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Chapter 62 Heavenly Commander Summons

 "It's okay, using thieves to control thieves is the best strategy!" The fourth prince Huangfu Mingfeng agreed.

Moreover, the places where the Sanshan bandits are located are mostly built according to dangers. If the imperial army is ordered to attack directly, there will be casualties to some extent.

Next, there are 10,000 bandits in Liangshan on Yannan Road to deal with, and Huangfu Mingfeng cannot cause too many casualties to the Imperial Army here. Compared to Liangshan, the bandits here are a bit insignificant.
"General, you can take a day off today and order the sergeants to build Yun Di. We will attack again tomorrow!" Sima Qingrou stepped forward and suggested.

Although the walls of these bandits are not as high as city walls, they are still three to four meters high. If you want to attack, some simple ladders are still indispensable.

"But, in addition, all you need to do is give those thieves some rice soup to eat, and keep them under strict supervision to prevent them from causing chaos tonight!" Huangfu Mingfeng added after thinking.

Just some rice soup is naturally not enough to fill the stomach. Even if these thieves have some evil intentions these days and find an opportunity to cause trouble, they can easily suppress them.


"System, use 150 summoning points to conduct a heaven-level commander summons!" At night, in the military tent, Wang Yu began to give instructions to the system

Wang Yu never forgot from the beginning to the end. He did not order the army to stop at Hebei Road just to wipe out a few bandits, nor did he really order the fourth prince to command the battle and practice his skills here.

Wang Yu was having trouble with these bandits here. From beginning to end, it was just to collect a few summoning points so that he could conduct the next summons and then let him join Liangshan. This was not only to allow him to add trouble to the fourth prince Huangfu Mingfeng,

In order to occupy Liangshan in the future, he will use the land of Liangshan to train his troops.

"Ding, the first person is Peng Yue, commander in chief 97."

Peng Yue, the founding hero of the Western Han Dynasty, was also one of the three famous generals of the early Han Dynasty. The remaining two of the three famous generals of the early Han Dynasty were Han Xin and Yingbu.

Peng Yue was the first strategist to formally use guerrilla warfare tactics in the history of world war, and can be said to be the ancestor of guerrilla warfare.

In terms of military strategy and commanding ability, he is not as good as Han Xin, but in terms of achievements, he is even better.

In the Chu-Han War, it was precisely because he led his troops to carry out guerrilla warfare in the rear of the Chu army, attacking Chu's supplies, and using the tactics of enemy advancing, we retreat, and enemy retreating, that we pursued, that Xiang Yu was exhausted from fighting on both sides, and the Chu army was

The food and equipment could not be supplied, which also gave the Han army on the front line a chance to avoid being annihilated by Xiang Yu.

During the Chu-Han War, it was on the basis of Liu Bang's frontal defense, Han Xin's thousands of miles of outflanking, and Peng Yue's rear guerrilla warfare that Xiang Yu's troops were finally annihilated in the final Battle of Gaixia and the final victory was achieved.

"Ding, the second person is Chang Yuchun, commander-in-chief 97."

"The Chronicles of the Ming Dynasty Volume 8" records Zhu Yuanzhang's words, "Today's generals are not unfit for fighting, but they can be cautious and disciplined, defeat and attack, and have the body of a general. They are not as good as the generals who are worth millions."

The crowd bravely ascended first, overwhelmed the enemy, and was invincible, no better than a lieutenant general encountering spring."

Zhu Yuanzhang's words are very level. What he means is: I appointed Xu Da and Chang Yuchun as commanders, not to say that others are not good. However, when it comes to leading troops to fight, running the army strictly and ensuring victory, you

None of you are as good as Xu Da. In terms of your ability to defeat an enemy and defeat an enemy with a million soldiers, none of you are as good as Chang Yuchun.

In Zhu Yuanzhang's mind, Xu Da is the commander who controls the battle situation, Chang Yuchun is the general who attacks the city, Xu Da is the hard bow, Chang Yuchun is the sharp arrow, and Zhu Yuanzhang is the one who pulls the bow and shoots the arrow.

Chang Yuchun has always been loyal to Zhu Yuanzhang, he dared to speak out, served on the battlefield, and died exhausted. Zhu Yuanzhang loved Chang Yuchun very much and believed that Chang Yuchun's achievements "although famous in ancient times, have never been surpassed".

