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Chapter 127 Champion

"Championship Camp! It's really troublesome!" Looking at the black mass of iron in the distance, even Yang Su had a headache!

Why did Chu Xizhao still dare to launch a decisive battle at this time, even though he knew that there were two great enemies, Xuanyuan Huang and Yang Su, among the enemy troops, and even hoped to achieve a breakthrough from the left and right wings!

It was because he had increased his strength on the left and right wings. The left-wing battlefield suppressed his biggest trump card, the Champion Battalion. Although the right-wing battlefield was not as exaggerated as the left-wing battlefield, he sent the eight generals of the Forbidden Army together!

The four great generals of the Chinese army can also ensure that Han Xin cannot support too many strong generals on the right wing battlefield.

The battle between the two armies actually makes it clear that whoever is stronger will win!

Those commanders or counselors use strategies to win and achieve the victory of the weak against the strong, but isn't this a manifestation of another kind of strength? These commanders or counselors themselves are also a type of strength in an army!

The Champion Battalion is an army that is even more of a manifestation of strength, and it is a manifestation of strength that is absolutely qualified!

As the eight thousand absolutely elite champion camp, they are qualified enough to erase the strength gap between the left wing commander and Yang Su.

After all, it was because Han Xin predicted that this army would appear at that location at that time, that they were completely wiped out by Han Xin, thus achieving a perfect counterattack.

But Yang Su did not predict that Chu Xizhao would place the championship camp on his left-wing battlefield. Let alone Yang Su, Han Xin could not predict this. Being able to predict one of the steps has already

Yes, if several movies are predicted, it means that Han Xin can open up a considerable gap between Chu Xizhao. But in fact, even Han Xin cannot do this.

Without sufficient preparation in advance, the advantages of an elite army like the Champion Battalion will be fully utilized!

Although when Yang Su was about to open the situation head-on, he had realized that the championship camp would have to take action next, but without enough time, he could only make some simple preparations.

It's just these simple preparations that have a limited effect when facing an elite team like the Champions Camp.

"Ding, Huangfu Qiye's champion skill is activated,

Champion: The champion of the three armies, taking the lead bravely, champion battalion legion skill, becoming the leader of the first elite champion battalion of the Great Cang Forbidden Army and reaching a certain level of tacit understanding with the champion battalion, only then can you awaken this skill. The effect of awakening the skill will be different for different people.

Effect 1: After this skill is activated, own force is 3 and commander is 3.

Note: This skill effect can only have specific effects when leading the champion battalion. When leading other armies, it cannot produce actual amplification effects.

Effect 2: Iron cavalry marches into the formation. When the champion battalion is in charge, all members of the champion battalion have a force of 2, and the morale, speed, and combat power of the entire army are greatly improved. When the number of champion battalion personnel drops below half, all members of the champion battalion will

Force again 1.

Effect Three: Champion Glory. The longer you join the Champion Camp, the higher your recognition of the Champion Camp, and the stronger your willpower during battle. When the recognition of the Champion Camp reaches a certain level, and the Champion Camp does not drop, then

The soldiers of the Champion Battalion have an undying determination to fight to the death.

Note: The effect of this skill is a passive effect and will still be effective after the death of the general."

Like Gongsun Zan's white horse skill, this is also a legion skill, but after the fusion of Gongsun Zan's white horse skill and his own white horse skill, a brand new white horse skill is formed, and these are pure legion skills.

All skill effects can basically only be applied to people in this legion.

As Da Cang's signature unit, we have to say that the power of this legion's skills is not only powerful for the general, but also for the soldiers.

But the most terrifying thing is the last skill effect of this skill, which almost expresses that the whole champion camp is the kind of army that would rather die than escape, even if it means death, they will fight to the last man!

After all, it is an army that Da Cang has built since the founding of the dynasty. This army has been marked by Da Cang from the inside out, and it also has the glory that has been accumulated for hundreds of years.

For some troops, these honors are even more important than their lives. They are things they will protect even to death. Even if they die, they will not let the honors they carry be shamed!

Although the number of this kind of army is small, or very few, each one is extremely difficult to deal with, and it is also famous in the world.

Moreover, the sense of glory of an army also needs to be accumulated by their achievements and time. Baima Yicong also has a sense of glory, but it is just an effect brought about by the purpose of defending the land and the people when they were formed. At present,

It's just a prototype, and it's still far away from reaching the heights of the Champion Camp. Even Gongsun Zan may not be able to reach this level in his lifetime.

"Ding, once the Huangfu Qiye Champion skill effect is activated, the force is 3, the basic force is 103, the equipment is 2, the current force has increased to 108. The commander is 3, the basic commander is 96, and the current commander has increased to 99.

Huangfu Qiye, commander 96, force 103, intelligence 84, politics 82, charm 92."

As a well-known young talent of the Da Cang royal family, Huangfu Qiye's attributes are naturally not bad, and there are almost no weak shortcomings. Although the requirements for intelligence and political attributes are slightly lower, they have also reached the first-class level, maintaining

It's above 80 points.

"Ding, Huangfu Qiye Champion skill effect 2 is activated, and the cavalry steps into the formation. When the champion battalion is in charge, all members of the champion battalion have a force of 2, and the morale, speed, and combat power of the entire army are greatly increased. Huangfu Qiye has a force of 2, and the current force is

Up to 110."

This champion skill brings Huangfu Qiye a 5-point increase in force. With this skill, Huangfu Qiye's basic force is only 103 points, but his actual combat power is even stronger than many heaven-level peaks.


After all, this champion skill is only a legion skill in the final analysis. It is not definitely Huangfu Qiye’s skill alone. It is just that this skill has been awakened in him as the legion general.

Facing Da Cang's signature elite team, even though Yang Su had made some temporary preparations, Huangfu Qiye was still almost overwhelmed and opened a huge gap in Yang Su's formation.

The situation on the left battlefield has almost been turned around just because of the addition of the Champion Battalion.

"Send the order to the generals Meng Juehai, Deng Tianwang, Zhang Guiba, and Li Zeyu..."

This chapter has been completed!
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