged to form private militia to help the imperial troops quell the victims and rebels, and were rewarded with military merits afterwards.

Relying on this method, the Dasheng Dynasty indeed organized a force that could fight against this rebel army at this time when it was almost at the end of its rope.

However, this also means that Dasheng has completely fallen into civil strife.

Moreover, this method is nothing more than drinking poison to quench thirst.

Once some rights are given out, it will be difficult to take them back.

Just like the various marching generals in the Cang Dynasty, they nominally control the military. However, they only have the right to manage during normal times and have control during wartime. Moreover, they have no right to recruit troops. If you want to recruit troops, you must first

Get an order from the court.

As for the Dasheng Dynasty, this move directly released the power of local administrative and military officials in one fell swoop, just like the state pastors in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. Let powerful families from all over the country form private tribes, which will cause endless troubles.

.If the private tribe develops to the extreme, Da Cang's four generals will be their role models.

However, within Da Sheng, there is no stable balance and control mechanism like Da Cang.

After the power in the hands reaches a certain level, and there is no corresponding balance and restriction, I am afraid that the ambitions in the hearts of a small number of people will be cultivated little by little.

Of course, although these measures are all about drinking poison to quench thirst, at least if you quench your thirst first, you will not die of thirst now. Even if you may be poisoned to death later, that will happen later.

In short, because Dasheng is now in chaos, the supply of food, grass and military pay on the front line has also been affected for a while. There are wars of all sizes in almost all parts of Dasheng, so naturally food, grass and military pay cannot be what they were before.

That way it can be transported easily.

Therefore, Su Dingfang's fighter plane will naturally arrive.

He used the food crisis within Sheng's army to force the other side to take a risky move, but in the end he fell into the trap of Su Dingfang, and more than 10,000 troops fell into Su Dingfang's ambush.

We lost 40,000 troops on Hedong Road, and now, Di Qing and Su Dingfang have successively wiped out 25,000 troops. How many troops does Dasheng have now?

You know, under normal circumstances, the country's military strength only maintained a scale of 120,000.

Excluding the soldiers and horses in the royal capital and those who are quelling the rebels, how many soldiers and horses can be left on the front line at this time?

Therefore, next, Su Dingfang only needs to attack vigorously and vigorously.

Relying on the elite soldiers under his command, as well as the fierceness of Yuwen Chengdu, Wang Yanzhang and other generals, Su Dingfang defeated three more cities overnight. Since then, the Dasheng defense line has been torn into pieces by Su Dingfang.

The remaining frontline soldiers and horses were also divided and surrounded by Su Dingfang's 70,000 troops. It was only a matter of time before they were wiped out.

After these soldiers and horses were officially wiped out, Dasheng's main force has now lost almost all.

Of course, there are still many soldiers and horses in the Dasheng Dynasty. After all, the soldiers and horses temporarily recruited from those places and the private tribes of powerful families are now also soldiers and horses. However, Su Dingfang will not let them go.

It's just in the eyes.

Moreover, those people can't get out now.

After Su Dingfang took care of the Dasheng Dynasty's frontline soldiers and horses, he once again waited for work. When the fight between the two sides became fierce, he suddenly led all the soldiers and horses to attack and wiped out both sides in one go.

Even if there are some scattered remnants, they are harmless and cannot affect the overall situation, so naturally they will no longer care about them.

What happened next was very simple. Su Dingfang led all the troops and directly surrounded the capital of the Dasheng Dynasty.

At that time, the royal capital of the Dasheng Dynasty still had 15,000 soldiers and horses, but the people were so panic-stricken that their inner strength was completely exhausted. How much combat power could they still have left now?

Even if the old emperor of the Dasheng Dynasty personally climbed the city wall to boost morale, it would be difficult to change the general trend.

Su Dingfang continued to attack the city for a month, burying more than ten thousand bones under the capital of Dasheng Dynasty, and finally broke through the capital of Dasheng Dynasty.

This chapter has been completed!
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