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Chapter 415 Assassination

Under the suggestion of Demon Dao Wenren Ruohai, after a final struggle, the two kings finally made the decision to invite Da Gan to the scene!

It is never a good idea for one dynasty to invite another dynasty to handle its own household affairs. It is just a last resort.

After all, if you don't grasp the right angle in the middle, if something goes wrong in the process, it is really possible that you will be infamy for thousands of years, lose your wife and lose the army.

And this is also related to another news Wang Yu received, that Daqian is about to send 300,000 troops to Da Cang!

If King Jing and King Wei want to get a chance to breathe, the only way is to transfer the troops and horses of the court to other places. At the worst, they have to transfer some of the troops and horses!

They can no longer do this internally, and the last remaining option is to bring in external forces.

Excluding Beidi who are already at war in the north and Dongyi in the northeast, there are only a few dynasties bordering Da Cang, Da Wu, Da Wei and Da Qian!

It’s just that the Dawu Dynasty said that he was also in a lot of troubles, so how could he bother to deal with the affairs of the Da Cang Dynasty at this time!

I really thought that the situation of the Dawu Dynasty could be much better than that of the Da Cang Dynasty. Although the Da Wu Dynasty had always been eyeing the Da Cang Dynasty, Da Cang finally had such a good opportunity that caused internal and external troubles, but Da Wu could only bear the pain and turn a blind eye. , concentrate on dealing with their own troubles!

The Great Wei Dynasty was also not suitable at this time, because the Great Wei Dynasty had a better goal, the Great Xia Dynasty. The Great Xia Dynasty had been weighing on them for many years, and it was not easy to find such an opportunity to bully them. Naturally, It’s impossible to let it go!

In the end, there was only one Daqian dynasty, and this time was appropriate. Moreover, this was a most appropriate goal.

Compared with the Dawu Dynasty and the Dawei Dynasty, the Daqian Dynasty at this time had the power to intervene in the Da Cang Dynasty, but it did not have that much power. If it was controlled properly, there would not really be the consequences of turning against the guest and leading the wolf into the house.

The Daqian Dynasty also had its own internal troubles, and those anti-king forces were a big trouble for the Daqian Dynasty.

However, today's Daqian Dynasty still belongs to the strong side, constantly sending elite soldiers and generals to suppress rebellions. Those who rebel against the king can only support themselves and wait for opportunities.

But even if the Daqian Dynasty faced the stronger side of the anti-kings, the situation was far from as corrupt as that of the Wu Dynasty. However, those anti-kings still contained nearly half of the Daqian Dynasty's troops.

Therefore, if King Jing and King Wei can attract the Daqian Dynasty to intervene in the situation in Da Cang, it is absolutely impossible for the Daqian Dynasty to go all out on Da Cang's side.

Therefore, when the Daqian Dynasty could only mobilize limited power, King Jing and King Wei could not only solve the crisis on their side, but they did not have to worry too much about the danger that the Daqian Dynasty would really destroy the Cang Dynasty!

However, although the truth is such a truth, once an external force like Da Gan is really introduced, it is really not up to them to decide how the situation will develop. In fact, King Jing and King Wei have no way to guarantee it. Everything will go as they want.

In the process of implementation, if there is a slight mistake, the situation is likely to develop in an unpredictable direction! Even if the Daqian Dynasty really tasted the sweetness in this process and was greedy, then the two of them would You may become the eternal sinner of the world!

Therefore, both King Jing and King Wei struggled with this decision, and it took them three full days of consideration before finally making the decision.

However, just making such a decision is not enough. Effectively promoting Daqian to send troops to Dacan is a real problem!

Therefore, Yuan Shouxin officially went to Daqian as an envoy to "form an alliance" with Daqian, while Wen Renruohai, Xu You, and Huang Chao prepared a large amount of gold and silver, preparing to rely on the internal strength of Daqian to promote this matter.

And now, since it has been revealed that Daqian will send 300,000 troops, it means that this group of people has succeeded.

And when the news about Daqian's troop dispatch came out, the most anxious people in Dacan were Zhennan General's Mansion. Magli was no longer in the mood to fight Xuanyuan Huang there. When this was confirmed, After confirming the authenticity of the news, he quickly returned to Yangdong Road where Zhennan General's Mansion was located.

Compared to the threat of the Daqian Dynasty, a mere Celestial Master is not enough!

Daqian invaded, and Dacang's court was once again in shock. There were so many foreign enemies from Beidi, Dongyi, and Daqian that Dacan could only passively defend on the border and had no ability to make progress.

Fortunately, the three kings' forces at this time have suffered heavy losses. Otherwise, if the three kings' forces are still as strong as they were at the beginning, then the Great Cang Court may really have no hope this time!

After discussions among many courtiers, the new Cang Emperor Huangfu Mingzhao still implemented the policy of settling down the country before withdrawing from the outside world. Prince Jing and Prince Wei were already serious troubles, and Tianshi Dao also had to be eliminated. If they are not dealt with, the Da Cang Dynasty will not be able to fully cope with threats from all sides.

However, without the help of the Zhennan Army, the remaining government troops alone may not be a match for Tianshi Dao Xuanyuan Huang.

Therefore, Huangfu Mingzhao also handed over the command of the imperial army that originally dealt with Tianshi Dao to Chu Xizhao. The general of the suppressing army, Chu Xizhao, led the 100,000 suppressing western army, 200,000 forbidden troops, and 200,000 The government army with a total of 500,000 troops wiped out the remaining three kings, King Jing, King Wei, the remaining King Cheng, who rebelled against the party, and the rebellious Tianshi Dao forces.

Facing Chu Xizhao's strong attack, King Jing, King Wei, and the three kings of Tianshi Dao could only resist together. With the current strength of King Wei and King Jing, it is indeed difficult to resist Chu Xizhao alone!

And if the power of these two kings is destroyed, the final result of Tianshi Dao will be that it will be unable to survive alone and will only be defeated. Xuanyuan Huang will be unable to defeat the 100,000 Zhennan Army plus those government soldiers, let alone if the opponent changes now. It has become a lineup like Chu Xizhao!

At this time, these aspects are faced with the situation that if they are in harmony, they will survive, and if they are not in harmony, they will be broken down one by one.

Although there was cooperation between the two parties before, more accurately speaking, it was Tianshi Dao's support for the three kings' forces. However, the cooperation at the beginning was only superficial cooperation. After the real fight, both sides just played their own roles. , each plays his own role, and there is basically no connection between them.

But the next cooperation will be different. In order to deal with the next common crisis, the superficial formal cooperation like before is not enough. They must have a real cooperation.


The last news Wang Yu received was the news about the assassination of the fourth prince Huangfu Mingfeng.

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