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Chapter 266 Zhou Yuan's Swordsmanship

Yin Ye seemed to be surrounded by divine light, with a ferocious look on his face, and a storm formed by his momentum swept across him in an instant.

Zhou Yuan's face was calm, and his breath was released instantly, unrivaled.

This battle, which had been built up for a long time, suddenly broke out at this moment, causing the warriors in the distance to look over with horrified expressions.

Knowing that this battle was inevitable, Lin Xiaoqian could only retreat obediently.

"Zhou Yuan, I have waited too long to kill you. Come on, let's show off today." Yin Ye was wrapped in holy silver and looked at Zhou Yuan with red eyes.

Zhou Yuan said coldly, "You were chasing me endlessly, now it's time to come to an end."

The two of them opened a hundred feet distance from each other, their bodies flew up, and their eyes met each other, both showing strong murderous intent.


The next moment, the two men flashed and rushed out quickly.

Yin Ye was full of confidence. He turned the folding fan in his hand and turned out a full moon. The full moon spread out a terrifying moonlight and flew towards Zhou Yuan suddenly, making a dull sound of breaking through the sky.

This full moon is like a real moon, dazzling and shocking the sky.

Yin Ye exploded with the peak combat power of the ninth level of spirit transformation, coupled with the attributes of the martial arts seal, and blessed on the full moon, the power was more than dozens of times higher than before.

Zhou Yuan's eyes flashed, and the moment he rushed out, he gently raised the sword in his hand, and his boundless sword intent suddenly appeared.

With the blessing of his cultivation, these sword intentions almost became substantial, and seemed to form a field around him, condensing into phantoms of sword light.

What he used was clearly the Thunder Flame Sword Technique, but it was not blessed with a martial arts seal, making the sword look plain and simple.

"It's just an ordinary Xuan-level swordsmanship, but it's embarrassing to use it." Yin Ye sneered disdainfully.

Bah! Bah! Bah!

The next moment, Yin Ye's full moon entered the field formed around Zhou Yuan, and immediately collided with countless phantoms of sword lights, making a crisp impact sound.

At the same time, the full moon seemed to have encountered great resistance and stopped directly in the sky.


There was another crisp sound, and Zhou Yuan raised his sword and flew the full moon away.

However, the full moon seemed to have recognized its owner. After flying hundreds of feet into the sky, it flew into Yin Ye's hands again.

"Impossible, how did he block me? Just with his sword power?" Yin Ye suddenly looked surprised.

You must know that his martial arts ability to control the full moon has been perfected to the spiritual level, and it is impossible for ordinary warriors to stop him.

The battle was about to break out, and the loud and ear-piercing noise attracted everyone's attention.

"The momentum is so strong, who is fighting with whom again?"

"Oh my God, it turns out to be Zhou Yuan from the Tianyun Kingdom and Yin Ye from the Tianmu Kingdom. They have been saving up for this battle for a long time."

"There's a lot of excitement here. Come over and have a look."

"Master Yin Ye's cultivation has reached the peak of the ninth level of spirit transformation. Will Zhou Yuan be his opponent?"

Many warriors were attracted and came not far from the center of the battle, watching with wide eyes.

"Yin Ye, is this the power of your spirit-level martial arts?" Zhou Yuan stepped forward quickly and launched an attack. Countless sword lights followed the sword in his hand and flew in front of Zhou Yuan.

Being underestimated by Zhou Yuan, Yin Ye looked annoyed, and a strong murderous intent burst out in his eyes.

"I'm just testing you. Next, I can destroy you both physically and mentally with one move."

As Yin Ye spoke, the rapidly rotating full moon in his hand changed its trajectory in an instant, and soon transformed into three full moons. Suddenly, the sharp moonlight spread out, causing the surrounding air to explode.

"My martial art is affectionately called Moonlight Slash. You should take good care of it." Yin Ye threw it with one hand again, and three full moons flew out in an instant.

Zhou Yuan disdainfully sneered and directly raised his sword to challenge.

Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!

The sword light pierced the center of the full moon, directly penetrating it easily. If you look carefully, you can see that there is a folding fan there, rotating rapidly around Zhou Yuan's sword, making Zhou Yuan's sword tremble violently.

