"Young handsome, today there are 300 people asking to join in." One of the officials said. After listening, Yu Wenfeng smiled, nodded, and then said, "After receiving them."
The site of Huashan County is flying. More and more people who have been taught by the taught bandits want to join in. For these people, Yu Wenfeng accepted it.
In the short shijian, more than 5,000 people gathered. But these more than 5,000 people are just a plate of loose sand. Yuwen Feng Yijing sent officers with Jingyan. On the way to march, he hurriedly trained them "and" the festival chapter update.
These guys are full of hatred. Although they are very hard, Meiyou has lost his teeth alone, and he is preparing to give the Ziji's ruined teachings a ruthlessness.
The hungry wolf flag flies again, and Meiyou stays in any DIFANG, but travels directly towards Huacheng. The teachings along the way are either surrendered to the wind or stay. But soon, the surrender regretted it.
Because they are waiting for them to be a bloody machete. The surrender bandits have been given to the new army to practice the courage. The deadly bandits who are dead are surprised to discover. This aggressive enemy, and
Meiyou stays on Ziji's site.
The Hungry Wolf Army did not come to attack them, and of course they did not dare to take the initiative to go out to provoke. But the news passed on the waves of Huacheng. Although Zhang Jun led people to the city of China last time, and broke through Huacheng
Make the ancestors of the red -taught taught in the city to escape .bijing Zhang Jun was just a strange soldier. After breaking through Huacheng, he quickly left. Soon, the bandit was noticed, so Huacheng re -fell to the teach bandit.
In your hand.
When the ancestors of the red taught saw the head of the pile of mountains, they stomped their feet angrily, but meiyou was siege at the time of the bandit.
Yijing ordered the troops to let the bandits withdraw from it. The idea that they had previously fought was the idea of the first battle. At that time, their enemies in Huashan County were only Jinzhou Wei, so this caused Huacheng's emptiness.
But after such a stall, the ancestor of the red clothes began to think again. Soon, the bandit troops who got the order began to withdraw one after another. At the same time, this time, the incident also woke up.
Therefore, he dispatched Ziji's troops, and the black armored army entered the city. The rest of the army was stationed outside the city and was not allowed to enter the city. Although the following decisions, the lords below complained, but because of the prostitution opposite the ancestors,
So they only dare to complain in private.
The predecessor of this Black Army was the nursing army that was secretly cultivated by the redness of the Red Yoyo and MEIYOU. NENGGOU was elected.
Caves, half of the money scraped into it. But the ancestor was not a narrow person. The importance of the guardian of Qingchu, so he insisted on the discussion.
For decades of precipitation, this Black Armor Yijing has the scale of 10,000 people. Even after the incident, the ancestor also pulled a person to join the team. Afterwards, the ancestor summarized it.
The sending is all because Ziji has been in love. Since Jinhang is too smooth after the incident, he has lost his most basic prevention. Now he has made Zhang Jun like this, so the ancestors have begun to return to the previous caution.
The tutor's army has been withdrawn one after another, but there is an exception, that is, the white robe army pulled out by the master. Although the master also moved to Huacheng with the team, the speed is slow.
qingchu is about, so I am waiting, waiting for a chance to break the balance. The tens of thousands of white robes under the master's hand are the most complete and most capable army in teaching bandits.
However, the number of people is only tens of thousands. In the face of hundreds of thousands of taught bandits, my brother still has some gimmicks. And Yidian is not named. Now the ancestor is still alive, and Meiyou does a special thing.
Therefore, he can't act lightly, but he can only slowly drag. The road is slow, and there is a day to come.
In the half -journey county.
On the night of the stationed, the elder brother became ill. Brother now dare not return to Huacheng, because now Huacheng is the Longtan Tiger Point. He Ruguo led the white robe army to go, and he would definitely be swallowed.
He couldn't leave, he couldn't give others an excuse. Brother's heart was very qingchu. Many people in the teaching were jealous of this white robe army in Ziji's hand.
The ancestor Haoxiang, who was taught in red, forgot the white robe army yiyang and Meiyou. So, the master took the white robe for a few days.
The damn troops have been connected to the ten cities within a month. Shihou, who is arguing about this matter, is also coming. The other news is also coming. This army is running towards Huacheng.