Zhu Yuanzhang even wrote a poem: "I have thousands of lines of pig iron juice, and I have never cried for my children in my life. Suddenly I heard that the public passed away yesterday, and the grass and trees were wet with tears." After that, Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the court painter to draw Chang Yuchun, who was wearing a dragon.

Full body image of the robe.

Chang Yuchun not only reached the heaven level in terms of commander, but he was also not inferior in terms of military force. He was definitely at the heaven level. For this reason alone, his gold content was higher than that of the first candidate Peng Yue.

"Ding, the third person is Yang Lin, commander in chief 96."

Yang Lin, courtesy name Huchen, however, is not an official historical figure, but a fictional character in books such as "The Complete Biography of the Tang Dynasty" and "The Biography of the Rising Tang Dynasty". He is one of the nine founders of the Sui Dynasty and the eighth hero in the world. He is the Sui Dynasty.

He made great contributions to the establishment and unification of the dynasty and was named the patron king. His historical prototypes are Zhang Xutuo and Yang Su.

Like Chang Yuchun, Yang Lin, in addition to being at the heaven level in terms of command, is probably also at the heaven level in terms of force.

After all, in the novel, he holds a pair of prison dragon sticks, each weighing 150 kilograms. He is brave enough to be worthy of ten thousand men. In the early Sui Dynasty, he was the one responsible for the force.

"Ding, the fourth person, Zhang Han, commander-in-chief 98."

Zhang Han, the military pillar of the Qin Dynasty, the last general of the Qin Dynasty.

Zhang Han was a general who was born at the wrong time. Although the people of the old Qin Dynasty had suffered for a long time, and what Zhang Han faced was not necessarily the most critical situation, Zhang Han was not in vain. Wang Jian and other famous generals of the old Qin country had

Two things, that is, a wise king and the people's hearts.

In the past, Hangu Pass displayed the allied armies of the Eastern countries, which looked much more dangerous than the uprising armies in the late Qin Dynasty. But at that time, the Qin monarch was wise and the people were united. In order to make contributions and protect their country, the old Qin people did not hesitate to fight.

Fear of sacrifice. Therefore, Qin can always defeat more with less and win repeated battles.

But Zhang Han is different. The monarch above him is the mediocre and unprincipled Qin II. The one who holds the most power in the court is Zhao Gao, who is like a deer to a horse and brings trouble to the court. But under him, there are only a group of prisoners who have just been sent.

Zhang Han led an army of Lishan prisoners and set off from Tongguan to fight Zhou Wen's army. Zhang Han, commanded by Ruoding, led the army of prisoners to defeat Zhou Wen. Zhou Wen was defeated and committed suicide. After defeating Zhou Wen, Zhang Han led his army to fight again.

Guguan, defeated the Qi and Chu coalition forces. The Chu army general Xiang Liang was beheaded by Zhang Han in Dingtao.

After the formation beheaded Xiang Liang, Zhang Han personally led his elite troops to the west to fight the Qin army, defeated Xingyang general Tian Zang, invaded Xingyang City, and killed Li Gui.

After that, Zhang Han defeated Chen Sheng one by one, killed all Chen Sheng's troops, and then besieged Chen Sheng. Under Zhang Han's offensive, Chen Sheng lost consecutive battles. He was eventually killed by his personal coachman, and Chen Sheng's uprising was suppressed.

From Zhou Wen to Chen Sheng, Zhang Han defeated a million rebels and defeated countless enemies.

Under Zhang Han's offensive, King Qi died in battle, King Wei committed suicide, and almost all the famous generals in Qi and Chu died in battle, leaving only Xiang Yu. For a time, the rebel soldiers were in danger, worried that Zhang Han would attack. It can be said that,

If it weren't for Xiang Yu, Zhang Han might really be able to save the Qin Dynasty from collapse.

Unfortunately, at the last moment, Zhang Han did not seize the opportunity to completely destroy the Chu army. When Xiang Liang and others died in battle, Zhang Han believed that there was no threat to Chu, so he led his troops to attack Zhao, preparing to attack Zhao first.

Annihilate the Zhao army.

In the end, in the Battle of Julu, Xiang Yu broke the cauldron and defeated the Qin army. The Qin army suffered heavy losses in this battle, but even at this time, Zhang Han did not have no strength to fight Xiang Yu again. If the imperial court could

Reinforcing Zhang Han may defeat Xiang Yu.

It's a pity that the imperial court was still fighting for power, and the fatuous Hu Hai tricked Zhang Han again at this time.

"Ding, the fifth person, Ying Dang, commander in chief 95."

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