Turn off the lights
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Chapter 214 Revenge at night

"This weapon...I remembered it."

"Ten days ago, the mysterious man who fought with us on the city wall to resist the beast tide was him!"

Looking at the Gatling gun, they finally recalled the scene at that time.

After all, the killing weapon of this technological product has impressed everyone so deeply.

For a moment, the eyes of the archers all had a look of horror that could not be concealed.

Faced with such terrifying long-range weapons, the bows and arrows in their hands were completely worthless.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Before anyone could react, Ye Yang had already thrown several smoke bombs in various directions.

Thick white smoke rose rapidly and soon enveloped the area.

"There's a lot of smoke, is it on fire?!"

"It's not right to have smoke but no fire."

The crowd watching from a distance couldn't help but be a little surprised.


Seeing that their sight was blocked, the archers were surprised, hurriedly pulled up their bows and shot out blindly.

Boo hoo hoo!!

The arrow whizzed down and passed through the thick smoke.

However, there was a "ding-ding" sound of being shot on the tiles on the ground, and there was no other movement.


The leading archer captain immediately activated his martial spirit.

It was a third-level beast soul that resembled a green wind eagle. As the green light surged, the beast soul's two wings flapped violently, and a wind wave swept across it instantly.


The strong wind blew by, and all the smoke in the area where the carriage was located was blown away.

However, at this time, Ye Yang had long disappeared.

"Hurry up and report to the city lord, and then notify the city defense department to immediately seal the city gate and search for any suspicious people!"

The leading archer captain quickly took various countermeasures as his expression changed.

With such quick reaction ability, if nothing unexpected happens, he will definitely become a general-level leader in the future.

As everyone knows, Ye Yang has no intention of leaving Baotong City.

After escaping with the smoke bomb, he was already walking through the alleys, taking off all the mysterious clothes on his body, revealing his true colors.

After all, according to the current situation, the more deliberately you hide yourself, the more suspicious you will be.

Walking openly on the street, you can blend in with the crowd and not be easily discovered.

The floating population of Baotong City is estimated to be in the millions. Before, it was not easy to find him among them without revealing his true face.

Ye Yang was very courageous. After putting on a luxurious young master's clothes, he walked directly onto the main street, walking leisurely like a passerby.

The streets are bustling with people.

Compared with the mysterious dress before, except for some women who like to look at handsome men, no one would deliberately look at Ye Yang more than once.

And the security guards who were searching everywhere hurried past him without treating him as a suspicious object.

After all, Ye Yang has now become a wanted criminal searched throughout the city. Who could have expected that this mysterious man who was supposed to be hiding in Tibet would actually appear in public view with such arrogance.

Due to the special situation now, Ye Yang is in no hurry to go to Qifeng Pavilion.

When he turned a corner, he walked into a pub.

At the table by the window on the second floor, Ye Yang ordered a sumptuous table of wine and food, and then ate slowly.

Looking at the people coming and going on the street outside, he looked calm and thought about his next strategy.

This sitting lasts a whole day.

It wasn't until nightfall that Ye Yang paid and left.

The destination of this walk is still not Qi Feng Pavilion, but directly in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

"The good city lord is not good enough, but he wants to kill me."

Looking at the luxurious and majestic City Lord's Mansion in the distance, Ye Yang narrowed his eyes slightly and said coldly: "In this case, I can't make you too happy."

As he arrived closer, Ye Yang found a large restaurant nearby as a sniping vantage point.

On the roof of the building at night, Ye Yang was dressed in black, lying on the ground, with an AWM sniper rifle in front of him.

The direction the gun was aimed at was the City Lord's Mansion.

All areas within it can be seen clearly under high magnification.

"Shadow, I'll leave it to you. Remember to loot all the treasures."

Obviously, Ye Yang did not intend to do it himself, but acted as a sniper cover for the assassination operation.

Although it is not difficult to kill people with snipers, it is impossible to obtain the Qiankun Bag and other properties from a distance.

If you send Shadow, that's a different matter.

As one of the top three assassins in the killer rankings, this guy is definitely more than enough to assassinate a small city lord.

Moreover, after completing the assassination mission, the Qiankun bag of the corpse can also be taken away, which is undoubtedly killing two birds with one stone.

"Yes, young master."

The voice of indifference sounded leisurely.

The shadow on Ye Yang's side slowly squirmed under the moonlight, suddenly stretched out strangely, and immediately split into a black shadow.

As it appeared, the shadowy figure flashed and disappeared into the darkness.

With the shadow martial spirit, he is like a night walker, everywhere.

City Lord's Mansion, in the splendid hall.

A middle-aged man with a fat head and big ears sat on the main seat made of gold.

Beside him, a pretty concubine was half-kneeling, massaging his thighs that looked like pig's trotters.

Judging from the look of enjoyment on his face, it was obvious that this kind of massage was very comfortable.

This person is none other than the lord of Baotong City, Zheng Yongshou.

Although it may seem unattractive, it is quite capable in political and economic management.

Since taking up the position of city lord, Baotong City's economy has been booming every year.

Moreover, this guy has been hiding the real financial data, and the economic income reported to the court has actually dropped by nearly 60%.

As for the remaining 60%, it undoubtedly fell into his private pocket.

The wealth earned is so huge that even if you spend a lot of money in this life, it will be difficult to spend it all.

"Lord City Lord, the mysterious man has not been found yet, and the city defense department has not found any suspicious persons."

A guard bowed slightly and reported the news obediently.


The next second, Zheng Yongshou's fat hand suddenly slapped on the table, obviously dissatisfied with the news.

"A bunch of losers!"

His face turned red and he cursed angrily: "It takes a thousand days to raise an army, but it only takes one moment."

"There are so many people who can't deal with a single martial artist, so what use do I need from you!"

Zheng Yongshou gritted his teeth and was very angry.

Because a while ago, the emperor learned that a strange weapon appeared when they were resisting the beast tide, so he issued an imperial order to obtain such weapons as soon as possible and hand them over for research and development.

In order to claim credit, and because the emperor's orders could not be disobeyed, Zheng Yongshou had no choice but to send troops to ambush him by any means necessary.

Unexpectedly, the mysterious man was extremely powerful and could easily escape in a few clicks.

"Send the order, mobilize the troops from the City Defense Department, and cooperate with the Public Security Department to conduct house-to-house searches in the city."

Zheng Yongshou's eyes were filled with emotion, and he snorted angrily: "As long as that guy is still in the city, I don't believe that he can escape from the palm of my city lord!"

This chapter has been completed!
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