Wang Hao suddenly laughed, smiling very happily, and then pointed at Wu Ji's nose and said: "Master Wu, you surrendered to the enemy and treason. The evidence is conclusive that the miracle doctor is the hand. Come on, take it." Upon hearing Wang Hao's words, Wu Ji
Ji almost spit out a mouthful of blood. Wu Ji was stunned for a few seconds, and then said like a madman: "You have wronged me... You have wronged me..."
Wang Hao looked at Wu Ji with pity and said calmly: "Detain him." Wu Ji resisted desperately, but he was no match for the wolf-like soldiers. In addition, he had just received a special treat. Within two seconds, Wu Ji
He stopped moving. A soldier checked Wu Ji's breathing and said to Wang Hao: "Sir, he has fainted."
Wang Hao nodded and said, "Take us back and let's talk." After saying that, Wang Hao walked away. The soldiers began the finishing work. Wu Ji's family members were escorted out one by one, and the room began to be searched.
Outside the government office, many people had gathered to watch the excitement. There were simple and curious people inside, as well as many powerful spies.
Seeing someone coming out, these people dispersed in a hurry. Wang Hao walked out of the government office, looked at the sky, then with a smile on his face, he got on the carriage. The carriage started running slowly, with neat steps.
The sound also sounded instantly. In the carriage, Wang Hao closed his eyes and said silently in his heart: This begins...
After Wang Hao left, Wu Ji was carried out. It was really lively now. The dignified magistrate of Jinzhou was actually made to behave like this. The people along the way kept pointing and pointing, Wu Ji was actually awake.
But after hearing the comments of the people around me, I didn't have the courage to open my eyes and face all this.
In the military camp, Yu Wenfeng's main tent. Seeing Wang Hao come back, Yu Wenfeng stopped what he was doing and asked: "How is the matter?" Wang Hao said respectfully: "General, Wu Ji has been arrested for surrendering to the enemy and treason.
Next, wait for the general's announcement." After hearing Wang Hao's words, Yu Wenfeng kept looking at Wang Hao, and then saw Wang Hao getting goosebumps.
After a long time, Yu Wenfeng finally said: "Why bother?" Wang Hao said seriously: "General, you can't think like this. Although it is a bit troublesome to deal with now, but..." Seeing Yu Wenfeng's expression, Wang Hao stopped
Knowing that it was impossible to change Yu Wenfeng's mind for a while, Wang Hao didn't care.
Wang Hao continued: "General, Xiaosheng has an idea. This Wu Ji cannot be killed simply." Yu Wenfeng said with a smile: "Sir, do you have any other clever ideas?" Wang Hao pondered for a while and said: "Xiaosheng's.
It means that Wu Ji will be sent to the imperial capital and judged by the imperial court." Yu Wenfeng frowned and said, "I'm afraid this may be a bit difficult."
"Now that I have the emperor's orders and the Emperor's Sword in hand, I can deal with Wu Ji. If Wu Ji is sent back to the imperial capital, not only will we create an enemy, but the court will not believe our evidence.
." Yu Wenfeng continued. But Wang Hao said confidently: "General, why should you care about a mere Wu Ji..."
"General, what we need to do now is to muddy the water, and then we can fish in troubled waters." Wang Hao continued. Hearing this, Yu Wenfeng's eyes swelled and sparkled, and he said, "Sir, what do you mean?" Wang Hao said.
Hao said: "Although the general is known as a famous general, and the Hungry Wolf Army is also victorious in every battle..."
"But don't forget, general, the imperial court does not want anyone to see the general sending out troops to win the war. Therefore, we sent Wu Ji back to the imperial capital, muddying the waters in the imperial capital, and brazenly sent out troops before everyone could react.
." At this point, Wang Hao's hands had been clenched into fists, and then he looked at Yu Wenfeng, waiting for Yu Wenfeng's decision.