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Chapter 153 Strange Theft Case

After the high-end product design was completed, Li Feng handed it over to the filming side, and Yang Ying served water and drinks and started advertising.

And he wanted to have a good few days with Yang Ying, but that day Sun Jiang found Li Feng: "Master, something happened to the security company."

"Something happened to the security company? What happened?" Li Feng looked confused when he heard this.

His Fengxing Security Guard was left over from the original Xiongwu Association, and most of its members were Yu Jian and a group of his boys. They usually worked as security guards at various venues in the county, or escorted some things.

To put it bluntly, he was just like a legitimate security guard. In this situation, he really didn't know what could happen.

Sun Jiang looked solemn at this time: "We escorted a batch of precious materials to Daquan Company in the county town two days ago, but they were lost. Now they want us to pay compensation, and the amount is quite high."

"What kind of precious material? How much does it cost? Please explain it to me carefully." Li Feng was even more puzzled now.

Sun Jiang did not dare to hesitate and quickly told the whole story.

It's not complicated to say. Daquan Company is a precision machine company that specializes in making molds. Because the molds they make are fine and expensive, they are always afraid of losing them, so they often ask Li Feng's security company to escort them.

It can be said that we have been a regular customer since the Xiongwu Club existed.

Nothing happened when escorting goods in the past, and everyone took it very seriously.

It happened that Daquan Company got a batch of molds two days ago and said they were going to send them to the city, but something happened. Obviously nothing happened along the way, but when they got there, they found that the boxes on the car were empty and the molds were empty.


A group of people checked for a long time but couldn't find any problem, but if the goods were lost, Daquan Company would not do it and asked them to compensate them 300 million yuan.

Sun Jiang felt depressed. He gave the escort people a good lesson and tried to use other methods to check, but no problem was found either. It was because he had no choice but to find Li Feng.

Li Feng looked shocked when he heard this: "Didn't you ask carefully? Is there no one on the escort vehicle watching?"

Sun Jiang said bitterly: "Master, how could you not look at such a precious thing? It hasn't been left for a moment."

Li Feng said in disbelief: "Didn't you get off the car in the middle? Is there any oversight that you didn't pay attention to?"

Sun Jiang shook his head: "Absolutely impossible. There is surveillance in the car, and there are ten people escorting this batch of molds. Even if someone urinates or gets out of the car, how can they all get out?"

Li Feng frowned even more: "What...is going on? Take me to see it."

"Yeah!" Sun Jiang didn't dare to delay any longer and quickly called Li Feng to go to the security company with him.

When they arrived at the security company, a group of people over there were lowering their heads and being scolded. Yu Jian was obviously anxious at this moment. When he saw Li Feng arriving, he hurried forward and said, "My lord, you are here."

Li Feng waved his hand: "Okay, where is the person responsible for escorting?"

Sun Jiang looked at the dozen or so people in the room: "That's them, one driver and ten people responsible for guarding, and there are cars outside..."

As he explained for a while, Li Feng also looked at everyone, then walked around the car again, and then said: "What are you guys talking about?"

The leader stood up quickly: "Boss, this... this is really hell. We don't understand what's going on at all. We all watched when loading, and the boxes were provided by our company ourselves. He passed by

After checking, nothing happened at all."

"They packed the molds into boxes, and even when they were loading them into the truck, we watched them and didn't leave for a moment."

"You also know that the distance from our county to the city is two hundred miles, and the car drove for two hours in total. But when we got there to deliver the goods, we opened the box and it was all empty."

"Yeah, it's so evil, boss. People said the value of this escort was extremely high. We didn't even use the toilet halfway. I don't know why it disappeared out of thin air."

"It's so unrealistic. Look at this surveillance video. We've checked it several times from beginning to end. There's nothing wrong with it at all..."

Several people explained tangledly, and Li Feng also picked up the surveillance video and watched it.

He watched very carefully. From loading the goods to the final unloading, he didn't dare to neglect for a moment. If he couldn't see something clearly, he went back and looked at it again. But after reading it, his brows frowned even more tightly.

Because the video showed the same as what several people said, there was no flaw at all. The goods were loaded into the car, and then ten people watched in the car all the way to the city. However, after opening the box, the contents disappeared.

In order to avoid accidents, Li Feng carefully checked the box containing the items and the car.

But the result was still the same. There was nothing special at all. The thick iron box was not damaged at all, but the contents inside were lost.

What went wrong?

Li Feng was puzzled and had to look at those people again: "When you load or unload the truck, is there anything different from usual?"

Several people all shook their heads: "Boss, we have delivered this Daquan company's goods not once. There is no difference at all except that there are more goods today, but it happened to be lost today."

"Yes, you still disappeared under our noses. Do you think it's evil or not?"

Li Feng nodded slightly: "It's indeed a bit evil."

As he spoke, he looked at Yu Jian: "What did the other party say? Have you investigated the background of this Daquan company?"

Yu Jian quickly explained: "Master, Daquan Company is run by people from the Sun Kingdom Empire. It is a foreign-funded company, but the boss is very familiar with us. We have not even been to the machine factory in the city once.

There’s no special background, it’s just a factory.”

"This time we lost such an important mold, and they didn't bother us. They just asked us to compensate 300 million yuan. I interceded with the boss over there, and he said he would give us five days to investigate."

Li Feng was extremely confused when he heard this: "Foreign-funded company? It seems that even if you don't pay compensation, you can't do it."

He was really a little depressed. Although he couldn't come up with 300 million now, it would be too unfair to lose money like this.

He was absolutely sure that it couldn't be the fault of the escort members in front of him, because there was nothing special about the faces of these people.

Furthermore, although molds are extremely important to some companies, they are of little value to ordinary people.

After thinking about this for a while, he also looked at Yu Jiandao: "Okay, you will go to Daquan Company first. Sun Jiang, you come with me to investigate."

Sun Jiang stumbled into the car with Li Feng.

In this way, the two of them quickly left the security company. Li Feng found Daquan Company on the navigation system and drove there.

Sun Jiang looked puzzled: "Master, do you want to go to Daquan Company to find trouble?"

Li Feng shook his head: "Let's find something to blame. We lost someone's things. It's good if they don't blame us. I'm going to investigate secretly."

Sun Jiang looked confused: "Investigation, didn't you just watch the video? There's nothing special at all?"

Li Feng shook his head: "Haha, this is not necessarily true. I just saw the faces of the escorts. This can basically rule out the possibility of them committing the crime."

"But think about it, who else could it be if they weren't them?"

This chapter has been completed!
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