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Chapter 14 Steel Behemoth

When they saw Ye Yang walking outside to the street, the two children of the Ye family branch suddenly looked shocked.

Along the way, they also stopped at branch offices in other cities, but they had never seen anyone forcefully evict guests like Ye Yang did, showing no hospitality at all.

Moreover, among all the Ye family branches, the family in Qingyun City is probably the most depressed.

If they hadn't fallen in love with that pretty little maid, they wouldn't have even invited them to live here.

"You still have ten seconds, otherwise if I shout, the security guards patrolling nearby will arrive soon."

Ye Yang looked indifferent and looked at the two people in the house.

"As a member of the Ye family, you dare to flout our Ye family's rules. When we arrive at the main house in the imperial capital, we will sue you!"

"Just wait to be punished!"

Seeing Ye Yang being so threatening, the expressions of the two Ye family youths turned gloomy to the extreme at this moment.

"Also, you'd better pray not to meet us during the clan competition, otherwise you will be carried back to this shabby house!"

Immediately they gave Ye Yang a hard look and left angrily.

After all, this trip is to the Imperial Capital Headquarters to participate in a clan competition. If a dispute really arises here and the trip is delayed, it will undoubtedly be a huge loss.

Both of them were concerned about this and did not continue to make things difficult.

"As long as I have a better attitude, I will be a hospitable person."

Looking at the two figures walking away on the street, Ye Yang raised the corners of his mouth slightly, not even the slightest bit afraid of the so-called clan punishment.

"Master, have they left?"

At this time, Lin Wan'er finished her chores and walked out.

Then she seemed to have thought of something and said: "When I was a child, I remember hearing from my master that your Ye family would hold a clan competition every few years."

"This clan competition seems to be held during this period."

Ye Yang nodded calmly, "Yes, just next month."

Lin Wan'er said thoughtfully: "No wonder the two young children from the branch family in Tianling City passed by here."

"Young master, when we leave for the imperial capital this time, you can go to the clan headquarter to see the world."

Lin Wan'er's eyes flashed and she suggested.

"I also have this plan."

Ye Yang smiled and said: "Go and pack your things now. Let's set off today."

Considering that he was not familiar with the route outside, he planned to leave early.

"Okay, Master."

Lin Wan'er nodded happily and quickly got to work.

Since she was traveling far away and would not be back for a short time, Lin Wan'er almost had the idea of ​​taking away anything of value at home.

According to her innocent thinking, what if it was stolen?

Fortunately, there is a Qiankun Bag, otherwise, with such a large number of items, plus those large items such as pots, pans, cupboards, etc., even hiring three carriages might not be enough.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yang secretly smiled and shook his head, but did not dissuade him. He just let Lin Wan'er handle it alone.

With nothing to do, he checked the system supplies and found that there was only one grenade left.

As for the value of military coins, the amount is 11.

"The consumption of the intermediate lottery requires 10 pieces. Let's upgrade it to the next level this time."

Ye Yang was eager to give it a try and directly called up the lottery function of the system.

"Ding, the lottery mode has been enabled for the host, and the lottery can be conducted at any time."

At the same time as the system prompt sounded, Ye Yang also issued an instruction, "Intermediate lottery, once."

"Ding, let's start the lottery."

"It is detected that the host uses the intermediate lottery for the first time, and three benefits are hereby awarded."

In an instant, the lottery wheel spun rapidly.

three times!

Ye Yang felt happy, feeling that this system was quite good.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting an AK47 assault rifle."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for drawing a six-wheeled 'armored personnel carrier'."

"Unfortunately, I didn't win anything in this lottery."

As the roulette wheel rotates, a series of system electronic sounds resound in Ye Yang's mind.

Two prizes also suddenly appeared in the system storage space.

"Ak, and armored personnel carriers!"

When Ye Yang heard what he had picked, he was overjoyed.

Although the quantity is not much, it is extremely practical!

Especially the six-wheeled armored personnel carrier, which was like a timely help for the trip to the imperial capital.

As a special forces soldier in his previous life, he knew very well the performance of this military tank, which was extremely powerful in every aspect.

"Master, our things have been packed and we can set off."

Lin Wan'er carried the Qiankun bag and walked to the house with a satisfied look on her face.

It is not difficult to guess that almost all the things still in the house are of no use.

