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Chapter 360 Hypnosis Interrogation

The woman's name is Liu Chun. She comes from the third province of Northeast China. She used to be a receptionist and was arrested several times.

Later, the crackdown was severe, and it was difficult to do that kind of business. Because she had no other skills, Liu Chun became a prostitute, hanging out with a few gangsters, and others would introduce them to businesses, while she made money when she had money.

, and also opened a chess and card room.

After hearing the woman's background, Li Feng turned to look at the two brothers: "Go to her chess and card room and see if there is anyone else."

"Yeah!" The two brothers nodded vigorously, and then went to the chess and card room with Li Feng.

But when I got there, I found that the door was locked and there was no one inside.

Li Feng originally wanted to leave, but at this moment, Liu Chun arrived at the chess and card room, opened the door there, and started business as usual.

This made Li Feng very curious. He didn't know this woman, but in his opinion, if Er Min's matter really had something to do with this woman, she would definitely not be in the mood to open another business now.

And when he looked at the woman's face, he didn't find anything strange.

This...what's going on?

Li Feng was confused, but the two Wang brothers next to him reacted somewhat: "Boss, do you think it's possible that the people around this woman did it secretly?"

"Yes, this woman is pregnant with a child. Although her face looks a little more sultry, she doesn't look like that kind of vicious woman."

"I think it's probably because the men around her saw that she was pregnant and couldn't make any money, so they decided to rob her."

Li Feng nodded slightly when he heard this: "If you put it this way, the possibility is quite high."

"Okay, I'll go and interrogate her."

After speaking, Li Feng walked to the chess and card room, and Liu Chun had just opened the door and was cleaning. Li Feng pretended to ask for directions: "Sister, do you know how to get to Hongqi Street?"

Liu Chun turned to look at Li Feng, but the next moment Li Feng directly launched the hypnosis technique.

"Ah!" Liu Chun exclaimed, and the next moment he felt that his mind was getting confused.

Li Feng also took the opportunity to ask: "Liu Chun, do you know Zhang Ermin?"

"I know." Liu Chun nodded blankly.

"What is your relationship? Is the child in your belly Zhang Ermin's?" Li Feng continued to ask.

"I don't have a child in my belly." Liu Chun continued.

"Huh?" Li Feng was surprised when he heard this: "If you don't have children, how come your belly is so big?"

Liu Chun's face felt sad: "Originally, there was, but then..."

Then he told what happened with Zhang Ermin.

Li Feng felt even more painful when he heard this.

It turns out that the relationship between Liu Chun and Zhang Ermin is the same as what Wang Yan said. Zhang Ermin came to the county to deliver food, and every day during the lunch break, he came to play cards when he was tired. This way he met Liu Chun, and the two became more and more familiar with each other, and they hooked up.

Got a piece.

Later, Zhang Ermin said that he wanted Liu Chun to give birth to a baby, and then he promised a reward of 100,000 yuan and nutrition expenses of 50,000 yuan.

Liu Chun felt that this was a good thing, so he agreed.

Originally, this matter was no big deal at this point, but the bad thing was that Liu Chun was not the only one who wanted to do this.

Several of her fellow villagers here were all having an affair with her, and now there was a problem.

Zhang Ermin initially gave Liu Chun 20,000 yuan to prepare for the pregnancy. When Liu Chun's friends heard that this was a good thing, they were afraid that Liu Chun would become pregnant. Every time Zhang Ermin and Liu Chun got along well, those people would take turns to come to Liu Chun.

There was a lot of chaos and chaos.

In the past, they were afraid that Liu Chun would get pregnant and even had contraceptive measures. Now they would be eager for her to get pregnant and would not take any precautions at all.

After going back and forth like this, it didn't take long for Liu Chun to become pregnant.

However, Liu Chun didn't know whose child she was pregnant with, so she told Zhang Ermin that it was Zhang Ermin's.

It didn't matter when we got here. Liu Chun was pregnant. Zhang Ermin didn't know about Liu Chun's affairs with other men and often visited Liu Chun. Liu Chun also took this opportunity to keep asking Zhang Ermin for money.

Today we talk about buying maternity pants, tomorrow we talk about buying food.

Zhang Ermin is quite generous for the sake of his children, and he always responds to requests.

Seeing that Liu Chun's belly was getting bigger day by day, it would have been fine if she gave birth to a baby later.

But several of Liu Chun's sweethearts still didn't stop, and they kept messing around here from time to time, even though Liu Chun was pregnant with a baby.

Liu Chun became more and more disgusted with his fellow villagers and began to alienate them intentionally. He even proposed that he would never come to the chess and card room again.

But this immediately made those fellow villagers angry. They drank too much one night and came over to cause mischief. As a result, Liu Chun's child was miscarried.

Liu Chun was frightened and did not dare to tell Zhang Ermin after the operation. The fellow villagers also asked her to keep it a secret.

However, Liu Chun was extremely disappointed with several fellow villagers and wanted to cut off contact with them, but was threatened by the other party, saying that unless Zhang Ermin could give him 200,000, he would do it.

Liu Chun didn't dare to tell Ermin, so he took the password of Zhang Ermin's bank card, thinking that one day he would withdraw the money and give it to some fellow villagers, and then completely cut off the relationship, and then help Ermin get sick.

As for Ermin's death, Liu Chun didn't know about it at all.

Li Feng was so angry when he heard this. He could tell from his face that Liu Chun's previous occupation was that of a prostitute. It was not strange for such a woman to have several lovers.

But he really didn't expect that some of Liu Chun's fellow villagers would go so far. This Tema simply didn't treat people as human beings.

While thinking about it, he continued to ask: "Are your fellow villagers so short of money? They have no income?"

Liu Chun shook his head: "No...no, they turned out to be gangsters who helped people look after venues, but in the past two years, there have been fewer and fewer venues in the county, and they have also contracted the problem of drug addiction."

"So I only recognize the money and not the person, otherwise I would have called the police a long time ago. I am just afraid that if I really call the police, they will be really cruel to me."

Li Feng nodded slightly, feeling more likely that Liu Chun and his fellow villagers might have committed the crime.

However, he didn't want to ignore people like Liu Chun. He carefully asked for the information and birthdays of those people, and also asked him for some small items that those people left here.

When the questions were almost finished, Li Feng used hypnosis to erase Liu Chun's memory of the questioning, and then he untied the hypnosis and left.

Liu Chun didn't know what happened, he just felt dizzy and it would be better.

Li Feng also found Wang Zhong and Wang Yi, and then carefully explained the situation provided by Liu Chun.

The two brothers almost burst with anger when they heard this: "I wonder, is this Tema a human?"

"Boss, I feel 100% that it was those people who did it."

"What should we do now? Should we notify Hu Tie to conduct a comprehensive arrest..."

The two of them were really angry. They really didn't expect that Liu Chun's fellow villagers would be so perverted, but Li Feng was not in a hurry at this time: "Don't panic, I took the clothes worn by those people and found them.

It's easy for them, we have to find those people first before making a decision."

Wang Zhong and Wang Yi looked curious: "Can you find the person by taking something they used?"

"Boss, look for us quickly. Let me see how you find someone?"

Li Feng shrugged: "Let's go, get in the car first, let's drive to find someone..."

This chapter has been completed!
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