This news can be said to have stirred a river of spring water, and the teachings teach the bandits. But soon, Meiyou quarreled between them and reached a unified caliber. That is to fight. Since Jinzhou Wei has nearly running towards Huacheng,
Come, can they still abandon Huacheng. But if they want to fight, they are dumbfounded. How can this battle be fighting? The former taught the bandit army besieged the shihou of Jinzhou Wei, but he fought with Jinzhou Wei a few battles a few battles.
Then, then
But the result is that they have made them big eyes. This army with a small number of people is extremely elite, causing major losses to them. The turmoil has developed to the present.
These have been regarded as Ziji's capital. In the future, Ziji's status depends on the size of the Ziji team, so which fragrant owner meiyou wants to face Jinzhou Wei.
The ancestor of the red taught is very bright, and qingchuziji is done. However
Live in the incense owners. Everyone is unwilling to lose too much, but this battle always fights, so the white robe troops pulled out by the brothers were remembered by them.
On this day, the elder brother had just got up, and Zhao Qi came in. Seeing Zhao Qi, who saw the wind and fire, his brother frowned and said, "What's going on? How many times did you tell you?" Seeing the master
Also chattering, Zhao Qi hurriedly inserted his mouth: "Brother, there are major events, there are major events." When he heard Zhao Qi's words, his brother stopped the scolding and asked, "What happened?"
Zhao Qi swallowed and said, "The group of hometown sent someone to come, saying that there is something to do, you must see you." Hearing Zhao Qi's words, the master thought about it, and mingbai
What's the matter. The news of Jinzhou Wei rushed towards Huacheng, and he also received the SHIME idea of the group of hometown in Huacheng. He was in his heart, but Qingchu was very.
With a sneer, the elder brother said: "No see" hearing the words of the master, Zhao Qi nodded, turned around and left. But after thinking, the brother felt so unsuccessful, and then stopped Zhao Qidao: "Wait, you, you
Let them come over. "Although Zhao Qi was a little puzzled as Master SHIME's brotherhood to change his mind, he also asked more, nodded, and went out
Zhang Jun looked at Hu Hanzan with a smile, and asked: "Brother Hu, can you decide?" Hu Han San nodded fiercely and said, "yijing decided." Zhang Jun continued to ask: "
People are dissatisfied with such a decision. "Hu Hansan sneered and said:" They all go to hell, this is enough to represent my sincerity. "
Zhang Jun shook his head and said, "Brother Hu, should you zhidao vote for the name?" Frozen, Hu Han San's heart was awkward. He naturally heard the name of the name.
Sincerely vote for the name. In the end, Hu Han San's eyebrows stretched out and asked, "Did you say? How to do it?"
Zhang Jun smiled and said, "Brother Hu, you will be proud of today's decision." Hu Han San nodded without any. Zhang Jun smiled away and said, "Of course, it is the head of the bandit, the more people are getting the head,
This sincerity is the more you are. "Hu Han San thought about it, this was what it should have. I rely on the hungry wolf army, and did not teach the bandit Shime.
So Hu Han San nodded heartily, seeing this, Zhang Jun patted his palm with a smile, and then someone came in to spread a map on the table. The original rest of this shijian Zhang Jun was also idle, but made people touch it.
Qingchu's teaching bandit distribution. Seeing this map, Hu Han Sanba Zhidao's comfort day is over, how many people will not have a life for this.
Zhang Jun moved his fingers to the map and said, "Let's hit here." Seeing Zhang Jun's weizhi, Hu Han San frowned and said: "I'm afraid there is something wrong here.
After saying that Meiyou finished speaking, Zhang Jun was interrupted with gestures. Zhang Jun looked at Hu Han San and looked at Hu Han San's heart.
Zhang Jun said indifferently: "Brother Hu, you have to remember, you now yijing is not the chaos of self -protection. You are now an official army, don't save Shime carefully, and don't die.
For some people, how can I calm down and return to the days of Taiping. "I was broken, and Hu Hanyan was not angry, and said," These are not enough to convince me. "
Zhang Jun smiled, and then said, "Golden State Guard has been in the tenth city within a month. I guess it should be the young handsome.
And what we have to do is, in the shortest Shijian, we play our prestige and make a momentum.
After pause, Zhang Jun continued: "I just value the bandits here, so I can do it here. As long as it is solved here, the teachings of zhouwei's bandits will be cold. When you see our team in Shihou, you lose three.
Divided. "Seeing Zhang Jun who talked about it, although Hu Han San did not admit it, Yijing agreed with Zhang Jun's claim.