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Chapter 307 Chip Plan

Yamamoto and his son really didn't dare to spare any strength. Li Feng was their master, and if they were asked to fight, they had to fight hard.

There is no thought of resistance in their heads.

On the other hand, Li Feng was extremely satisfied when he saw the appearance of the two father and son.

And what happens next is much simpler.

The two father and son started transferring money soon after finishing the transaction, and to Li Feng's surprise, the father and son's deposits turned out to be as high as more than 30 billion.

In addition, the outside assets of the two father and son also include five large shopping malls and two hotels, with a total value of more than 50 billion.

This made Li Feng extremely happy, especially after knowing that the two largest ten-story shopping malls in Ninetowns were owned by the two fathers and sons, he felt that he had made a lot of money.

His building in the county town has already started business, and now Zhao Min is helping to look after it. If the five shopping malls here join again, he can form a chain.

Even if he stayed in a hotel here again, he would have his own hotel. Especially with the several shopping malls of the Nangong family he had acquired here before, it can be said that he has directly monopolized the retail industry in Jiucheng.

At the same time, Li Feng was also thinking about officially acquiring Sakura Electric. He always felt that the name sounded unpleasant and was not as powerful as his Fengxing Group.

And now is the time to change the name of this group.

Having an idea, Li Feng quickly found Yamamoto Damitsu and others.

After hearing Li Feng's idea, several people looked confused: "Master, wouldn't it be a good idea to change the name now?"

Li Feng asked in confusion: "Why?"

Yamamoto Daimitsu said: "Master, Sakura Electric is now solely owned by the master. It's just my name on the company, but this company is developing."

"The name change here in China may not have a big impact, but what about abroad? Many people buy this appliance because it is a brand of the Sun Country, especially in the Sun Country. We are developing rapidly now, and there are many more people who can use this company.

Subsidy support.”

"Yes! Master, with this name, no matter what happens, Sun Kingdom will be responsible for you. What are you afraid of?"

"If you change the name of your company, all this will become inconvenient, and it will also affect our market in the Kingdom of the Sun..."

Several people quickly explained the pros and cons to Li Feng.

Li Feng looked depressed when he heard this. He really hadn't thought about so many things. Now when he heard what others said, he realized that he was still too new in doing business, but then he also had a headache: "Do I have to use this company all the time?

His name?"

Yamamoto Damitsu shook his head: "Of course not, Master, I have already thought of it for you. We are using a Sakura appliance now just to make a name for ourselves and let all countries know that our appliances are more advanced."

"Where is this going? The most important thing for us in the future is chips, and the core is also chips. As long as we create more advanced chips and then use these chips to control the market, that will be a brilliant move."

"When we squeeze all the chip companies out of business, are you still worried that you won't be able to make any money? What will our name be by then?"

Li Feng's eyes lit up: "Oh, you're awesome, okay, I'll do as you say, but I also want to remind you that in the future, the electrical appliances in China must be the best, and the ones from abroad must be better."

"Well! Master, don't worry, we are your slaves and we must be completely loyal to China." Several people nodded repeatedly.

Li Feng smiled with satisfaction: "Yes, if you have any good things in the future, you must show them to me first, okay? If I know that any of you has hidden good things and refused to give them to me, be careful and I will deal with you."

Several people said flatteringly: "Master, don't worry, we will definitely give it to you if there is anything good for you."

Having said this, Yamamoto Taro said proudly: "Master, I will give you a good gift tonight, and I guarantee that you will be satisfied."

"Huh? What good stuff?" Li Feng asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Taro Yamamoto smiled mysteriously: "Master, please don't ask me yet. I'll just make sure you're satisfied. I'll be in the imperial suite on the top floor of the Crown Hotel tonight. Just go there at eight o'clock. I'll prepare it for you now."

Li Feng looked at his look and said angrily: "Okay, then I'll wait for your news."

Taro Yamamoto left soon, and Li Feng also studied the management of Sakura Company.

Yamamoto Daimitsu's suggestion really inspired him. Today's high-end companies in the world are all engaged in high technology, and in the future, high technology will be used in all aspects.

In the past, this kind of thing was always occupied by American companies, which imposed sanctions on various countries. If they can create higher-end chips, then this will be completely reversed in the future.

After studying for a while, Li Feng became more energetic as he studied.

Their current chip uses the original power in Li Feng's body to modify the existing chip, which greatly improves the performance of the chip, consumes less power, lowers heat dissipation, and is smaller in size.

Now that his cultivation level has improved, can it be more sophisticated? What would it feel like if several chips were connected together?

The more Li Feng thought about it, the more interesting it became, and he asked Yamamoto Damitsu to find a few chips to test.

When Li Feng put the power of the divine source into it, several chips began to fuse and finally became one. And after further observation, the precision was even more powerful than the most advanced technology in the world, and it actually reached a terrifying level.


This is too powerful. The most precise chips of other companies are now three nanometers. His nanometer chips are even more precise. What will happen if they can be mass-produced?


So cool!

But there is still a problem now, that is, Li Feng's current technology can only transform chips, but cannot make them into chips. Therefore, there are only two channels for mass production. One is to wait for his own chip company to be established, and the other is to start from other companies.

The company buys the chips.


First buy other people's chips for synthesis, and then wait until the chip company is established and can mass-produce them.

Li Feng had an idea and directly ordered Yamamoto Daimitsu to purchase large quantities of chips.

He was busy like this until around seven o'clock in the evening. Li Feng received a call from Taro Yamamoto, telling him that the good things were ready and asking Li Feng to hurry over.

Li Feng didn't know what Taro Yamamoto had prepared for him, but it really made him a little curious, so he didn't hesitate and drove directly to the Crown Hotel.

The Crown Hotel was a hotel formerly run by Yamamotochi, but now it has been transferred to Li Feng's name, so it is Li Feng's own hotel.

But this was Li Feng's first time here. When he got there, Yamamoto was already waiting for him.

As soon as he saw Li Feng, he greeted him flatteringly: "Master, everything is ready. Come up with me."

Li Feng smiled: "Okay, I want to see what gift you have prepared for me. If you are not satisfied, don't blame me for punishing you."

As he said that, he also stepped up the stairs.

This hotel is so luxuriously decorated, especially the top floor, which is extremely luxurious.

When Li Feng arrived at the door of the imperial suite, Taro Yamamoto took the initiative to help open the door, and then made a gesture of invitation: "Master, I won't go in. You can go in by yourself."

This chapter has been completed!
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