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Chapter 227 Order Li to join forces to attack Huangfu

Loud bugles sounded one after another, resounding throughout the earth. The cavalry in heavy armor galloped over, their iron hoofs bursting, the sound was like thunder. The heavy iron hoofs crushed all the grass on the ground into crumbs and turned into

Cloud-like smoke and dust rose high behind them. Behind the cavalry, with their sharp spears and swords, there were moving steel forests.

The generals on both sides, at this time, started fighting with all their strength.

Among the three, Li Cunxiao was the first to take action as a military general. As a general, he should strive to be the first and risk his life for survival. Military generals who dare to risk their lives to fight, even those with 120% strength.

Bring it into play.

If those generals are afraid of going to the battlefield and do not dare to risk their lives, it is already good to be able to exert 70% of their strength in the battle.

Li Cunxiao was obviously the kind of person who dared to risk his life, but before this, he had rarely met such a person who was qualified to let him risk his life.

"Ding, as soon as the effect of Li Cunxiao's flying tiger skill is activated, the force is 5, the basic force is 107 (peak 110), Yu Wangshen, Bi Yan'ao 1, Flame Horse 1, Martial God 4, Zhan Sha 14, the current force has increased to 132."

King Yu is extremely domineering, and the speed he draws out is like a shooting star. When the power reaches a certain level, it will also have a certain auxiliary effect on the speed.

The incomparable power of blood evil boiling above King Yu's body shows that Li Cunxiao has tried his best to take action, and Huangfuyue is definitely not a person who can make him qualified to keep his hand. Only by truly fully promoting the power of blood evil can Li Cunxiao be able to

It poses a sufficient threat to Huangfu Mountain.

And just from the sound of breaking through the sky, it can be judged to what extent the power contained in this blow reaches?

The steel gun in Huangfuyue's hand was passed and flicked casually, and Li Cunxiao felt a soft force coming from him. His whole body was involuntarily pulled to the other side, and he couldn't help but feel horrified.

Huangfuyue's realm and strength are currently not comparable to Li Cunxiao's, but there is absolutely no way he can compare with Li Cunxiao in terms of pure strength.

Although strength is an important component of strength, it does not completely represent strength. Although Huangfu Yue cannot compete with Li Cunxiao in terms of strength, it does not mean that he cannot cope with it.

Suppressing Li Cunxiao with absolutely strong internal force like just now is one way, and like now, removing Li Cunxiao's power and making his power useless is also another way.

"From hard to soft!" Ling Donglai said in amazement.

In the previous battle, Huangfu Yue had not shown this skill yet.

The exercises practiced by Huangfu Yue are indeed a kind of supreme yang and masculinity. The Dragon King's Manual is originally one of the representatives of the most masculine and masculine exercises. However, as the son-in-law of the old emperor, Nangong Badao has won the inheritance of the old emperor.

, and after realizing a little bit of soft power, he found a way to break through the middle stage of heaven and man.

And Huangfu Yue, who is at the pinnacle of heaven and humanity, is naturally even more accomplished in this way.

However, this time was obviously not the time for Ling Donglai to be surprised. Ling Donglai had already rushed out from the other side like a cannonball. The Gang Qi on his body flashed and gathered on his palms, using all his strength.

He rushed towards Huangfuyue's back.

Both palms were waved out, but what greeted Ling Donglai was a bright spear light.


A burst of energy exploded unexpectedly!

He ordered Dong Lai to retreat, and blood dripped from the center of his palm.

"Ling Donglai, you dodge quickly!" Huangfu Yue murmured regretfully, and turned his gun to meet Li Cunxiao who was attacking again. His strength was switched back and forth between the most rigid and the most soft.

, just like the instinct of the body, there is no sense of ambiguity at all.

Ling Donglai tapped one finger to separate the two acupuncture points on his left arm. The strong internal force in his body was circulated by him, and the strength that poured into his left arm was consumed one by one.

At the first moment of contact, Ling Donglai had already suffered a small loss in Huangfuyue's hands.

Ling Donglai's fighting ability is definitely not bad, but compared to an old monster like the old prince who has experienced hundreds of battles and encountered countless powerful enemies in his life, he is still a little behind, especially

The two of them had already fought against each other before.

The spear that Huangfu Yue fired just now was not a powerful technique. He just focused his energy on the spear point and used the method of breaking the face. However, he was directly injured in one move.

Ordered to come from the east.

This means that Ling Donglai's fighting skills are not bad. If it were Cang Jie who was not good at fighting at the beginning, he might not have to pay for such a small injury, but an arm.

Strength is one thing, but being able to convert 100% of one's strength into combat power is another matter. And the old emperor, who has experienced hundreds of battles in his life, is the pinnacle in this aspect.


However, after learning this lesson, he had become defensive. It would be difficult for Huangfuyue to use the same trick to have an effect on Ling Donglai again.

The figure moved again, and the qinggong was so fast that it could almost be called an immortal Buddha.

Still in mid-air, Ling Donglai kept attacking, his sleeves bulging, and a majestic and continuous energy surged out of his sleeves, avoiding the sharpest side of the gun and heading towards him.

The flanks kept turning and counterattacking.

Different from the terrifying feeling of Ling Donglai tearing apart the void with his moves, Huangfuyue's marksmanship, although extremely sharp, gives people a sense of calmness, slowness, speed, hardness, softness, and a sense of contradiction and harmony that makes people watch.

Extremely uncomfortable.

Ling Donglai pressed his right hand on his chest, brushed his left hand forward, stretched out his hand from the sleeve of his robe, and used his palm to grasp, and finally firmly grasped Huangfu Yue's shot from the air. The changes were so subtle that it was surprising.


The spear in his hand was restrained, but Huangfu Yue did not panic at all. However, seeing the movement of his body's internal energy, a powerful shield of Gang Qi had already enveloped his body.

After that, Huangfuyue ignored Li Cunxiao who took the opportunity to attack, and instead slapped Ling Donglai with all his strength who was holding the steel gun in his hand.

The powerful attack power generated by the blood evil power of a god-level general can indeed break through the shield of heaven and earth in a short period of time, but that requires both parties to be on an equal footing. You can never let one

The mighty generals who have just become god-level generals will use their blood evil power to break through the aura shields of Taiqing, Yuqing, Gu Qingzhu and others, right?

If it were Lu Shenmo, Huangfuyue would really not dare to do this! But if it were Li Cunxiao, even if the other party had fully activated the power of the blood evil, it would be impossible for him to defeat his Gangqi within three or five moves.

The shield is broken!

This chapter has been completed!
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