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Chapter 328

The man in black spoke extremely arrogantly.

The dean was so anxious that he cried: "Xiaoxiao, my Xiaoxiao..."

And Li Feng was a little anxious now: "Tell me, how can you let go of Xiaoxiao."

The man in black pointed at Teacher Yang next to Li Feng: "Let her go."

Li Feng curled his lips: "What if not?"

When the man in black heard this, he started laughing: "Hahahaha, if you don't let her go, then you will only see the body of the little girl next to me."

As he said that, the knife was about to cut across Dong Xiaoxiao's neck, when Li Feng stretched out his hand to stop him: "Wait a minute!"

Seeing Li Feng reach out, the man in black started laughing again: "Hahahaha, I know you are reluctant to let this little beauty die."

While Li Feng was talking, Li Feng couldn't find anything useful around him, so he could only quietly take out a charm from his storage ring: "Then are you willing to watch this little beauty next to me die?"

As he said this, Li Feng put his hand on Teacher Yang's neck, but the dean didn't know it. She wanted to stop it, but she was afraid of causing trouble, so she could only keep silent.

The man in black panicked when he saw this: "What do you want to do!"

Li Feng smiled, but at this moment the talisman in Li Feng's hand was suddenly knocked out. When the talisman hit the man in black, the man in black looked very painful.

Then the knife in his hand fell to the ground, and the man in black knelt on the ground in pain.

When Teacher Yang saw this, she broke away from Li Feng's hand and ran to the man in black, looking at Li Feng angrily, but she could do nothing now.

When Li Feng saw this situation, he seemed to have expected it: "I knew you were not a human being."

After saying this, Li Feng hurriedly ran to Dong Xiaoxiao, took out gauze from the storage ring and simply bandaged Dong Xiaoxiao's wound: "Xiaoxiao, are you okay?"

Dong Xiaoxiao was still in shock at this time, trembling slightly in Li Feng's arms: "Brother Feng...you, are you okay?"

Li Feng touched Dong Xiaoxiao's head: "I'm fine, how could something happen to me?"

Looking at the man in black, most of his body had been burned away by Li Feng's spell. At this time, he looked at Teacher Yang in pain, but could not say a word, and then disappeared with the wind.

At this time, Teacher Yang was also suppressed by several male teachers. After Li Feng handed Dong Xiaoxiao to the dean, he climbed to the roof and took down the bag that just contained the body. He must know who died.


Then Teacher Yang was pushed into the hall, and the dean said from the side: "I would like to thank a few teachers tonight. Leave it to us first. I will reply to you tomorrow. Let's disperse now."

The dean dispersed the crowd because she knew that the fewer people involved in this kind of thing, the better.

Soon everyone in the hall dispersed, leaving only Dean Dong Xiaoxiao, Li Feng, and Teacher Yang.

At this time, Teacher Yang was sitting on a chair nearby, with a rope tied around his body.

The dean and Dong Xiaoxiao cuddled together, because too many things happened today, first the resentful spirit, and now this kind of thing, how come she could catch anything new.

Li Feng walked up to Teacher Yang at this time and said, "Teacher Yang? Why don't we actually recruit him?"

Teacher Yang turned his head away from Li Feng, but Li Feng said with a funny face: "Anyway, the evidence of your murder and dismemberment is confirmed, why don't I send you to the police station and let you enjoy it?

Are you talking about inhumane treatment?"

When Li Feng said this, Teacher Yang glared at Li Feng.

But Li Feng didn't say anything anymore. He just took out another talisman in his arms. He lit the talisman with fire. After the talisman was lit, some pictures were displayed in the air.

It turned out to be Teacher Yang’s child and her boyfriend.

In the picture, the child kept crying. The man simply comforted him at first, but then he became impatient. The man directly covered the child's mouth, and finally the child died of suffocation.

Then the scene turned to the man. When the man saw that the child was not breathing, he ran away. After running out, he staggered and hit the iron plate. A huge cut was made on his chin, and then ran away.

When he got to the road, he was hit by a car and died.

Only then did Li Feng realize that the spirit body just now was Teacher Yang's previous boyfriend.

After reading it, Teacher Yang's face was filled with tears: "I didn't expect that in the end, I would still be complicit in the murderer of my child!"

At this time, Li Feng asked again: "Then it's time for you to explain."

Teacher Yang was silent for a while and then said: "Since my car accident, I have always thought that our family of three could live happily. But since my child died, I have begun to be jealous of those who can have children."

People! And those people who are obviously pregnant with children, but still want to abort the children. How can they have something that others don’t have... Just like what you are holding in your hand is Xiao Li from our hospital. She obviously has nothing.

Why do you want to abort the child even though you are pregnant with her..."

Li Feng knew that Teacher Yang was referring to the bag of corpses in his hand, but there were obviously many cases of dismemberment before this: "So what was published in the newspaper before was also done by you?"

Teacher Yang nodded: "I did it, so why was it not discovered? I think you should also know the reason."

Li Feng nodded. He knew that Teacher Yang was referring to the spirit body just now: "Then you didn't know that he was your boyfriend before?"

Teacher Yang shook his head: "If I knew he would be beaten to death, I wouldn't choose him!"

Li Feng raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why? What does it mean to choose him?"

Teacher Yang sighed: "It was the first month after I lost my child. I was drinking on the roadside. When I was almost home, I saw an old Taoist priest. He told me that as long as I paid for my soul, I would be fine.

I choose a suitable ghost from him to help me do anything. This ghost has been my loyal slave until the matter was solved. Somehow, I agreed and chose him."

When Li Feng heard this, he felt very puzzled. Old Taoist priest? Paying the price with his soul?

Then Teacher Yang continued: "I think I was actually a surgeon in the hospital. Later, I resigned because I couldn't stay in the hospital any longer. I came here to work as a surgeon because I had some savings and felt it was easy here.

The teacher’s, but after the child was gone, I started to be jealous of the world and those women, so I thought about killing all the women I couldn’t stand!”

After listening to this, Li Feng also knew the reason for the matter. He felt a little pity for the woman in front of him, but wasn't the woman in his hand pitiful?

Li Feng shook his head: "Teacher Yang, have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this?"

This chapter has been completed!
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