"Qingyun City is far away from the imperial capital. We will rent a carriage at the city gate later."

Considering the schedule, Lin Wan'er rarely feels generous.

"No need, I have better transportation."

Ye Yang smiled lightly and shook his head.

Hearing this, Lin Wan'er was stunned for a moment and asked curiously: "Master, what is that?"

"You'll know when we leave the city."

Ye Yang didn't know how to explain it, so he walked out of the house directly after speaking.

Lin Wan'er looked confused and quickly followed the young master's footsteps with the fox-tailed ferret.

There were many passers-by on the street, and the vendors setting up stalls on both sides took up nearly half of the area.

If the armored personnel carrier were to be taken out here, not only would it be unable to drive, but it would also cause a huge sensation.

If you want to leave the city then, you will undoubtedly be in trouble.

Therefore, Ye Yang does not plan to drive in the city.

After a while, when he finally arrived outside the city, he finally couldn't wait to take out the armored personnel carrier.


As the light flashed, a brand new six-wheel drive armored personnel carrier suddenly appeared in the official road, looking like a steel giant.

The personnel carrier is covered with high-strength armored steel plates and has a machine gun on the top.

The overall shape is similar to a rectangle, with two driving positions in the front and a bulletproof windshield. The space in the back is spacious and can carry more than ten people.

What surprised Ye Yang most was that there were three large barrels of gasoline in the storage compartment in the car, which completely solved the fuel problem for the subsequent journey.

“And it’s the latest model, so exciting!”

Ye Yang stretched out his hand and couldn't help but touch the car armor. The cold touch made a fiery look appear in his eyes.

"Master, this... is the means of transportation you just mentioned?!"

Next to her, Lin Wan'er looked surprised and stared at the armored personnel carrier in front of her in disbelief.

There are indeed six black objects similar to wheels at the bottom, but there are no horses, so how can they be dragged?

"Look, there's a big iron block over there."

"It looks really weird. I don't know what it is?"

At this time, passers-by leaving the city also noticed the existence of the armored personnel carrier. They all stood in the distance and looked at it curiously, not daring to get close.

"Get in the car, it will definitely surprise you."

Ye Yang raised the corners of his mouth and opened the driver's door.

"It turns out this place can still be opened."

"Wow, there's so much space inside, and there are a lot of seats in the back. It's really comfortable to sit on."

"Master, why is there a small wheel in front of this? What are these small raised pieces?"

As she got into the car, Lin Wan'er felt as if she had discovered a new world. Everything in the car felt extremely novel.

Apart from the seats, almost everything else is unknown.

The fox-tailed marten didn't react much and lay quietly on Lin Wan'er's lap.

"This small round wheel is the steering wheel, just like the reins of a horse, it can control the driving direction."

"These little pieces are buttons, fuel consumption meter, speedometer..."

Ye Yang sat in the driver's seat and patiently explained to Lin Wan'er.

However, Lin Wan'er was dumbfounded by what he said, and felt it was even more difficult to understand than those martial arts practitioners.

"Okay, let's go."

Ye Yang stopped talking, pulled up the hand lever, stepped on the accelerator, and started the engine directly.


Suddenly, a low roar sounded, and the car body vibrated obviously.


Lin Wan'er, who was inside, couldn't help but be startled, and couldn't help but clenched her pink fists with her hands.

"What? This thing can actually bark! It's alive!"

"That's not a piece of iron, it's a monster!"

"Those two people just now must have been eaten!"

The expressions of the passers-by who were watching changed drastically due to the sudden sound of the engine, and they all quickly backed away in horror.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yang had a smile on his lips, then stepped on the accelerator and drove away, dragging a long trail of dust behind him.

"It is indeed a monster. Fortunately, we were far away and were not targeted by it!"

Seeing the giant steel beast speeding away, everyone couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief, their eyes full of fear.

"Young... Young Master, so fast, too fast!!"

In the car, Lin Wan'er's face turned red, and her heart was beating so violently that it felt like it was rising to her throat.

"This heavyweight body can reach a speed of 130 kilometers per hour and has good performance."

Ye Yang nodded secretly. This kind of wheeled personnel carrier is much faster than those tracked armored vehicles, and it can turn around flexibly and have strong maneuverability.

Especially the shock absorbers of the chassis will not have too much impact no matter how bad the road conditions are.

