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Chapter 21 Diagnosis and Aerospace

The two exchanged pleasantries, but Li Feng didn't take it seriously.

Then Brother Li introduced himself. His name was Li Yuhang, and he had the same surname as Li Feng. After the introduction, he looked at the other boys in the room and said, "Okay, you can go out. Li Feng and I have something to say."


A group of boys nodded and hurried out the door.

It wasn't until Li Feng and Li Feng were the only two people left in the room that Li Yuhang said seriously: "Brother Li Feng, how did you detect my illness? Can you tell me in detail?"

Li Feng grinned slightly; "Of course, in fact, I am a medical student, and I also like to read some books on medical skills and gossip. I can see your face, Brother Li. First, your complexion is wrong, and secondly, it is your marriage palace.

There are some chaotic aspects, and there is a small calamity in the life palace."

"That's why I concluded that your illness must be serious, and it is likely to affect your body and cause serious problems."

Li Yuhang was shocked: "How do you say this? Does this fortune teller have anything to do with Chinese medicine?"

Li Feng smiled: "This...of course there is. In fact, the ancient medical skills of any country are all derived from witch doctors, but many have not become a system. However, our traditional Chinese medicine is different. It combines yin and yang and the five elements, and the fortune-telling is easy to understand. It is its own

This category was also called Qihuang’s technique in the past.”

"It's just that later, in order to make it easier to learn, the two were divided into categories, forming medical skills and traditional Chinese medicine..."

Li Feng continued to talk for a while, and Li Yuhang became more and more fascinated as he listened.

It wasn't until Li Feng talked for a while that his expression became admiring: "Sir, tell me, what exactly is my situation?"

Li Feng scratched his head: "Brother Li, you actually know this best. If I'm not mistaken, brother Li, you come from a wealthy family. You should have some power in your family, so naturally you are not short of money."

"But because of this, there are many women around you, and you were romantic and impulsive when you were young, which consumed a lot of your kidney yang."

"Afterwards, I got married, and married a lovely wife and beautiful woman. Naturally, I couldn't control myself, so my kidney yang continued to suffer."

"In this way, a vicious cycle is formed. Unstable Yang Qi and impetuous temperament will make it harder for you to control, but it will also consume your Yang Qi more seriously."

"Now you have lost your yang energy greatly. If I read it correctly, you are already withering away."

"But at this time, your yang veins are already in chaos, and you will often experience nocturnal emissions, excessive sweating, fluid semen, and waist weakness. If you still can't be cured, don't say you can't lift it, your yang veins will be cut off directly. At that time, it will be difficult for gods to cure you. This is also

That’s why I told you something big was going to happen.”

Li Yuhang was extremely shocked when he heard this: "Is... is it so serious?"

Li Feng nodded: "Yes! The kidney is the foundation of innateness, and the five internal organs are integrated into one body. A weak kidney will weaken the liver, and a weak liver will cause heart failure. Heart failure will lead to spleen deficiency, and spleen deficiency will lead to insufficient lung qi. Insufficient lung qi will also lead to weak kidneys.


"The five internal organs interact with each other. If one is weak, they are all weak, and if one is weak, they are all weak. In a situation like yours, it is actually not just a kidney problem. You can think about it carefully. You can take a closer look. Your eyes are already yellow.

Pure, this is a symptom of liver deficiency. At the same time, you can think about it, do you really feel flustered often?"

'This means that liver deficiency has affected your heart, which makes you feel uneasy, often have many dreams at night, and your sleep is unstable.'

"Fortunately, it hasn't affected your spleen and stomach yet. If it gets to that point, your physique will deteriorate faster..."

Li Feng continued to talk for a while, but this time Li Yuhang was completely confused.

He knows the abnormalities in his body best, and has seen many doctors, but all the doctors only said that his kidneys are not good and that he should pay attention to something. They have never explained it so clearly, let alone in such detail.

Li Feng spoke accurately as if he had seen his daily life.

This made him quickly realize that he was superior to others, and he became more respectful when he spoke: "Sir, tell me quickly, how can I cure my disease?"

Li Feng smiled: "No hurry, no rush, Brother Li, although your illness is not serious, it will not kill you immediately, and if you treat it, it will not be cured overnight."

"Let's do this. I'll prescribe you a prescription. You should take it for a month first, one dose every three days. Remember not to have sex with women or drink alcohol within a month."

"Also, if you have severe pain in your waist, you must tell me immediately."

As he spoke, Li Feng picked up the pen and paper on the table and opened the house.

Li Yuhang was worried when he heard this: "Sir, I won't be able to survive even a month, right?"

Li Feng smiled: "Of course not. I said it won't be fatal immediately, but you must remember my words. If it gets better after a month, I will give you a different prescription."

Li Yuhang nodded repeatedly: "Don't worry, sir, I will definitely listen to you."

Li Feng smiled calmly: "Well, as long as you make those people like Huang Mao do less bad things in the future, it will be fine. Let me tell you, don't think that it has nothing to do with you if they do bad things. Fortunes emphasize the relationship between cause and effect. The more evil they do, the more evil they will do.

The greater the impact on your luck, the more this is not a good thing."

Li Yuhang was shocked: "This...this also affects me?"

Li Feng: "Yes! A thousand-mile embankment was destroyed by an ant nest. Don't do good deeds because they are small, and don't do them because evil is small. Moreover, Huang Mao and the others are no longer small evils. If you don't restrain them, you will definitely get into trouble."

You won't have time to regret it when you get up."

Li Yuhang's expression became more solemn now: "Sir, it's not that I don't know what you're talking about, but market management requires some capable people, and I can't help it..."

He briefly explained the reason, and Li Feng smiled and shook his head: "Brother Li, what you said is not entirely true. It is effective to use evil to do good, but have you ever thought about it, their existence is inherently chaotic.


"These people act purely because of their own likes and dislikes. Just like what happened today, if I don't have any means, I will definitely be expelled. If we meet again in the future, wouldn't we become enemies?"

"When the time comes, don't tell me I'm treating you. I'm afraid I'll hate you before it's too late. Isn't this just cause and effect?"

"Besides, the people selling things in the market are all villagers from the mountains, and some are slippery. That's a big evil. You have to use the system to control them, and you should only use it as a last resort."

"What now? You've got it completely wrong. The Huangmao gang doesn't talk about any system at all. They only use means. Most of the people they bully are honest people, but it's the treacherous people who can get along well with them. What's the point of this?

Woolen cloth?"

Li Feng's words made Li Yuhang silent. After a while, he said: "Sir, I will definitely restrain them in the future."

Li Feng didn't say much more. He hated Huang Mao and others, but he also knew that those people who could get into this position must have a close relationship with Li Yuhang. Now he and Li Yuhang had just met for the first time, and the weight of their words was not heavy.

After chatting like this for a while, Li Yuhang asked Li Feng to have a meal with him and said he wanted to thank Li Feng properly. Li Feng couldn't refuse, so he had to agree, and then he and Li Yuhang went to the Zhenxing Restaurant, the largest hotel in the town.

But just as he entered the door, Li Feng was instantly stunned by a man and a woman inside!

This chapter has been completed!
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