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Chapter 263

Li Feng was really confused at this moment.

He and Wang Zhiqiang have nothing to do with each other. At most, they just judged each other and made the other party suffer some hardships. And he did this because he came to help.

Now that this guy is going to die, it doesn't make sense that we have to meet him.

Thinking all the way, he and Li Huo soon arrived at the place where Wang Zhiqiang was imprisoned.

Wang Zhiqiang was sitting there at this time, with a sumptuous meal including wine and meat prepared in front of him.

Li Feng smiled bitterly, because once a prisoner eats such a meal, it will prove that he will be executed, so this thing is also called decapitation meal. Although death is now done by injection, no one will like it.


Seeing Li Feng entering, Wang Zhiqiang also had a wry smile on his face: "Haha, I am really lucky that you can come and have this last meal with me, sir."

Li Feng shrugged: "It's easy to say, if you can understand the true meaning at the end of your life, your life will be considered in vain."

While talking, he also sat down.

Wang Zhiqiang looked at Liehuo: "Captain Liehuo, do you mind letting Mr. Li and I have a meal alone?"

Liehuo scratched his head awkwardly: "Of course I don't mind, just eat it."

After saying that, he closed the door and went out.

At this moment, Wang Zhiqiang poured a glass of wine for Li Feng, then picked up the glass and said: "Sir, let me pay you a tribute first. It is you who made me see what a real master is. You are also the only one who can make me fight."

A person who is convinced in his heart."

Li Feng was not polite and drank the cup directly: "Xiaoqiang, you don't need to flatter me. In fact, you have been quite capable in your life. You have owned so much wealth, killed so many people, and slept with so many women. This is

It’s something that many people can’t achieve in their lifetime.”

Wang Zhiqiang smiled: "Haha, sir, don't you look down on people like me? Now you think my life is worth it?"

Li Feng shook his head: "You are wrong. In fact, I never look down on anyone. I am a master of Yi. All living beings have their own fate in front of me, and you are the same."

"Huh? Why did Mr. So despise me so much before?" Wang Zhiqiang asked in confusion.

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders: "Because I won't look down on people, but I will look down on what someone did at a certain time, just like you thought you were smart and denied it in every possible way, but in fact it's really boring."

"A man, if you have done something, you have to dare to do it and admit it. If you have the ability, don't let others catch you. If you are caught, you will rely on your friends to survive. This is not your ability, especially if you think you are smart.

, this is even more wrong.”

"I did that to wake you up and let you understand that you are already a caged bird or a turtle in an urn. Really smart people will never do that. Only people who know they can't get out and are afraid of death will do that."

"Did you say that what you did at that time was contemptible?"

Wang Zhiqiang smiled bitterly: "Haha, so to speak, my life is really not transparent enough."

Li Feng waved his hand: "Okay, you're on your way. I'll toast you too, and then you can talk about things. After that, we can drink more relaxedly, right?"

Wang Zhiqiang nodded: "Okay!"

The two drank a drink together again, and Wang Zhiqiang also straightened his expression: "I asked my husband to come because I have something to entrust. I have done too many bad things in my life. I will die when I die. I can't repay the people I'm sorry for, and I don't want to repay them."


"But there is one thing that I am always unwilling to accept, because the reason why I became a bad person is all because of an organization. If I want to become stronger, I also want to kill that organization. Now I can't do it. I hope my husband can help me complete it."

Li Feng was stunned: "Organization? What the hell? Don't tell me to kill Guoan. There is no way I can agree to your request."

Wang Zhiqiang spit out the wine immediately after hearing this: "Pfft... Haha, sir, you are too humorous. No matter how stupid I am, there is no way I would let you do such a thing."

Li Feng blinked: "That's true. So, do you want to kill a good organization or a bad organization?"

Wang Zhiqiang said firmly: "Of course he is a bad person, because it is impossible for a good person to make me a bad person, and this is still a foreign organization."

"A foreign organization?" Li Feng perked up immediately upon hearing this.

Wang Zhiqiang nodded vigorously: "Yes! I won't hide it from you sir. In fact, when I first entered society, I also wanted to be a good person, and I also ran a righteous business at the beginning..."

Then Wang Zhiqiang explained his story seriously.

Li Feng's expression became more and more serious after hearing this.

He didn't know Wang Zhiqiang in detail before, and even in his opinion, this kind of person would die if he died, otherwise it would be impossible for him to come if Wang Zhiqiang asked him to come.

But now after listening to Wang Zhijing's words, Li Feng realized that Wang Zhiqiang was not without merit.

In Wang Zhiqiang's own words, he was born in a rural area and his parents died early. In order to live a better life, he dropped out of school and began to learn to repair electrical appliances.

He is smart and smooth in dealing with things, and he learned well at first.

Later, I relied on technology to open my own store, and my career was going smoothly.

Unfortunately, just when he felt proud of himself, he came into contact with a man named Yamamoto Micho, who was a big boss in the electrical appliance business. He said that he had connections and could get Wang Zhiqiang electrical appliances at lower prices.

Wang Zhiqiang thought he could increase profits, so he started cooperating with that person. As expected, he got the electrical appliances at a much lower price than through previous channels.

This made Wang Zhiqiang admire that person more and more, and he cooperated more and more. He even opened a branch, and the demand was increasing.

I thought I could continue to work smoothly like this, but at this moment, Yamamoto Dao found Li Feng and asked Wang Zhiqiang to help pick up a batch of goods.

Wang Zhiqiang didn't think much at the time, so he sent his own company's car, and knowing that the price was low, he ordered millions of dollars in goods at one time.

But when he got the goods back, he found something was wrong, because there were no formal procedures for the goods, and he realized that it was a smuggling group.

Later, he approached Yamamoto Micho, who told him that this business was highly profitable, and he could also get a certain guarantee through the company.

Wang Zhiqiang didn't think much about it because he was pursuing profits.

But after that time, he was completely pulled into the water. At first, he sold such goods in his store, and later, Yamamotoji gave him more and more goods, and he began to wholesale them.

And the items are no longer just electrical appliances, but also cars and some contraband.

After he really reacted, it was no longer possible to escape, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue.

In order to make his channels wider, he also cultivated protection members and a special fleet, and his game became bigger and bigger, until later it was discovered that he had killed someone for the first time, and he completely went dark.

Through his own network, he started killing people and robbing people. He even broke up people's wives and families in order to squeeze out his colleagues. Then he used whatever kind of inducement he could to attract people.

In his own words, it has reached that point where he can no longer talk about humanity.

Until later, his money was no longer limited to Yamamoto Micho's family. Yamamoto Micho began to be a little dissatisfied with him, and the relationship between the two parties became increasingly tense.

In the end they became sworn enemies.

However, due to a severe crackdown, Yamamoto Dao's people hid themselves, and he has never been able to find this person since then.

Later, like a king without an opponent, he started smuggling wildly. Before he was arrested, he received a phone call from Yamamoto Michi. The other party told him that the reason why he was arrested was that Yamamoto Michi's Sakura-nin society was leaked.

their news.

And he didn't know until then that Yamamoto Dao had been secretly observing him all these years, waiting for an opportunity to take revenge on him.

Now he wants Li Feng to deal with this organization called Sakura Ninja Association...

This chapter has been completed!
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