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Chapter 541 Alexander the Great

"Ding, balance the third person, Yang Lin, with 96 commander, 102 force, 79 intelligence, 72 politics, and 80 charm.

Implanted identity: Uncle Yang Jian of the Wei Dynasty.

Carrying: dragon-prisoning stick, hoof-grabbing white tiger horse.

Carrying: Wu Yunzhao, Wu Tianci, Wu Bao, Wu Deng, the first Taibao Paul Fang, the second Taibao Xue Liang, the third Taibao Li Wan, the fourth Taibao Li Xiang, the fifth Taibao Gao Ming, the sixth Taibao Gao Liang, the seventh Taibao Su Cheng, the eighth Taibao Su

Feng, Ninth Taibao Huang Kun, Tenth Taibao Cao Lin, Eleventh Taibao Ding Liang, Twelfth Taibao Ma Zhan.”

The thirteen Taibos brought out by Yang Lin were actually nothing.

After all, among the entire Thirteen Taibao, there is only one who is ranked thirteenth, Qin Qiong, the Divine Fist Taibao, who is truly talented.

The rest are the eldest Taibao Paul Fang, the second Taibao Xue Liang, the third Taibao Li Wan, the fourth Taibao Li Xiang, the fifth Taibao Gao Ming, the sixth Taibao Gao Liang, the seventh Taibao Su Cheng, the eighth Taibao Su Feng, the ninth Taibao Huang Kun, and the tenth Taibao

Cao Lin, the eleventh Taibao Ding Liang, the twelve Taibao Ma Zhan, the abilities of these twelve people are just that.

In fact, if these twelve Taibao were really serious, they might not even be able to pick out a top-notch one!

However, although the Thirteen Taibao are nothing, the strength of the Wu family is quite strong.

As one of the nine elders of the Sui Dynasty, Wu Jianzhang is definitely not a parallel import. He has already emerged from the previous balance, but I don't know where he is now. The entire Wu family will basically follow this lead.

As for Wu Yunzhao and Wu Tianci, as the fifth hero of the Sui and Tang Dynasties and the sixth hero of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, their statistics have appeared before. With a basic force of 104 and peak heaven-level strength, they are also two powerful men.

By referring to the strength of Xiong Kuohai, we can roughly guess the strength of Wu Yunzhao and Wu Tianci. After all, the difference in strength among the three heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, namely the Four, Five and Six, can be said to be very small.

You know, with the combat power that Xiong Kuohai can finally burst out, if the god-level generals do not use the power of blood evil, if Xiong Kuohai really faces some weaker god-level generals, it may not be too bad.

Too afraid of the other party!

"Ding, the fourth balanced person, Alexander, has 102 commander, 98 force, 90 intelligence, 96 politics, and 102 charm.

Implanted identity: The monarch of the small country of Xirong, Macedonia.

Carrying: Parmenio, Parmenion, Philotas, Hephaestion, Cleitas, Parmenio, Nearchus, Perdiccas, Ptolemy, Seleucus

Ancient, Antigonus I, Eregeas, Antipater, Attalus, Cleitus."

"If the mountain does not come to me, I will go to it." Alexander the Great practiced what he said throughout his life. He developed the Kingdom of Macedonia into the largest country in the world at that time, occupied by the four major civilizations.

Third. He is honored as: the first of the four major military commanders in European history.

As a recognized military genius in world history, he himself has become one of the most influential figures in human history.

Although Alexander the Great only lived for a short period of thirty-three years, he accomplished many great achievements that would be unimaginable by later generations.

When he was eighteen years old, he won a crucial victory in the Battle of Chaeronea. He seized the opportunity and decisively directed his troops to advance, directly defeating the most famous Theban warriors in Greece.

At the age of 21, he officially ascended the throne and took over the powerful Macedonian army and countless gold and silver from his father.

But he would never be satisfied with this. Besides, Macedonia was not peaceful at that time. Thebes, Athens and Sparta were all eyeing it. Even before Alexander the Great led his troops to the expedition, Thebes and Athens

After forming an alliance and provoking a war, Alexander the Great, who was skilled in war, immediately led his army to fight. Within two years, Thebes and Athens were completely defeated.

Not only that, he also led his army to march eastward, and after annexing the Persian Empire, he continued to march southward to India. In 13 years, he conquered 5 million square kilometers of territory, making the Kingdom of Macedonia the country with the largest territory in the world at that time, and also making ancient Greece

civilization spread and prospered.

Alexander's teacher Aristotle once commented on his student in a letter: Indeed, whether out of jealousy or other reasons, there is always a rare look in Prince Alexander...his thirst for knowledge.

It is astonishing, and it often shows me that there is no basis for underestimating him... I dare to say that he will be a greater person than any hero, and he will do better than them.

Carthaginian military commander Hannibal Baca considered Alexander the greatest general.

Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of the First French Empire, considered Alexander, Hannibal of Carthage, Caesar of ancient Rome, and Gustav of Sweden to be the four most famous generals in (Western) military history.

In 1816, he listed Alexander as the seven commanders together with Hannibal, Caesar, Gustav, Dureny, Prince Eugen, and Frederick II.

There is no doubt about Alexander the Great's military and political talents.

However, no one in this world is perfect.

For example, in some respects, Alexander was considered short-sighted.

For example, he did not arrange a successor, and even the closest person to him was a weak and incompetent half-brother. This was the main reason why the empire quickly collapsed after his death.

Moreover, like the Persian Empire, Alexander's Empire did not have a unified economic foundation, nor did it have a long-term unified political institution and organizational system that could sustain it.

Therefore, once a strong leader dies and various contradictions arise, the disintegration of this kind of empire based on military conquest is inevitable.

After his death, his generals attempted to divide the empire, causing some young officers to become dissatisfied with this arrangement, and a series of wars ensued.

In this struggle, Alexander's mother, wife and children were all killed. In 301 BC, three victors, Ptolemy, Seleucus, and Antigonus I, divided up Alexander's empire.

Territory, beginning the Hellenistic era.

"Ding, the fifth balanced person, Yang Lin, has 51 commander, 79 force, 58 intelligence, 48 politics, and 62 charm.

Implanted identity: Song Jiang was one of the talented people recruited from the Three Mountains and Five Mountains for the imperial court.

Carrying: Dong Ping, Tong Wei, Tong Meng, Bao Xu, Fan Rui, Xiang Chong, Lu Fang, Guo Sheng, Ou Peng, Deng Fei, Yan Shun, Xie Zhen, Xie Bao, Yang Xiong, Shi Xiu, Dai Zong, Liu Tang, Ruan

Xiaoer, Ruan Xiaowu, Ruan Xiaoqi."

Huh, I didn't expect that two Yang Lins would appear in such a set of balances.

However, except for the same name, these two Yang Lins are completely different. And the two of them are even more different in terms of ability.

This chapter has been completed!
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