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Chapter 171 Transformation Plan

Li Feng thought to himself, reaching out and hugging the two beauties into his arms.

"Ruth, Liu Qing, if you don't dislike this kind of life, then let's continue like this. If one day you have another man, you can leave, and I won't stop you."

Having said this, he looked at Liu Qing seriously: "Liu Qing, I only have one request for you, don't harm others. I am a mountain man, and what I want to do is to make all the villagers rich. If you are here

If you do something bad here, I will never forgive you."

Liu Qing nodded: "Li Feng, you don't have to worry about this. I told you that I want to come here to work because I want to start a new life. I will work hard and live a new life in the future."

"I will never look for a man again like I did before, let alone harm anyone again."

Li Feng felt relieved. After chatting with them for a while, Ruth also changed the topic: "Li Feng, should we build an office building and a guest house or something?"

"Huh?" Li Feng was stunned: "Office building, guest house? Why build this thing?"

Ruth rolled her eyes at him angrily: "What do you mean? Now there are more and more management staff, and they are all in the office at the beverage factory. Don't you think it's too chaotic?"

"Besides, although several factories are located in an industrial area, the management personnel need to be separated and divided into several departments. Now there are few offices and everyone is mixed together. It is too easy to make mistakes."

"As for the guest house, it is even more necessary. Many agents and salesmen come to the village. Now we arrange them all in the staff dormitories. This is not feasible at all. That is where the staff live, and it is not good."

"If we can build an office building, we can divide the management personnel of several factories on several floors so that everyone can work separately. Then we can tear down the current office and expand the scope of work in the factory area."

"It's the same at the guest house. There are thousands of employees now, many of whom are recruited from outside. Now they are arranged casually. The conditions are not good. Build an executive house, and it can be used as a dormitory for employees, so that everyone can have a good


"In addition, the employee dormitories in the industrial zone can also be demolished. They are all former iron houses. They are temporary constructions or something. It would also be good to expand them into warehouses for meat processing plants..."

After Ruth narrated for a while, Li Feng finally understood how chaotic the personnel management was now.

Thinking of this, he nodded seriously: "Okay, let's do it like this. I'll go tell Bai Yujie right away and let's build it up. Anyway, the factories and other buildings in the industrial zone are almost completed."

"They haven't left yet, so let them continue to build guest houses and office buildings, and then we will build a supermarket and canteen, etc., which will also improve the environment of the village."

Ruth responded: "Okay! Then go quickly."

Li Feng didn't say any more and quickly put on his clothes. After getting dressed, he went to find Bai Yujie.

Bai Yujie lived in the office over the work shed. Because there were a lot of things going on here, he didn't go back. When Li Feng arrived there, Bai Yujie was settling accounts there. When she saw Li Feng come in, she started laughing: "

Haha, Boss Li, what’s wrong? Are you here to pay me for my work?”

Li Feng scratched his head: "Of course you can pay for the work, you can do it at any time, but I... I want to ask you for something more."

"Is there anything else?" Bai Yujie looked puzzled: "Aren't you going to open a factory again?"

Li Feng shook his head: "Of course not, but this time I want to build a guest house and an office building..."

Then Li Feng explained the matter seriously.

Bai Yujie looked depressed when she heard this: "Hey! Boss Li, I've been staying in your village for more than a month. If I build you a guest house and an office building again, I'm afraid I won't be able to go home during the Chinese New Year."

Li Feng smiled: "Sister Bai, I know you have worked hard, but don't you go back from time to time? You don't move bricks to build walls, so what are you afraid of?"

"Yes..." Bai Yujie waved her hand: "Do I owe you anything?"

At this point, he changed the topic: "But Li Feng, I think if you do this, you might as well find a way to transform the entire village. Otherwise, if you build one here and one there, the subsequent planning will only become more and more chaotic."

Li Feng asked in confusion: "Renovate the whole village? How to transform it? Build residential buildings?"

Bai Yujie shook her head: "Of course not. Your village is big enough, especially on the mountain. There are more free places. Now the roads have been built. This is what I think. You can build a villa area on the hillside, which is just right."

Your houses are all at the foot of the mountain."

"And your office building is also over there. Wouldn't it be nice to be next to where everyone lives?"

"Besides, you want to mix the guest house and the staff dormitory together. This is not possible. They must be separated. Otherwise, people from outside will mix with the employees. It will be too chaotic and you will be in trouble if something happens."

"Besides, the employees are under your management, so agents from outside are different from salesmen. They are outsiders and you can't control them, so why mix them together?"

"And it will also be good for you to free up the original place in the village. If your factory expands in the future, you can use it. In this way, there are housing on the mountain and the factory area on the bottom of the mountain. Accommodation and work are separated, and planning is much easier..."

Bai Yujie narrated for a while, but Li Feng became a little confused when he heard it: "Is this... can this be done? It would cost a lot of money to transform it now."

Bai Yujie smiled: "If you think you need more money now, there will only be more money in the future. I have also observed your village during this period. Many people still live in dilapidated mud houses and old houses."

"Now that you have let people join the factory and have money, people will think about improving their living conditions. Many people are already preparing to build new houses."

"After everyone builds it, and you ask everyone to demolish it, who will be willing to do it? It's better that you start taking action now."

"In this case, you can let everyone pay less and then let them all live in villas. The work will be easier to do and it will be easier to manage in the future."

Li Feng was completely moved when he heard this.

Because what Bai Yujie said is true. Their village used to be very poor and had few decent houses. Now that he has become rich in the past year or so, although everyone's life has improved a bit, most people have not renovated their houses because of the short time.


If everyone is given a unified renovation, the overall appearance of the village will be changed.

Thinking of this, Li Feng also said seriously: "Then how much will it cost to do what you said?"

Bai Yujie thought for a moment: "At least 600 million. If you prepare 800 million, it should be enough. Anyway, you don't have to worry about the decoration. You can decorate whatever you like. There are more than 3,000 households in your village.

The cost of a villa, excluding interior decoration, is around 200,000 yuan."

"If it's 800 million, we can build all other facilities, such as drainage, gas, etc..."

Li Feng's face turned bitter as Bai Yujie spoke. He just had some money. If he takes out another billion, his pockets will be empty again...

This chapter has been completed!
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