Immediately, Ye Yang slowed down the speed of the car, and Lin Wan'er finally regained her breath from the extreme tension.

It was her first time to experience this kind of high-speed driving. It was too exciting for her!

"Master, this means of transportation of yours is so amazing, how did it come about?"

Lin Wan'er was surprised and happy, her eyes flickering as she looked out the car window at the rapidly retreating scenery.


Ye Yang shook his head and smiled, not wanting to tell anything about the system.

After all, even he himself doesn't know how the system came about.

"Forget it if you don't say it."

Lin Wan'er pursed her red lips, but did not continue to question her, and then changed the subject, "It's fast, but the air is a bit stuffy."

"This is simple."

While talking, Ye Yang directly turned on the air conditioner in the car.


Suddenly, bursts of cold air spurted out evenly from all the vents.

In just ten breaths, the originally hot air in the car was swept away and it became extremely cool.

This kind of operation made Lin Wan'er feel miraculous in her heart.

"Look at the map and point to the route."

Ye Yang controlled the steering wheel with his left hand, took out the map with his right hand, and assigned Lin Wan'er a task.

"As you command, Master."

Lin Wan'er nodded happily, feeling that it would be interesting to follow the young master along the way.

"Just go straight from this official road for 500 kilometers, then pass through the mouth of a valley called the 'White Mist Valley', and then keep going."

She carefully plotted the route, "According to our current speed, we estimate that we will arrive at the Imperial City in the evening tomorrow."

Hearing this, Ye Yang's face changed slightly.

In other words, they will sleep in the wild tonight.

Night falls.

The valley under the moonlight was shrouded in a thick white mist.

A luxurious carriage slowly drove into the official road at the entrance of the valley.

In front of the carriage, there were six guards on horseback leading the way.

Their eyes were sharp, and they could see everything happening around them.

"This valley is called the 'White Fog Valley'. The climate is extremely weird. It is shrouded in fog all year round. Especially at night, the view is seriously obstructed."

The leader was a middle-aged guard with a burly build and a serious face. He said in a low voice: "It is precisely because of this that a group of bandits have always been entrenched in the valley here, and they often kill people and steal goods here."

"Everyone, cheer up and be sure to protect General Manager Qin. We will choose to rest after we have passed this valley."

The five young guards nodded solemnly, keeping their palms on the hilts of the swords at their waists, always keeping vigilance.

Inside the carriage.

Qinge looked serious and played with the black pistol in his hand, unable to help but marvel.

"It's really an ingenious workmanship. With this kind of metal material and the anti-rust black paint on the surface, it would probably take a lot of effort to smelt it exactly the same."

While muttering to himself, he followed the operation method Ye Yang taught him and removed the magazine at the bottom. He was amazed by the various delicate structures inside.

At this moment, the carriage that had been moving forward suddenly stopped.

Qin Ge finally recovered from his surprise and asked, "What's going on?"

Soon, the coachman driving the horse responded: "Manager Qin, there is a man lying on the road in front, blocking the aisle."

"I don't know whether that guy is dead or alive. Guard Yang and the others are planning to find out."

Hearing this, a trace of surprise flashed in Qin Ge's eyes, and he asked again: "Where are you now?"

"White Mist Valley."

When he heard the groom's answer, Qin Ge's face darkened, and his eyes became a little more solemn.

With many years of traveling experience, he had often heard about robbers in Baiwu Valley.

Although I have passed by this place twice before, it happened to be during the day and I never encountered any robbers.

However, tonight, in such a remote valley, someone suddenly lay down on the road, which was undoubtedly a bit abnormal.

"Awu, go check it out and be careful."

Looking at the motionless figure lying in front of him, the middle-aged guard at the head frowned slightly.


One of the young guards immediately dismounted his horse, held the hilt of his sword, and stepped forward cautiously.

When he came closer, he looked around and saw that this was a strong man in gray, lying face to the ground, and he didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

The young guard lightly kicked the opponent with his foot and shouted: "Hey, what are you doing here?"

The man in gray clothes still didn't move at all, not even breathing, as if he were dead.


The young guard's eyes narrowed slightly, but seeing that there were no blood stains or wounds on his body, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Immediately, he squatted down and stretched out his right hand, trying to press the artery in the neck of the corpse to explore its condition.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

This chapter has been completed!
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