With such a tremor, the average warrior would probably be unable to hold the sword, and the tiger's jaw would even burst.

But Zhou Yuan's arm seemed to contain immense divine power. He held the hilt of the sword firmly and let the sword vibrate, but he had no reaction.


Zhou Yuan waved his sword, and the three full moons suddenly flew backwards towards Yin Ye.

Yin Ye was startled and quickly dodged. The three full moons flew into the distant sky, but soon flew back like a boomerang. Yin Ye grabbed it with one hand and caught it in his hand.

"How about it? Didn't you say that this move can destroy both my body and soul?" Zhou Yuan showed a sneer and spoke sarcastically.

"Ah... I'm so angry." Yin Ye was so angry that he stamped his feet. He didn't expect that he would be ridiculed by Zhou Yuan. His strong self-esteem made him boil with anger and roar to the sky.

Zhou Yuan stopped in mid-air, pointed a sword at him and said: "Do you have any more tricks? Take them out. If not, then I will take action."

"You still dare to look down on me?" Yin Ye's heart surged with anger.

He opened his palms, and the three full moons in his hands kept spinning, but soon someone discovered that the three full moons were spinning faster, and even made a continuous buzzing sound.

After a while, the three full moons rotated at super high speed.

And the three full moons merged into one, turning into a larger full moon. The moonlight spread out, and the powerful power shocked all directions.

"Do you think spiritual level martial arts are that simple? Now I see clearly, this is the most powerful power of my spiritual level martial arts." Yin Ye showed a ferocious smile, held the huge full moon in front of him, and continued: "

To tell you the truth, my martial arts is not just about long-range attacks, in fact, close combat is its strength."

"As for me, through later improvements, I have incorporated an extremely advanced body and martial arts. Killing you is like killing a chicken."

Yin Ye was so arrogant that the huge full moon was pressed against his chest like a silver shield.

Zhou Yuan smiled slightly, but he still saw the essence of this martial skill.

Previously, the folding fan rotated on its own, forming only a small full moon. Later, the small full moon revolved along Yinye's hand. At high speed, it felt like three small full moons.

Now, this rotation speed has increased several times, and the three small full moons gradually merged to become a big full moon.

To put it bluntly, its core is rotation. The folding fan will form different scenes at different speeds, and the faster the speed, the more powerful it will be.

As long as it is controlled well, it can be used for both long-range attacks and melee combat.

In close combat, this big full moon can not only show its sharpness, but also be used as a shield.


Yin Ye controlled the big round moon and rushed towards Zhou Yuan quickly. He was close in the blink of an eye, and then he suddenly waved the big round moon in his hand, and the huge moonlight slashed towards Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan's expression changed, and he immediately raised his sword to block.

Bah! Bah! Bah!

After several moves, Zhou Yuan suddenly took a few steps back. The big full moon was spinning at high speed, and after hitting his sword, it immediately affected his arm.

The moment he retreated, Zhou Yuan's arms were shaking.

However, with his current physical strength, he can completely resist this kind of trembling.

"The power has indeed increased a lot, but it is still difficult to kill me because you haven't seriously seen my martial arts." Zhou Yuan sneered.

Yin Ye was suddenly startled and had a bad feeling in his heart.

"I heard from Qiao Long earlier that this Zhou Yuan does not have a martial arts seal, but he can release the attributes of the martial arts seal. Is it possible that he will bless the martial arts seal next?" Yin Ye thought to himself.

Sure enough, his guess was correct.

Zhou Yuan held the sword horizontally in front of him, stretched out the sword finger with his other hand, and lightly grazed the surface of the sword body.

Under the shocked gazes of Yin Ye and everyone else, the originally plain sword in Zhou Yuan's hand was filled with a layer of purple flame thunder and a layer of red flowing fire between the two blades.

Between the intertwining of thunder and fire, infinite sharpness is revealed.

At the same time, the ordinary sword light in the surrounding realms also transformed one by one, being wrapped in thunder and flowing fire, releasing an unprecedented astonishing aura.

"Oh my god, what did I see? It turns out that the sword skills Zhou Yuan performed were also spiritual-level sword skills."

"I didn't expect it. It turned out to be a spiritual-level sword skill. No wonder he was able to kill ten avatars in a row before. It turned out that he had already realized the spiritual-level sword skill."

