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Chapter 10 The Real Ascension

Qin Xiuli had no choice but to let Li Feng do what she wanted.

After packing up the tractor, Li Feng tried the machine. After confirming that there was no problem, Qin Xiuli also cooked the cake.

After Li Feng finished loading, he found the ax and rope and put them on the tractor, and then went out of the house.

When we arrived in the mountains, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening. Li Feng parked the tractor by the stream going up the mountain, and then went to cut down trees.

What happened next was very simple. Li Feng's body had been transformed and he was very strong. He swung the ax and chopped at the roots of the tree.

In just over half an hour, the huge elm tree fell to one side with a heavy sound.

Next is pruning.

It was summer, and the branches and leaves were dense. Li Feng held up the electric light, cut down all the branches, tied the thicker ones to the main trunk with ropes, and threw the small branches directly into the mountains.

By the time he finished all this busy work, it was already past midnight.

Li Feng was really hungry now. He wiped the sweat from his forehead, took out the egg pancake and started eating.

After almost eating, he rested against another pine tree next to him and practiced the Star Art at the same time.

However, Li Feng was shocked by this movement. He had been physically exhausted just now, so he took a break to pull the wood for a while.

But at this moment, he actually felt an energy flowing into his back from the pine tree he was leaning on. After a while, not only did his physical strength recover, but the power of the ten stars in his body absorbed the energy from the tree.

After gaining energy, it seemed to become stronger and stronger.


Can this technique also absorb the energy of a big tree?

Li Feng looked in disbelief, but his heart became more and more excited.

He quickly used the power of the stars to stimulate his eyes again. Then his eyes felt itchy and some blood flowed out. Then he felt that his vision became clearer and clearer.

"Great, is this going to get better completely?"

Li Feng whispered excitedly, and the technique moved faster.

In this way, the blood slowly flowed out of the eyes. Li Feng's eyes became clearer and clearer. Later, when the eyes stopped bleeding, he found that the visibility of the eyes was still increasing. Gradually, things in the night

I can actually see things clearly in the dark night.

This made Li Feng even more surprised. This...is this going to have night vision function?

But just when Li Feng was excited, he suddenly felt his back suddenly empty, and then it seemed as if countless dust fell down, and the influx of energy behind him suddenly stopped.


Li Feng opened his eyes suddenly, turned around to look, and was completely stunned.

At this moment, he saw that the pine tree behind him had collapsed, and the tree trunks above turned into countless dust falling from the sky, and the tree trunks turned gray-white.

The next moment there was a soft sound.


The entire big tree had turned into a ball of fly ash and scattered on the ground.


Li Feng subconsciously jumped away and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

He really couldn't believe that the huge pine tree just now turned into this. Could it be because he absorbed its energy?

While thinking about it, Li Feng felt the condition of his body again and found that his whole body was full of strength.

Not only that, some things in Xingchen Jue that were not clear before have gradually become clear.

After careful study, he finally understood what was going on. It turned out that because of his severe physical exertion, his body had a thirst for energy, and his eye injury was not healed, so he triggered the function of the Star Art to absorb the energy of the world, and then the pine tree's

Energy absorption replenishes itself.

The pine tree was a giant tree that had been around for decades, and its energy was unimaginably powerful, allowing Li Feng to absorb extraordinary perfection for the first time.

Not only has his eye disease been completely cured, but his night vision function has also been improved. In addition, his physical fitness has also been truly improved for the first time.

Li Feng's current physique is already five times that of a normal person.

This made Li Feng extremely happy. His physique is five times that of ordinary people. This is simple to say, but it is extremely terrifying when you look into it. Five times the strength of ordinary people, five times the speed of ordinary people, and the solidity of his body


This is absolutely crazy!

While he was happy, Li Feng thought about absorbing the energy of another tree, but when he used the Star Technique again, he found that only the energy in his body was running, and there was no way to obtain the energy from the tree.

This...what's going on?

Li Feng was puzzled. After careful research, he finally discovered the root cause.

It turns out that this kind of absorption is not possible at any time. It can only be triggered by the body under certain special circumstances. Normally, all Li Feng can absorb is the thin power of stars in the sky and earth.

After understanding the reason, Li Feng was somewhat disappointed.

But after just a moment, he felt relieved. Although the Star Technique was a supreme technique, it was not a destructive technique. If it really absorbed the energy of all things in the world without any limit, it would soon destroy the world.


After thinking about it, Li Feng saw that the time was already past three o'clock, so he no longer hesitated and quickly pushed the tied wood into the stream.

Bang bang...

The river water splashed, and the giant tree fell into the water and began to float downstream along the current. Li Feng grabbed the rope and pulled it on the bank, and began to run down the mountain.

This method of transporting wood in the water is a very ancient one. The most important thing is to control the direction, and the twists and turns of the mountain stream do not allow it to float too fast.

Because once the wood hits the reefs on the river, it will easily spread out, making it difficult to control.

So it took more than an hour to go all the way down the mountain before we reached the place where the tractor was parked.

It was already after four o'clock and almost five o'clock, and the sky was getting bright.

In order to prevent anyone from discovering it, Li Feng quickly dragged the huge wood to the shore, then pushed up the back bucket of the tractor and moved the wood hard to the vehicle.

After a lot of effort, the wood was finally tied up.

Even though Li Feng's strength was five times that of ordinary people, he was still panting from exhaustion.

But the sky was already bright now, and he was afraid that others would see him, so he didn't dare to stop too long, so he started up the tractor and went up the mountain road.

After more than ten miles of mountain road, when we arrived in the town, it was just after six o'clock. Li Feng parked the car at the entrance of Guangming Furniture Factory and found that the door was not open yet.

He didn't want to disturb Chen Guangming, so he ordered a bowl of mutton soup and a few sesame seed cakes from the breakfast shop nearby and started eating.

He was really hungry after all the hard work this night. He drank three bowls of mutton soup and six sesame seed cakes before his stomach felt full. On the contrary, the shop owner's mouth twitched when he saw it: "Brother, be careful with this stomach."

, the mutton soup is delicious, but it’s not worth it to make your stomach explode..."

The boss is really worried that something will happen to Li Fengchi.

Li Feng grinned when he heard this: "Uncle, I have a big belly. Don't worry. Give me another bowl and two sesame seed cakes."

The boss had no choice but to serve another bowl of soup.

At this moment, a voice from the side rang: "Xiao Feng, why are you here?"

Li Feng just took a sip of soup and felt happy when he heard the voice!

Turning around to look, he found that it was none other than Chen Guangming. He suddenly became happy and said, "Brother Chen, I'm here to see you. I didn't have the nerve to call you since your door wasn't open."

"Looking for me?" Chen Guangming was even more puzzled.

Li Feng pointed at the tractor: "I'm here to deliver wood to you, and I parked the tractor in front of your door."

Chen Guangming was slightly startled: "You pulled that here. It's such a big material. It's hard to find such a thick old elm tree. Where did you get it?"

Li Feng wanted to explain, but the next moment he felt something was wrong...

This chapter has been completed!
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