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Chapter 531 Small World History

Li Feng was really interested now. He came to this small world just to unlock the secrets here, and there were really too few records about the ancient times.

If Li Guihua could help him find relevant classics, it would save him a lot of trouble.

The two agreed that Li Guihua would go to her parents' house to get the book back the next day, and Li Feng began to study it carefully.

After looking at it again, Li Feng found that this thing was just like a myth.

Legend has it that this world was created by a man called the Supreme God Emperor. It was just a wilderness at first. Later, he brought humans here and transformed it into a place suitable for human habitation.

Later, the people here continued to develop, and the Supreme God Emperor also taught everyone the method of cultivation. After everyone learned to practice, they all lived a long life and could fly to the sky and escape from the earth. Even the animals here began to practice.

Later, humans and animals formed the human race and the demon race, and the conflicts continued. In the end, a huge war broke out between the two races, and in the end both races were almost completely destroyed.

Seeing this situation, the Supreme God Emperor cast a powerful spell to suppress the demon clan, leaving only humans.

Later, human beings continued to develop and gradually became what they are now...

There are many books and there are many recorded things, but it is roughly this process. After reading it, Li Feng always felt that this place was somewhat similar to the myths on earth.

It's just that some of the wars recorded above have relatively detailed locations.

Finally, he finally found the word "Kaoshantun" in a book, saying that this place was the last battlefield where the human race and the demon race fought, and the top masters of both sides fought a deadly battle here.

At that time, hundreds of generals of the human race died here, and it is said that it was also the last battle between the human race and the demon race. The great power of creation came out and scattered the souls of all the dead human race and demon race generals and sealed them in


Seeing this, Li Feng was very surprised!

He has the ability to absorb people's souls, so his understanding of souls is much deeper than ordinary people.

In the eyes of ordinary people, when the soul is dispersed, it means that the soul is extinguished and will never be reincarnated.

But Li Feng knows very well that soul destruction is energy!

When the top masters of the demon race and the human race died here, the so-called great power dispersed their souls, and made hundreds of generals' graves to seal them here. What was sealed must be energy.

Thinking about the purpose of the sword god's coming here, it is naturally self-evident.

Could it be that the so-called Sword Palace also knows about the soul energy and wants to find the soul energy here to absorb it?

Li Feng couldn't believe it, and then he thought about it and felt it was wrong.

Because although the soul is energy after it is broken, this energy cannot be preserved forever.

According to records, tens of millions of years have passed since the great war. Does the soul energy really still exist?

If it no longer exists, then what is the sword god doing here?

Li Feng couldn't understand it, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that there was a secret in it that he didn't know about.

It is a pity that most of the books Li Guihua brought only recorded the mythical history, and did not explain the rest.

After two days of this, Li Feng read almost all the books, and curiously asked Li Guihua: "Guihua, how come your grandfather has so many books? These things are not available anywhere else."

Li Guihua nodded: "They don't exist in other places. In fact, we didn't even have them at home. These were obtained by my grandfather when he was a servant when he was young."

"Working as an errand for someone?" Li Feng became even more puzzled.

Li Guihua explained: "Yes, my grandfather was originally a servant in the family of a historian in the capital. Later, the official committed something unknown and was punished by the true emperor. His whole family was plundered and executed, and even the slave house there was

Even Ding was spared."

"My grandfather escaped because he went out. Later when he went back to the yard to pack his things, he accidentally found a box under the bed in the yard. He thought it was some kind of treasure and took it home with him."

"But later I found out that they were some ancient books, so I kept them. Firstly, to commemorate the original master, and secondly, because I like reading."

"After my grandfather died, these books were kept at home and no one read them. In fact, I only learned about them when I was listening to my grandfather telling stories when I was a child..."

Li Guihua explained for a while, and Li Feng finally felt relieved.

But then Li Feng also had a new problem. These books recorded the tombs of hundreds of generals, but where were the tombs of hundreds of generals?

Li Feng also looked at Li Guihua at this time: "Osmanthus, did your grandfather tell you where the graves of the generals are?"

Li Guihua shook her head: "No, my grandfather said it took too long. Those books can only be read as stories. It would be difficult to find them."

"And he also said that even if he finds it, there may not be anyone who can open the seal..."

Li Feng felt disappointed for a while, but he became more determined to find the Baizong Tomb.

In the next two days, he searched almost the entire area around Kaoshantun, and even used his clairvoyance eyes to observe the underground, but no matter how he searched, he couldn't find any clues.

This made Li Feng very discouraged.

Until that morning, when he wanted to go out to search again, Zhou Laoqi hurried to his house: "Ah Feng, Ah Feng, the mayor is coming to our village."

"Huh? Mayor? What is he here for?" Li Feng looked confused.

Zhou Laoqi scratched his head in embarrassment: "You still don't know that we have changed the village chief. Although it is a universal election, he is the mayor of the town and he must want to get some benefits."

"Uh..." Li Feng looked depressed: "When will you come?"

Zhou Laoqi explained: "In the afternoon, his cronies just called me and asked me if I wanted to be the village chief again. I told him that it would be great for you to be the village chief, but I don't want to be the village chief anymore.


Li Feng nodded slightly: "Yeah! Then you can make preparations and let them stay here at night."

Zhou Laoqi said tentatively: "Master, this is easy to say, but how much money do you plan to prepare for the mayor? It's too little."

"Huh? Do I have to pay?" Li Feng raised his eyebrows.

He was disgusted with such things. People in the village were not living well to begin with. After the village chief had finished fishing, the town mayor still had to come down to fish. How could the villagers live?

Zhou Laoqi had a bitter look on his face: "Haha, Master, there is nothing we can do about this. Being an official for thousands of miles is just for food and clothing."

"And the mayor is very greedy. He gets a share of every village. Why do you think we dared to take advantage of it before? It's because we paid interest to the mayor every year. He was greedy, so of course we have the courage.

It’s just too big…”

Then Zhou Laoqi narrated for a while.

Li Feng frowned: "Haha, this kind of garbage, it seems that I can only let him be my slave."

Zhou Laoqi was surprised: "Master, the mayor is quite capable. Will nothing happen if he does this?"

He was really worried about Li Feng, because after being implanted with a brain-computer chip, in his eyes, Li Feng was his master, and Li Feng also controlled his life and death. In his opinion, once Li Feng

If something happens, he won't have a good life.

Li Feng, on the other hand, waved his hand calmly: "Haha, don't worry, since I dare to attack him, there will definitely be no problem!"

This chapter has been completed!
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