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Chapter 718 Yannan Recruits

The wind in the north usually blows close to the ground, so it is easy for such wind to get in through trouser legs and under clothes and robes.

In just a moment, you can feel chills all over your body.

A thin layer of snow covered the withered grass, and groups of war horses were diligently grazing despite the wind and snow. The hard grass that was dismissed in summer and autumn became delicious at this time.

After all, grass that requires hard work to break through the ice and snow is always extra sweet.

In the distance, you can vaguely see the smoke starting to rise in the small village. Winter is a rare time of leisure for these ordinary people.

Wang Yu stayed outside the tent for a while and then returned to the tent, not because of the cold, but because seeing too many scenes like this would slowly melt his newly frozen heart.

This is not a good phenomenon. It is the behavior of heroes to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

Wang Yu understands this sentence more thoroughly than most people. No matter in the past life or in this life, a pure person is always closer to the goal he wants.

Of course, those who can be successful while balancing emotions, reason, and law, Wang Yu usually calls such people gods!

Wang Yu didn't know whether such a god existed, but at least, he was not such a god, and he did not have the ability to become such a god.

"Lord, we will reach Hebei Road in three days!" Dian Wei, who followed him into the tent, exhaled a breath of white air.

"Generals Wen Zhong, Meng Wu, and Meng Tian should also set off, right?" Wang Yu used a wooden stick to pick up the brazier in the big tent, causing the temperature in the big tent to rise a little again.

The winter snowfall in Da Cang this year has been particularly severe, and many places have even suffered snow disasters, making the people who were already suffering from war even more miserable.

However, it is precisely because this winter snow is particularly severe that the war within Da Cang has begun to ease. Various battlefields have entered a truce period. The originally war-torn Da Cang has found a rare tranquility.

In the ancient environment, it was not unusual to fight in winter. After all, there was rarely a shortage of food and grass in winter, because winter was after autumn, and after the autumn harvest, food and grass were put into the warehouse, so there was no need to worry about the biggest problem of food and grass for sending troops.

However, the continuous heavy snowfall has made this winter extremely cold.

"The general cannot control his horns and bows, and the guards' iron coats are cold." This frontier fortress poem from the Tang Dynasty reflects the situation of soldiers in the severe cold weather.

In this kind of heavy snow weather, if we force ourselves to go into battle, it is really possible that what is described in "Diaogu Battle Text" will appear: "The snow is as deep as the shins, and the ice is on the beards. The silk thread has no warmth, and the fingers will fall and the skin will be cracked."

Such a situation.

For example, Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, attacked the Huns in the north, but he fell into the Huns' trick of luring the enemy. "When the weather was cold, two or three soldiers dropped their fingers" ("Historical Records of Emperor Gaozu")

In addition, there is also "(Zhang) Yongzheng marched into Pengcheng. When encountering cold and snow, seventy-eight of the soldiers' shins were frozen and their toes were all broken." ("The Biography of Zhang Chong in the Book of Southern Qi") "The armies fled in search of each other.

In the case of severe cold and snow, two-thirds of the soldiers froze to death and lost their limbs." ("Book of Wei·Biography of Lu Xuan")

When fighting in severe cold weather, the combat effectiveness of the army will naturally be greatly reduced. Even if the fingers are not frozen, they will also lose combat effectiveness because they cannot hold the weapons. Similar battles did occur in history. In 1232 AD, Meng Jin fought three battles in Junzhou

There was a battle in the Fengshan area. It snowed heavily at this time, and the most elite Zhongxiao army of the Jin Kingdom "couldn't lift their swords because of the freezing cold", so they were defeated.

Therefore, under successive heavy snowfalls, all parties tacitly chose to stop fighting and recuperate, preparing to fight again in the coming spring.

And this winter snow also disrupted too many original plans.

"My lord, the letter arrived two days ago, and now several generals must be on their way!"

"That's fine! Yannan Road will be handed over to the generals!" Wang Yu said with a slight smile.

The winter truce is, however, for the purpose of once again preparing for war after the coming spring. Therefore, although it is a truce, in fact, neither party can really take time off.

For example, Huangfu Mingze prepared to expand his troops at this time, and estimated that the troops would be increased by 40,000. In this way, excluding Xun Yu's Xuanping troops, Hebei Province's troops would soon reach 80,000.

And Huangfu Mingze is also preparing to truly build a military force of his own at this time, and truly have his own strength. Only then can Huangfu Mingze, the emperor, be truly stable.

However, how could Wang Yu agree to this matter? If Huangfu Mingze really had his own troops, that would be great!

Therefore, under Xiao He's suggestion, Wang Yu was full of aggression in the court during this period, and his aggression towards the army that was about to be formed was nakedly displayed.

Wang Yu almost made it clear in the court that the few people under Huangfu Mingze were just rotten fish and shrimps, and handing over tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to them was just a waste of tens of thousands of soldiers. They could not train a strong force that could win the war.


Although Huangfu Mingze's men looked ugly, they still had to endure it. Compared with Wang Yu's men who were proven warriors on the battlefield, they were indeed difficult to trust.

As for generals, a fight is the best way. However, Guan Yu's strength is there, and their fists are not strong enough.

Huangfu Mingze was unwilling to give up this army, and Wang Yu also pretended to compete for military power. The two sides were at odds for a while. Huangfu Mingze could not produce a few generals who were convinced by the crowd, and he was unwilling to do so in this battle.

Shi Shi and Wang Yu had a direct conflict, and the last resort was to compromise!

However, Huangfu Mingze could not really hand over all these military powers to Wang Yu, so he could only pull out the Liangshan Clan again.

Although his men could not produce qualified generals, Chang Yuchun still had a certain reputation in Yannan Road, so the important task of reorganizing the army could only be left to Chang Yuchun's hands.

Under Chang Yuchun, Huangfu Mingze and Wang Yu each sent several generals to assist Chang Yuchun in reorganizing his troops.

After that, Huangfu Mingze transferred Wang Yu out on the pretext of being based in Hebei, and deliberately sent Wang Yu away. In this way, in Wang Yu's absence, Huangfu Mingze thought that the next few people under him would

The competition for military power will give you the upper hand.

By this time, Xiao He's plan had been achieved. Therefore, Wang Yu found a step and came down naturally. After all, they had achieved their goal.

Under Xiao He's calculation, Wang Yu had attracted all Huangfu Mingze's firepower, and forced Huangfu Mingze to "willingly" help Chang Yuchun to that position, and then cooperated with the man Wang Yu was going to send there.

Wang Yu didn't think they could beat those rotten fish and shrimps.

Without Xinheng Heroes and Zhao Xuanwu, Huangfu Mingze would not be able to produce any worthy generals.

This chapter has been completed!
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