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Chapter 177 Martial Spirit Evolution

With the death of the leader of the black cloud, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly turned into ownerless souls.

Losing control, the dark clouds became less choppy and shrank smaller and smaller until only a small black cloud as big as a palm remained.

In that form, it looks a bit cute.

However, without the master's energy, it is slowly dissipating and becoming weak.

"Wencheng, can this kind of martial spirit be simulated?"

Ye Yang looked at Ye Wencheng next to him and asked suddenly.


Although he didn't know what Ye Yang meant by asking, Ye Wencheng still nodded.

As long as he has seen the martial spirit form with his own eyes, his pen spirit can copy it.

Hearing this, Ye Yang didn't think about taking the dark clouds into a martial spirit, and a black light swirl suddenly filled his palms.

Swallowed by martial souls!

The terrifying devouring power exploded, and the black cloud martial soul that was about to dissipate was directly absorbed by him and transformed into a huge and pure soul power, nourishing the gun soul.

During such absorption, the form of the grenade gun spirit suddenly became more solid.

Generally speaking, Ye Yang is still looking forward to the evolution and transformation of his martial soul.

As the enemies encountered become stronger and stronger, the power of firearms and spirits alone is already beyond their power.

"Brother Yang, do we need help?"

Ye Wencheng looked at the shadow that was being surrounded by many pirates and couldn't help but ask.

Although he was very confident in Shadow's strength, facing so many pirates, the consumption

Twenty explosive grenades were taken out and distributed to Ye Wencheng and Tang Jinyao respectively.

"Just pull out this hoop and throw it towards the place with the most enemies."

After saying that, Ye Yang pulled out the fuse and threw it directly at the group of pirates.


With an explosion, dozens of people were immediately knocked down wherever the grenade landed.

"Is it that simple?"

Seeing this, Ye Wencheng and others looked surprised.

They had also seen Ye Yang use grenades during the hunting competition ranking match at the Palace Square a while ago.

I originally thought it required the infusion of Yuanli, but I didn't expect it to be so simple!

At that moment, they became very playful and immediately picked up the grenades and threw them at the pirates according to what Ye Yang had just done.

Bang! Bang!

A deafening explosion sounded, and its terrifying power was completely unexpected.

Instead, Ye Yang pulled out his Gatling gun and started a wild wave of shooting.

For a time, the blood boiling gunshots continued to sound.

Under the suppression of arms and firearms, any cold weapons such as swords and knives are not enough.

Even if the pirates can use Yuanli Wuhun to resist, why can't Ye Yang do it?

The grenade gun spirit is integrated into the Gatling gun, and every bullet fired contains terrifying lethality.

In just a few moments, most of the pirate group was killed or injured.

A scream continued to echo across the land.

"Quick, get out!"

Encountering this kind of technological weaponry for the first time, the pirates finally lost the ferocity they had before.

Everyone was so frightened that they pissed themselves and ran away in all directions.

However, Ye Yang had no intention of stopping.

After the Gatling gun ran out of bullets, he actually used an armed helicopter.

Using high-altitude strikes, they slaughtered any fleeing pirates without mercy.

This group of pirates has always been accustomed to burning, killing, looting, and dehumanizing people.

Ye Yang believed that he was not a Buddha who could save all sentient beings. Instead of trying his best to influence them, it would be better to kill them all and give them a chance to be reincarnated.

And this is his way of life!

"Brother Yang, let me help you!"

Tang Jinyao was also eager to kill at this time, holding a magic pattern snake spear in his hand, with black light swirling around his body.

His martial soul is originally a dark weapon martial soul that focuses on killing. The more he kills, the murderous aura he accumulates will be transformed into stronger demonic aura.

Strictly speaking, it is similar to the martial arts of Shura Juedao!

Looking at the pirates who were dying miserably as they fled, Lin Wan'er lowered her head and couldn't bear to look directly at them.

In this regard, she did not resent Ye Yang's cruel behavior at all.

Killing is not advisable.

But it also depends on what kind of person is being killed.

If this group of pirates who committed many crimes were all dead, it would be a good thing for the residents of the island and they would rebuild an environment where they can live and work in peace and contentment.

All in all, from Lin Wan'er's point of view, whatever the young master does, she thinks is right and will support him without hesitation.

"It's really cruel, but I like it."

Tong Tong raised her red lips lightly and stared intently.

As an assassin, she is naturally not afraid of such bloody scenes of harvesting lives.

In this way, until noon, all members of the Black Cloud Pirate Group were almost wiped out.

Even the pirate ship docked in the northern waters of the island was directly sunk by a missile from an armed helicopter.

At this point, the entire Black Cloud Pirate Group was completely destroyed.

While annihilating the enemy, Ye Yang did not forget the opportunity to evolve his martial soul.

The billowing black energy was like a demonic mist, roaring wildly. The corpses on the ground were shrouded in this black energy, and their martial souls were forcibly extracted from their bodies.

In such unscrupulous devouring, streams of pure soul power poured into Ye Yang's Dantian acupoints, all of which were used to nourish the gun soul.

Such a huge soul power instantly caused the gun soul form to reach an extremely full state.

That solid shape already showed signs of imminent evolution.

However, absorbing soul power and transforming require a slow process.

Ye Yang was overjoyed and immediately put away the armed helicopter, found a nearby place, crossed his legs and fell into meditation, focusing on the transformation process of the gun soul.

Anyway, the group of pirates have been dealt with, and there is currently no threat to safety.

Seeing this, the shadow figure swayed and merged directly into the shadow behind Ye Yang, truly inseparable.

With its secret guard, I believe no one can get close to Ye Yang.

As for the fox-tailed marten, it snatched out from the beast control space, holding a Qiankun bag in its mouth, and was responsible for searching the trophies for Ye Yang.

"What's wrong, young master?"

Not far away, Lin Wan'er was a little worried when she saw Ye Yang sitting still suddenly.

"He probably won't die, just don't bother him."

Tong Tong raised her red lips and said nonchalantly.

However, this seemed like a joke, but when he looked at Ye Yang who was suddenly sitting cross-legged quietly, there was a hint of concern in his beautiful eyes, but it quickly passed.

"Let's form a circle and stay next to Brother Yang."

Tang Jinyao put away the devil-patterned snake spear, and the vicious aura that had been so murderous just now disappeared instantly, and he returned to his usual elegant temperament.

Immediately, the four of them walked to the area where Ye Yang was in a tacit understanding, each standing in a position, watching closely for any disturbance around them.

This chapter has been completed!
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