"It's really terrifying. We can only master Xuan-level martial arts at best, but they have already mastered Spirit-level martial arts. How powerful must their physical bodies be?"

Everyone was talking a lot, with shock on their faces.

The first condition for performing spiritual martial arts is that the physical body must be strong enough, otherwise the muscles will be torn.

"How... is this possible?" Yin Ye also looked surprised. Although he had already guessed in his mind, seeing it with his own eyes at this moment was still a bit unbelievable.

When it comes to killing the ten avatars, it's impossible to do it unless it's a spiritual level swordsmanship.

The swordsmanship that Zhou Yuan understood at that time was the spiritual level swordsmanship?

Yin Ye was shocked. Although he performed well at that time, the martial arts he learned were not true spiritual martial arts, so he only killed eight clones.

The spiritual level martial skill Moonlight Slash he is currently using was only perfected after observing the second half of the wall carving.

It can be said that his Moonlight Slash is only a low-level martial skill at the spiritual level.

If when Zhou Yuan killed ten clones, the sword skill he used was only at the lower spiritual level, then after he comprehended the second half of the wall carving, and combined with the first half, then Zhou Yuan’s sword skill,

To what level has it been improved?

Everyone's hearts were beating wildly, and Yin Ye's heart was also shaking.

If this is the case, then he will lose a certain degree of confidence if he wants to kill Zhou Yuan.

"Zhou Yuan, I didn't expect you to hide it until now. I'm going to kill you." Yin Ye's face became extremely ugly, and he immediately rushed towards Zhou Yuan in a flash. The huge moon wheel in his hand was directly chopped out and spread for dozens of people.

The moonlight, which was ten feet long, seemed to split the sky into two.

He has now made up his mind to kill Zhou Yuan.

The relationship between them has reached a point where they will never end until death. If Zhou Yuan doesn't die, he will die.

At this moment, Yin Ye was completely crazy, and every move he made against Zhou Yuan was extremely sharp and cunning.

Zhou Yuan raised his long sword and used the real Thunder Flame Sword Technique. Immediately, endless thunder and flowing fire surrounded him, one on the left and one on the right, enveloping his entire body, as if he was wandering between evil and justice.

Despite this, Zhou Yuan's heart was still clear and clear.

He and Yin Ye went back and forth, turning the area within a few hundred feet into a battlefield. Some warriors who used the spirit refining furnace were even affected, and they all woke up and fled for their lives.


After hundreds of rounds, Zhou Yuan found Yin Ye's flaw and directly raised his foot to strike out. Yin Ye was unable to defend himself and flew backwards instantly, hitting a boulder in the distance.

The boulder shattered suddenly, and Yin Ye walked out of the stone in a state of embarrassment, his expression extremely ugly.

In the hundreds of rounds just now, he and Zhou Yuan seemed to be on a par with each other, but in fact Zhou Yuan had the upper hand, while he was always at a disadvantage.

Although his cultivation has reached the peak of the ninth level of spirit transformation, he is no match for Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan's physical strength is stronger than he imagined, coupled with the blessing of dual martial arts seals, superior spiritual level swordsmanship...

None of these are comparable to Yin Ye.

Walking out of the stone pile, Yin Ye felt deep fear in his heart, but he was unwilling to do so. From the moment he entered the ruins, the appearance of his opponent Zhou Yuan kept him suppressed.

Being defeated by Zhou Yuan at this moment made him lose face even more.

"Qiao Long, why don't you help?" Yin Ye turned his attention to Qiao Long, several Tianqiong Kingdom warriors, and Tianmu Kingdom warriors.

Cultivation has entered the second half of the stage, and most warriors have improved their cultivation.

Some people, such as Qiao Long, have reached the seventh level to the eighth level of spirit transformation. As long as they unite and attack Zhou Yuan together, they are still very sure of killing Zhou Yuan.

Hearing the sound, Qiao Long and several warriors from the Tianqiong Kingdom came to the field in a flash.

On the other side, a large number of warriors from Tianmu Kingdom also came one after another.

Yin Ye felt happy and looked at Zhou Yuan with a sneer on his face.

This chapter has been completed!
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