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Chapter 261 The Death of Huangfu Mingzhao

Even Lu Shenmo, who was the most powerful general in Da Cang, has fallen, let alone Yu Fengjun, who was the leading general. But his own strength was not absolutely outstanding.

Although he led his surrounded and defeated soldiers of more than a thousand soldiers to fight until the last moment, he could not change the fate of being pierced by thousands of arrows.

"Ding, as soon as the side mission of the Battle of Heavenly Abandonment series is completed, kill the God and Demon Lu, and you will be rewarded with 500 summoning points and an alien random summoning card."

Wang Yu, who had already led his troops to the palace, did not notice the system prompt. At this moment, the atmosphere in front of the palace seemed to be a little wrong!

At this moment, in front of the palace, led by an old man from the royal family, the imperial soldiers who had resisted tenaciously actually began to let down their resistance at this time.

"The thief Huangfu Mingzhao who killed his father has been executed, and his head is here to prove it!" The old man from the royal family held a wooden box in his hand and shouted at the surrounding coalition forces.

"Ding, the third side mission of the War of Heavenly Abandonment series: kill Huangfu Mingzhao, reward Huangfu Mingze, the host, Xuanyuan Huang, the Three Kings...randomly two attributes are permanently 1. Reward the host with the famous sword Tianwen, and the summoning of god-level talents.

One card, one random summon card."

Although not one of them killed Huangfu Mingzhao, if they had not won the battle and failed to conquer the imperial capital, Huangfu Mingzhao would not have died.

Therefore, the rewards that were due were still distributed.

"Ding, the host's intelligence is permanently 1, politics is permanently 1, and the current attributes are permanently raised to commander 97, force 102, intelligence 92, politics 90, and charm 97."

This time, what Wang Yu is most satisfied with is that one of the points is above politics. Although his politics is still his worst, at least it is not as outrageous as before.

Although there seems to be only a slight difference between 89 and 90, they are two completely different realms.

Moreover, for a monarch, being poor in politics is definitely not a good sign. Therefore, if there is an opportunity, what Wang Yu wants to make up for most at this stage is naturally his political gap, followed by intelligence.


And this time, it happened to be the two aspects that Wang Yu wanted to improve the most.

"Ding, Xuanyuan Huang's force is permanently 1, politics is permanently 1, and the current attributes are permanently raised to commander 101, force 106, intelligence 97, politics 99, and charm 103."

"Ding, Zhao Changfeng's intelligence is 1, charisma is 1, and his current attributes have been permanently increased to commander 99 (1), force 94 (103), intelligence 94 (2), politics 90 (1), and charisma 93 (1)."

"Ding, Lie Qiankun Commander is 1, Force is 1, the current attributes are permanently increased to Commander 100 (1), Force is 105 (104), Intelligence is 84, Politics is 82, Charisma is 94."

What is a big winner? This is what a big winner is!

It was obvious that he had been lying in the back recovering from his injuries, but a big pie hit him on the top of his head.

They were already dual-level talents before, and they were still at the peak of the heaven-level. However, after this wave of strengthening, they became double-level talents, becoming the type of Xue Rengui and Wen Zhong.

And Lie Qiankun is indeed the most brave and skilled among the four town generals. The name of General Bao is well-deserved, and he actually has peak heaven-level strength. General Bao can break out of an ambush, it seems reliable

It is not all due to the efforts of his subordinates, his own strength also plays a very important role.

However, in the final analysis, a ruler is short and an inch is strong. Compared with Wang Chang and Zhao Changfeng, Lie Qiankun is relatively inferior in terms of intelligence and politics.

"Ding, Huangfu Mingze..."

"Ding, Huangfu Mingfeng..."

It seems that not only the actual power holders like Wang Yu and Lie Qiankun received rewards, but the apparent power holders like Huangfu Mingze and Huangfu Mingfeng also received rewards.

"Ding, Prince Jing..."


When the senior leaders of the coalition forces heard this, they all exclaimed.

Zhao Changfeng and others all had their mouths open at this time, not knowing what to say!

Huangfu Mingzhao is the most orthodox emperor in Da Cang. Although there is another Huangfu Mingzhao, smart people can see what is going on. He has always been the biggest opponent of the coalition, but he did not expect to die like this now.


Moreover, if the charge of "patricidal thief" is suppressed, Huangfu Mingzhao will not be able to live in peace even if he dies, and he will be nailed to the pillar of shame in the history books in the future.

It should be noted that after the crime of "patricicide" is suppressed, the name of regicide will follow at the same time.

In the history books, if it is related to things like patricide or similar things, even if the country is prosperous and the people are safe during his reign, there will be some stain in the history books!

Of course, which emperor is without stains? The more powerful the emperor is, the more likely he is to have such similar stains! In fact, if they don't behave like this, the throne will have nothing to do with them at all! The most typical one

An example is Li Shimin’s Xuanwumen Incident.

After Zhao Changfeng experienced the initial loss of consciousness, he quickly regained consciousness again.

This situation is quite unfavorable to him!

Look at this, these remnant forces of Huangfu Mingzhao's court are about to surrender! However, the object of surrender is definitely not him! Of course, it is definitely not Xuanyuan Huang!

However, Xuanyuan Huang is a step late for the time being and has not reached here yet! In other words, when he came to the imperial capital, all the forces wanted something, but what Xuanyuan Huang wanted was not within the imperial palace.

Whether it is Zhao Changfeng or Tianshi Dao Xuanyuan Huang, they are absolutely anti-imperial forces. Unless these remnant forces of the Huangfu family are out of their minds, how could they surrender to one of them!

Wang Yu ostensibly obeyed Huangfu Mingze, while the Lie family brought Huangfu Mingfeng to the forefront. However, the situation of these two families was not optimistic. After all, whether it was Huangfu Mingze or Huangfu Ming

Feng, their current situation is not optimistic. They are monarchs in name, but in fact they have no ability to suppress their ministers. There is a high probability that they are puppets.

Therefore, these two companies have a chance, but the chance is really slim.

It is precisely because of this that the three kings are now smiling. Among the people present, one of them is more sure. Only by surrendering to them, the world of the Huangfu family will still be in this world.


The defenders on the imperial city who were still resisting were shocked when they saw the people in the palace surrendering to the enemy and taking His Majesty's head with them.

The momentum of several great heavenly beings was suppressed even more unabashedly. At a time when life and death were at stake, people these days could not care so much and had become a firm force guarding the palace.

However, at this moment, there was a person standing in front of several heavenly beings, it was Eunuch Hai from the palace.

The time came when Tianjing City had just been conquered...

This chapter has been completed!
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