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Chapter 596 Wang Yu visits Guan Zhong

On a country road.

Sitting atop a tall horse, Wang Yu looked troubled.

Just a few days ago, news finally came from Zhao Gao, who was in the net, that Zhang Lingmo, the boss of Tianshi Dao, was about to die, and this finally explained why Chu Xizhao dared to leave the front line and come to Hebei Dao.


After all, the new Luowang has many shortcomings in all aspects compared with the North and South Yamen established by Da Cang for hundreds of years. The news that Zhang Lingmo was seriously ill and about to die was kept secret, but the same news, Wang

Yu received it much later than Chu Xizhao.

If this news could have been received in advance, there might have been plans to prepare for the matter, and at least the battle might not have been so disastrous!

Zhang Lingmo is seriously ill and is about to die, which will definitely have a crucial impact on the situation in Da Cang.

If Zhang Lingmo falls, the original conflicts within Tianshi Dao may be almost unstoppable.

Don't think that there are no internal conflicts within the Tianshi Mansion. Now they are just being suppressed by all the undercurrents. When they can no longer be suppressed, they will naturally break out.

There will never be any contradictions within any force!

Although Xuanyuan Huang has been prosperous since he came to power, in a short period of time, he has accumulated huge prestige in Tianshi Dao, and also accumulated enough power to make him, the Holy Son,

The name is worthy of its name.

But after all, we should not forget that in the early stages of the development of Tianshi Tao, in addition to Zhang Lingmo’s contribution, there was also the credit of Zhang Jiao. Without Zhang Jiao’s cooperation, Tianshi Tao would not have developed as it does today.


Therefore, Zhang Jiao seems to be silent, but in fact, his hidden power in Tianshi Dao is definitely not small.

If Zhang Lingmo really falls, who will be the next boss of Tianshi Dao? There is always an explanation!

However, although the matter of Tianshi Dao is big, it is still not as big as what happened to Wang Yu today!

"Lord! We're here!" Zhuge Kongming's elegant voice sounded, and Wang Yu was pulled out of his messy thoughts.

Not far away, there is a simple thatched cottage, which is very elegantly decorated.

Generally speaking, if there is a place like this in a novel, there is a high probability that there will be a master hermit.

Today, Wang Yu came to visit this old man. Although he was not a white-haired old man, but just a young man, in fact, he was indeed an expert, and an extremely tall person.


"Brother Guan, Zhuge Kongming is here to pay his respects!"

Many people say that Zhuge Kongming is actually very similar to Bai Luodi in some aspects. Both of them are quite perfect people. Unless you have absolute strength to defeat him, it is impossible to defeat him in evil ways.

Even among Confucians, many people regard Zhuge Liang as the next Bai Luodi.

Many people also say that if Zhuge Liang could have been born a few years earlier and could catch up with the generation of the Seven Confucian Masters at that time, then one of the seven masters would definitely be replaced by Zhuge Liang.

However, Zhuge Liang was too young at that time and had no ability to compete with those seven people.

What's more, at that time, Zhuge Liang was very impeccable, and a few people knew that there was such a prominent figure in Confucianism.

Confucians are spread throughout the seven dynasties. What a vast area. How many people are there in Confucianism? Even they themselves may not know how many disciples there are in Confucianism!

With such a vast area and so many disciples, how could it be possible for the Seven Confucian Masters to really summon all the Confucian disciples together for selection?

In fact, it is just a selection process after gathering outstanding disciples in different regions!

And if Zhuge Liang is only considered to have a certain possibility of being compared with Bai Luodi in the future, the current one is really qualified to be compared with Bai Luodi.

Bai Luodi, the most outstanding disciple of Confucianism!

Guan Zhong, the most outstanding disciple of Legalism!

Of course, these two people have never been less competitive before, and they are even close friends in private. However, the outcome of these two people is only a 50-50 outcome!

Zhuge Liang had never met Guan Zhong. There were so many famous people in the world that it was impossible for him to be familiar with them all. Moreover, at his age, he did not have time to get acquainted with so many people.

Guan Zhong, this was sent to me through a letter from Xun Yu!

In fact, when he got the news that this person had arrived in Da Cang, Xun Yu even had the idea of ​​putting down what he was doing and coming over in person!

Ever since Guan Zhong was extracted by Wang Yu in the previous balance, he has had no news about this person, as if this person disappeared for no reason.

But fortunately, the system has always been quite reliable. Although it was a little late, it finally appeared.

"I've heard about Kong Ming's talent a long time ago, and now that I've seen it, it's a worthwhile trip!"

“Young Master Yu’s name has also been heard!”

The door of the thatched cottage was suddenly opened, and his true appearance was revealed in green clothes.

The face is round and broad, graceful and generous, the forehead is broad, the eyes are bright, the ears are large and drooping, the three strands of beard appear to be gentle, and the lips are slightly closed, as if there are words of advice.

At first glance, it seems that this person was born to be a minister.

Zhuge Liang had not introduced Wang Yu yet, but no one present looked surprised that Guan Zhong had recognized Wang Yu.

If Guan Zhong couldn't even guess this, then he wouldn't be Guan Zhong!

Furthermore, Xun Yu on the other hand might have already laid the groundwork for them in his letters. Among the people under Wang Yu, Liu Xiang Xun Ling has always been the safest in handling matters.

"Ding, Guan Zhong, commander is 98, force is 78, intelligence is 101, politics is 105, and charm is 100.

The current attributes have not reached their peak, with 96 in command, 78 in force, 100 in intelligence, 102 in politics, and 98 in charm."

When you open the system and take a look, these luxurious attributes can really blind one's eyes.

Although Zhuge Liang has not yet reached his peak at this time, after he reaches the peak level, he will also be a three-level god-level figure.

However, Zhuge Liang only reached three levels of godhood after the fused general soul. Without this general soul, he would only have two levels of godhood at most.

As for Guan Zhong, these three items have truly reached the god level, and one of them has full ability value.

Among the characters Wang Yu has seen so far, there are really few people who can compare with this attribute strength!

This chapter has been completed!
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