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Chapter 96 Yin Evil Qi

The two people talked for a while, and the two people also lowered their heads.

It was really annoying to him that his wife talked about Li Feng every day, but thinking about it, he had been with his wife every day for more than a month, and Li Feng had never met them a few times, so it was impossible for anything to happen.

Under such circumstances, it was really nonsense for him to go to Li Feng's factory and make a fuss.

While thinking about it, he also lowered his head and said: "Yes...I'm sorry, Li Feng, I...I was impulsive."

Li Feng waved his hand and turned to look at Wang Yan; "Sister-in-law, you too, you are married, how can you talk to him about me every day? Besides, we are fine, what is there to talk about?"

"Which man can you be like this and not be angry? Live a good life in the future and stop having conflicts, didn't I tell you? If you give birth to a baby for a while, you will not be able to live well in the future if you keep making troubles like this.


Wang Yan blushed and lowered her head when Li Feng said it, and then said unwillingly: "I... I'm just saying, in fact, many women in our village talk about you every day, and we work with you, so they don't say anything excessive.


"Also, you said last time that we should not have sex during this period, but he got excited. He is so tired every day and has to mess around when he goes back at night. Look at his eye sockets, which are sunken. Can I not tell him?


Li Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at Er Min carefully. Sure enough, he found that Er Min's eyes were darkened and he looked as if he was dehydrated.

This made Li Feng frown: "Ermin, you... what are you doing? Didn't I tell you that you have to endure it for a while and not be too indulgent? Why don't you listen?"

Ermin's old face turned red: "I...I don't know what's going on. In fact, I know that I'm not in good health, but I can't help it at night, especially at night. I seem to have some anger in my head."

"Huh?" Li Feng was stunned: "Angry? How is that possible? Didn't I prescribe medicine for you? Didn't you take it on time?"

Ermin shook his head: "After taking it, I don't dare to stop taking the medicine, otherwise my body will be even worse."

Li Feng became more and more confused when he heard this: "This... this is impossible. Please stretch your hand over and let me take a look at it."

Er Min stretched out his hand, and then Li Feng quickly checked his pulse. After doing this for a while, Li Feng carefully observed Er Min's complexion. The more he looked at it, the more he felt confused: "This... this is not right, Er Min, you

Have you eaten anything else recently? Or asked someone to treat you? "

Ermin denied, "No, I'm so busy every day and I don't come into contact with many people. I don't have time to go to other places, let alone see a doctor."

Li Feng was even more puzzled now, because he looked at Ermin's body and found that there was indeed a different aura, but what it was, he couldn't tell.

But then Li Feng thought about the night: "Are you saying that you will feel the strong temper at night, and there will be nothing wrong during the day?"

Ermin nodded: "Yes, I can't feel much during the day, but not at night. Logically speaking, I should be tired after dark, but on the contrary, I feel more energetic than during the day."

Li Feng frowned even more: "Let's go back first and I'll take a look at you tonight."

The two nodded and then left the brigade headquarters.

This continued until evening, when Li Feng went directly to Er Min's house. Er Min had just taken a bath when he came back, and he looked much more energetic, and even his eyes were a little bright.

Li Feng was even more surprised. What was going on? He was not energetic during the day, but became more and more energetic at night.

While thinking about it, he quickly asked Ermin to sit down and checked his pulse again.

When he saw this, Li Feng was instantly shocked, because there was a terrible sinister aura in Ermin's body. This... was this a ghostly aura? Could it be that a ghost possessed him?

Ermin looked at Li Feng's serious look and became a little worried: "Brother Feng, what's going on? Can you help me figure it out?"

Li Feng shook his head: "Don't worry, just lie down and I'll watch you carefully."

As he spoke, he took out a pack of fine needles from his pocket and touched Ermin's acupuncture points while diagnosing and sensing them. When he touched the Tanzhong acupoint, Li Feng stabbed it with a sharp needle.

"Ah!" Ermin cried out in pain: "Brother Feng, you... what are you doing? Does it hurt me to death?"

Li Feng said seriously: "Don't scream and be patient. I suspect someone has given you something evil."

As he spoke, he continued to touch, and two more needles were inserted into the middle of Ermin's shoulder blades.

Ermin grinned in pain as he touched and stabbed all the way. Gradually, he couldn't move his body anymore. He looked at Li Feng in disbelief: "Brother Feng, you... what on earth are you doing? I can't move no matter what?"


Even Wang Yan on the other side was anxious: "Yes, Brother Feng, you are not wrong, don't stab him. Ermin is the head of the family. If something really goes wrong with him, how can we live our lives?"


Li Feng ignored the two of them and continued to prick until the last needle hit the Baihui point on the top of his head. Ermin stiffened suddenly, let out a cry of pain, and trembled violently: "Brother Feng, okay

It hurts. I feel like my blood vessels are about to burst. Get the injection quick, get the injection quick..."

After shouting like this for a while, his eyes turned scarlet.

Wang Yan was so frightened that she hugged Li Feng's arm: "Brother Feng, what...what's going on? It's so scary. What did you do to Ermin?"

Li Feng shook his head: "Don't worry, this is a normal phenomenon. As he spoke, he raised his hands and began to slap Ermin's temples vigorously."

Bang bang bang...

After several times in a row, Ermin suddenly opened his mouth and let out a breath of black air.

Li Feng saw the black air spurting out and made a swipe in the air with his hand.


The black energy shrank quickly and was caught in Li Feng's hand. Then Li Feng slapped Er Min hard several times before he started to stand up.

As the needles came out one by one, Ermin's body finally returned to normal, but he kept blowing out black air with his mouth open. Li Feng waved his hand, and the black air seemed to have encountered an air extractor.

In a short while, everything was in Li Feng's hands.

When the last needle was removed, Ermin suddenly turned over and spit out a mouthful of bright red blood. He also took a long breath: "Ah...it feels so comfortable, and my body feels lighter."

Wang Yan quickly rinsed his mouth: "Brother Feng, Ermin... what is going on? How can it be so scary? How can it spit black gas from its mouth? What is that thing?"

Li Feng smiled calmly: "That's an evil thing. Come and see."

After speaking, Li Feng opened his hand. The two of them looked at Li Feng's hand and were even more shocked: "Hair? Is this what Ermin vomited out?"

The two of them really couldn't believe it, because the gas that the two people spit out just now was obviously black gas, but now in Li Feng's hands, it turned into more than a dozen long hairs, and the hair was shiny.

Li Feng nodded slightly: "Yes, this is what Ermin vomited out. This hair is not an ordinary Toumin, but the hair from the Yin corpse."

"If my guess is correct, someone must have done something to you. Think about it carefully. Have you eaten randomly or met any strange people these days?"

This chapter has been completed!
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