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Chapter 31: Soldiers are sent to Muze

The order to send troops was given, and from then on, the war broke out in full force.

Chinese army tent.

It was almost late at night, but the main tent of the coalition army was in full swing, with lights brightly lit, and it seemed to be a lively scene.

The temperature in autumn was already getting colder, but with many of the main characters in the tent, the air started to get warmer, and it felt like hugging together to keep warm.

The mosquitoes and flies flying from time to time are constantly looking for fresh blood; while the grasshoppers in the grass are chirping in boredom. However, how long can the grasshoppers jump after autumn?

Prince Jing put his hands on his back, lowered his head, and paced back and forth in the tent from time to time.

City King, Wei King, Xuanyuan Huang, and Wang Yu each found a suitable place to sit in the tent.

Dozens of civil and military officers were lined up under the tent. Among them, the fierce generals Xing Tian, ​​Nangong Qixing, Limu, and Ju Mac were all well-armored, energetic, and full of expectant eyes. Yao Guangxiao, Feng Hou, Yuan Shouxin, and Wen

Ren Ruohai and other counselors also stood peacefully on the right side, with their heads lowered, wondering what they were thinking.

King Jing suddenly raised his head, his little eyes flashed, and a gloomy aura spread throughout his body. He said coldly: "Chu Xizhao has sent General Lu Shenmo to lead an army of one hundred thousand to attack Muze. Can any of the generals have it?"

A good strategy?"

The bronze-faced Jiang Shuihan immediately came out. His seven-foot body exuded an iron-blooded demeanor. There was no expression on his face, and he said in a deep voice: "My lord, Chu Xizhao's intention is quite obvious.

We want to recapture strategic points such as Muze and Liumayuan to serve as strategic outposts and buffers for Youping City. In the opinion of my subordinates, my lord should take advantage of the fact that the main force of the enemy army is still in the Tianqi Mountains to quickly reinforce Muze and relieve the siege of Muze.


Jiang Shuihan was the most senior general under Prince Jing. He was one of Prince Jing's right-hand men and was often entrusted with important tasks by Prince Jing.

When Wang Yu came out, he picked up each of his important subordinates and used the system to test their attributes. Speaking of Jiang Shuihan, as a famous general under Prince Jing, how high is his commanding ability?

Not even that.

After all, as a heaven-level commander, although he is definitely not bad, he is only a commander who has just entered the heaven-level. His basic commander value is only 95 points, which has just reached the threshold.

And if it was really just this level, in Wang Yu's hands, it would already be at a level outside the top ten!

However, Jiang Shuihan is indeed a talent. Although individual attributes are considered high, they are not very high. However, the overall level is quite impressive. Each of the five attributes has reached

He has reached a level of 90 or above, which is rare under Wang Yu's hands!

"Jiang Shuihan, commander 95, force 96, intelligence 92, politics 91, charm 90."

This kind of all-round talent can really be entrusted with important tasks! If one person needs to be in charge, there is no doubt that this kind of all-round talent is more suitable than the kind of talent with higher individual attributes!

No wonder, the few people under Prince Jing whose individual abilities are higher than Jiang Shuihan's status are not as high as Jiang Shuihan!

Prince Jing's gloomy face relaxed a little, and he nodded slowly and said: "What Ziyou said is absolutely true. I sent Yuan Tong to lead the army to capture Mu Ze with this intention that day, but Lu Shenmo was a subordinate of the puppet dynasty.

The number one fierce general is not only extremely brave, but also uses troops swiftly and fiercely, invades like fire, is good at cavalry tactics, and leads hundreds of thousands of elite troops. I'm afraid General Yuan Tong won't be able to hold on."

Youping City is backed by the Tianqi Mountains, and the two are horns with each other, and this is also the most important line of defense established by Chu Xizhao.

Further east of Youping City are Muze City and Liumayuan. If you can hold these two places in your hands, they can be used as strategic outposts of Youping City. If these two places are not broken, the coalition forces will not be able to relax.

Attack Youping City.

Therefore, Chu Xizhao's first goal was to capture Muze City and Liumayuan and improve his defense system.

"Our first battle with the puppet Korea is extremely important and will even have a considerable impact on future battlefields. If we can win, the morale will definitely be high and the soldiers' belief in victory will be strengthened. Therefore, in my opinion, it is best for the leader to personally lead 30,000 elite troops to support

Mu Ze, strive for the initiative on the battlefield and victory in the first battle." Xuanyuan Huang said with a calm expression.

When the two armies are fighting, many generals will come to take the lead in order to gain an advantage in morale. The outcome of this first battle, even if it is a small victory or a small loss, will have an extremely important impact on the subsequent morale.

Prince Jing's small eyes opened and closed, and no one could have guessed what he was thinking. He looked like a hero. After a while, he slowly said: "What General Xuanyuan said is reasonable. I should take the lead in this matter and fight against Mu Ze.


All the generals under King Jing were in an uproar and tried to dissuade him.

Prince Jing narrowed his eyes, a threatening aura emerged, and shouted: "There is no need to discuss this matter, Ziyou, Shanfei, tomorrow you order 10,000 light cavalry and 20,000 infantry, and follow me to personally support Mu Ze, keep your word

Follow along."

If something unexpected happens to Muze, Chu Xizhao, if nothing else happens, his next target should be Liu Mayuan. But if Mu Ze falls, everyone will have to take a detour even if they want to rescue Liu Mayuan. At that time, in terms of logistics,

The pressure is more than doubled.

And if Liu Mayuan is lost again, it will be even more difficult to get it back with those soldiers in such dangerous territory!

"However, the gods and demons of Lu are brave and good at fighting. It may be difficult for me to deal with it alone. I still need your help!" King Jing said again.

Lu Shenmo is not that easy to deal with. For the sake of the overall situation, Prince Jing is willing to go to Muze in person. However, you absolutely cannot just leave Lu Shenmo to him alone.

After hearing what King Jing said, everyone in the tent focused their attention on Wang Yu.

To deal with Lu Shenmo, the only ones who can help are god-level generals! And among the god-level generals present, those who can provide assistance are Xuanyuan Huang and Wang Yu!

As for the ones who can really pose a threat to Lu Shenmo, no matter how you look at it, they are all among the Dragon and Tiger rankings, and Xing Tian, ​​who is ranked 11th, is even more reliable!

"Yu is willing to personally lead the generals and help the leader of the alliance!" Wang Yu took the initiative to say.

This life of lying down will definitely fall on him in the end!

"Okay! With your wise nephew here, why be afraid of the God and Demon Lu!" Prince Jing stroked his beard and said with a smile!

No matter how brave the Nalu gods and demons are, their defense of the city is enough to frustrate the enemy. And his own Nangong Qixing, plus Xing Tian, ​​are enough to not be afraid of the Nalu gods and demons at all!

The soldiers were very fast. On the second day, King Jing led the generals Nangong Qixing, Jiang Shuihan, Bai Shanfei and other 30,000 troops to quickly attack Muze City, while Wang Yu led the generals Dian Wei, Xing Tian and 500 tiger guards.

The army followed and set off.

This chapter has been completed!
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