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Chapter 501 In the Name of Righteousness

"Yes, and no!" Wang Yu nodded first, then shook his head again.

"Among the three kings, except for the half-wasted King Cheng, the remaining two kings are unwilling to be inferior to others. It may not be realistic for these two kings to submit to His Highness in a short time." Shi Zhixuan intervened at this time.

King Laocheng was taken away by Emperor Xiancang when he died, and many of his civil and military subordinates defected to the remaining two kings. Although King Xincheng was forced to come up due to the situation, he had far less say among the three kings.

Not as good as back then.

Therefore, among the three kings, the ones we really want to see now are King Jing and King Wei.

But these two kings, even the then Cang Emperor could not subdue them, let alone the current Su Wang Huangfu Mingze. Although they only expressed their submission in name, it was not something that could be done in a short time.

There will definitely be some twists and turns in the middle.

"The three kings may not be willing, but Heavenly Master Dao Xuanyuan Huang is not a bad idea!" Wang Yu said in a deep voice.

Even though Tianshi Dao has united the three kings, it is still at a disadvantage facing Chu Xizhao. Although there are many crises outside Da Cang, Zhendong, Zhenbei, and Zhennan have all been operating in their respective places for hundreds of years.

, it can definitely be supported in a short period of time.

Even if it is the side of the Suppression Army that is under the greatest pressure, with the support of the Forbidden Army, as long as there are no accidents, it will definitely be a long time for Beidi to break through.

It is precisely because of this that although there are many external troubles, the Da Cang court is still making every effort to solve internal problems.

At this stage, Xuanyuan Huang can definitely see clearly that they and the three kings are in the same situation when they are fighting against Chu Xizhao's court troops, but if there is another Su Wang Huangfu Mingze, it will be another situation.


Moreover, if Su Wang Huangfu Mingze joins the alliance, then they will have the qualifications to confront the imperial court based on their righteousness.

No matter what you do, it is very important to grasp the great righteousness. When two armies are fighting, especially when two forces are directly fighting each other, the importance of great righteousness is especially obvious.

For example, Liu Bang's campaign against Xiang Yu and San Qin was to expand his territory and increase his influence. They were essentially self-interested, which makes no sense.

But you directly use the banner to say, I am just for myself and want to benefit myself.

Then others will think that you are too greedy and bring ruin to all living beings just for your own desires. If you follow you in doing things, it is unethical and unethical.

But if you hold a righteous position and have a reasonable reason, it's completely different.

Take Liu Bang for example, he holds great righteousness: "Today Xiang Yu kills the righteous emperor Jiangnan, which is a treason and injustice!"

When others saw it, they thought, oh, it turns out that Xiang Yu did something unethical and killed the old leader. Liu Bang is here to support justice and take revenge.

This gives people a completely different feeling. Others will only give a thumbs up and say, Liu Bang did a good job!

After mastering the great righteousness, although it is essentially an unjust and self-interested war, it does not prevent it from being shaped into an image of being selfless and serving the world first.

At the same time, Liu Bang's great righteousness to avenge the Righteous Emperor was actually building momentum for himself, saying that he represented the righteous side. So should other princes participate?

Those who participate are naturally just, and those who do not participate or even help Xiang Yu are unjust.

When fighting about righteousness, it is actually like spitting in the current public opinion war.

You say it's useless, but it's useful. You say it's useless. Once your opponent takes over, it will disgust you to death.

People like to choose between left, center and right, but you have to give the other person a reason to choose you.

Of course, interests are one of the bargaining chips, and whether you occupy the commanding heights of justice is also one of the factors.

After all, people like to flaunt their greatness and integrity, but how to reflect it?

Simple! Just have a noble and upright reason.

Liu Bang acted righteously and avenged the Righteous Emperor. Choosing Liu Bang was honorable and correct.

To occupy the great righteousness is to take advantage of the tendency of people's hearts.

If you want to defeat your opponent, you must, on the one hand, overwhelm the opponent with strength and power, and on the other hand, try to disintegrate the opponent's internal forces as much as possible. How to disintegrate? Righteousness is also one of the weapons.

As mentioned before, occupying righteousness rationalized Liu Bang's behavior.

In the same way, Liu Bang took advantage of his righteousness and made Xiang Yu look bad, not only for others to see, but also for Xiang Yu's internal view.

When others saw it, they realized that Xiang Yu was such a person and we stopped playing with him.

The people inside Xiang Yu took a look and realized that Xiang Yu is so bad. If we work for him, we are not helping him to commit evil. We will not do anything for him anymore.

People will find reasons for their actions, maybe it's interests, maybe it's psychological.

But if you can make others feel that what they do is not so right and great, or even shameful, then this is very likely to shake the other person's heart. In this way, it will also have the effect of disintegrating the other person.

In addition to these, occupying the righteousness is also for yourself.

As I said before, people will always find reasons for doing things.

If the reason is noble enough, then its effect will exceed money, material and even life.

For example, the banner of the Crusades was to recapture Jerusalem.

Therefore, countless people in Europe at that time abandoned their wives and children, sold their belongings, and joined the Eastern Expedition in order to save themselves.

Occupying great righteousness can give your actions a more glorious color, making you feel that everything you do is sacred, glorious and great.

The effect of this is that morale is extremely high when facing difficulties.

Nowadays, as long as Su Wang Huangfu Mingze "complies with the late emperor's decree and declares himself emperor", then they can launch a public opinion war and strive to be on the side of righteousness, and the war they are waging becomes a crusade against "no king and no father"

The just war of the rebellious emperor Huangfu Mingzhao.

For this reason, if a powerful lobbyist is hired, it will be easy for Xuanyuan Huang to win him over.

Once Xuanyuan Huang comes over, the three kings will have no choice but to hold their noses and admit it. Even if they don't show surrender in action, at least there will be a tacit understanding of common confrontation. And this alone is enough.

After all, when that time comes, it is impossible for the Three Kings to sit back and do nothing while watching Chu Xizhao lead the imperial troops to attack King Su or Tianshi Dao. If King Su and Tianshi Dao collapse under the attack of the court, then

Only the three kings are left and they won't be able to survive for long.

The current situation is such a situation. Despite the internal and external troubles in the world, it looks like it is crumbling, but it is not that easy to collapse.

If the strength of any one of them is taken alone, compared with the imperial court, it still appears to be quite weak.

This chapter has been completed!
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