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Chapter 87

The man attacked suddenly. Liu Qian was looking at Li Feng worriedly, and when she saw the man behind Li Feng suddenly rushing towards Li Feng, she shouted directly: "Ah! Behind!"

But while Liu Qian was shouting, the killer had already rushed to the front and was about to hit Li Feng. Li Feng suddenly turned around quickly and knocked out the knife of the killer who was rushing towards him.

When the killer saw that the knife in his hand was knocked out, his face became fierce for a moment, and he jumped up and rushed directly towards Li Feng.

The killer's movements were too fast, and Li Feng was thrown to the ground before he could react.

When Liu Qian and Ruth saw Li Feng being knocked down, they immediately covered their eyes and exclaimed: "Ah..."

When the four people saw Li Feng being knocked down, they couldn't hide the surprise in their eyes, and they stabbed Li Feng directly with their knives.

But before he reached Li Feng, he saw that the person who had just jumped on Li Feng was kicked into the air by Li Feng.

Li Feng quickly stood up and looked at the person in mid-air vomiting a large mouthful of blood.

He spat at him: "Why are you knocking me down? I'm not gay."

Liu Qian and Ruth heard Li Feng's voice, and before they could wipe away the tears in their eyes, they looked at Li Feng excitedly and cheered for Li Feng: "Come on Li Feng! Kill them!"

Li Feng looked at the two people standing not far from him.

Thumbs up for both of them.

The two of them laughed happily.

The man who had just been kicked away by Li Feng now landed heavily, wiped the blood on his mouth, looked at Li Feng fiercely, and picked up the knife that Li Feng had just knocked off.

"You said it's just five against one, but you still have weapons. Isn't that too much?" Li Feng looked at the man who picked up the knife and said to them.

"Oh, Li Feng, I would be showing the greatest respect to you by not torturing you to death. Just accept your death!" Seeing Li Feng's attitude, the man stabbed Li Feng directly with knives.

"Okay then..." Li Feng waved his hand.

Li Feng grabbed a handful of dirt from the ground and threw it towards them. At this moment, Li Feng suddenly disappeared.

Several people were so stunned by Li Feng that they couldn't even open their eyes. The moment they opened their eyes, Li Feng disappeared.

"Li Feng! What's the point of hiding?" one of them shouted angrily, because he was obviously sent to kill Li Feng.

But now he only feels that he is being led by Li Feng.

As a killer, I have never felt this way.

"Haha...then you guys are not capable of fighting five against one." Li Feng's voice floated through the air.

When several people heard Li Feng's voice, they all made alert gestures.

"Li Feng! If you have the ability, come out!" Another person shouted.

But this time no one responded to them.

Just here, a group of crows flew over the forest.

Just as the crows were flying past, Li Feng suddenly landed in the air.

Li Feng slapped one of them on the back. The man staggered forward several times before he could react.

But when I looked behind me, I saw no one.

But just when he looked back, he suddenly felt a black shadow flashing next to him.

"Li Feng, don't pretend to be a devil!" Although they knew that Li Feng was beside them, they could only capture the afterimage of Li Feng, not even his people. They had to lament that Li Feng's


Just as they were sighing, Li Feng suddenly appeared in front of them.

He even grabbed one person's arm and broke it off directly. By the time the person reacted, pain had already swept through his body, but he ignored the pain and could only use his other hand to attack Li Feng.

But how could Li Feng give him a chance? Li Feng grabbed his other wrist, broke it off directly, and then kicked the man in the stomach.

I saw that the man was kicked until he vomited a lot of blood, and then fainted to death.

Li Feng threw the man to the ground and snorted coldly.

When I saw the remaining people, I found that one person was missing.

Just as Li Feng was searching, he was interrupted by an exclamation.

"Li Feng..." The voice came from where Liu Qian and Ruth were just now.

It turned out that when Li Feng landed, the man had quietly walked up behind Liu Qian and Ruth, hijacked them, and used them to threaten Li Feng.

Li Feng frowned when he saw this.

He only cared about himself and didn't have time to care about the two of them.

"Hahahaha, Li Feng, if you want these two girls to survive, just go back with us and wait for Master Zhao to be punished!" The man who held the two girls hostage said to Li Feng.

Li Feng's face turned cold: "You'd better let them go quickly, or I will make your life worse."

I saw that Li Feng was filled with murderous intent at this time, and he looked very much like Shura in the human world.

Although the man was also shocked by Li Feng's aura, now that he has these two women in his hand, he now has a life-saving card: "What? You don't want these two women anymore?"

As he spoke, he also wanted to touch the two women with his hands.

Liu Qian and Ruth did not dare to move at this time, because the knife was currently placed on their necks.

But in the next moment, he will regret his current choice extremely. He only heard a hissing sound that cut through the air.

He saw that his hand, which had been hanging in mid-air a moment ago, had now fallen to the ground.

It turned out to be a flying knife thrown by Li Feng just now, which directly cut off the man's hand.

While the man was still reacting, Li Feng walked directly in front of the man, kicked the man to the ground, and inserted the knife he snatched from his hand directly into the man's thigh.

This series of actions was so fast that neither the person behind Li Feng nor the person who just held the two girls hostage could react.

When he reacted, the man was rolling on the ground in pain.

Li Feng looked at the two girls worriedly: "Are you okay, you guys? I blame me for not paying attention."

When the two girls saw this, they started crying: "It's okay..."

But Li Feng had no time to coax the two of them at this time, because the remaining three were planning to escape.

Of course, Li Feng couldn't give them a chance to escape.

Li Feng used his strength to dodge in front of the three of them, grabbed the arms of two of them and broke their arms directly.

At this time, they had no other feeling in their hearts except that Li Feng was a devil.

Whether it's speed or strength, they can't match it.

Then I fainted from the pain.

Li Feng slowly walked to the only remaining person.

The man seemed to want to compete with Li Feng, but at the moment when he was about to swing the knife, Li Feng pulled out the knife from the ground and threw it directly into the man's thigh.

"Ahhhhh!" The man knelt on the ground in pain.

Li Feng walked up behind him and hit him hard on the neck. The man lost consciousness instantly.

After dealing with a few people, Li Feng let out a sigh of relief. Normally, it would have been easy for him to deal with these people, but he had just been drugged and his body lacked energy, which was really dangerous.

While thinking, he also looked at Zhao Guang's tent. Now all the killers had fainted, and Zhao Guang was the only one left.

But when they arrived at the tent, they found that Zhao Guang was no longer there...

This chapter has been completed!
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