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Chapter 251 Military chess game

War game deduction is the best test before the actual battle between the two armies.

Whenever a war is about to break out, each military camp will organize one or more military chess exercises in a simulated battlefield environment to discover some omissions.

However, this kind of war game is not as simple as the chess games usually used for entertainment.

It coincides with many factors such as terrain, types of troops, and troop formations, and the various controls are extremely complicated.

For example, archers are a type of unit that are good at attacking from a distance, but they need to be defended around the perimeter and cannot act as a vanguard in front of the formation.

Taking the infantry as an example, they are good at attacking and defending, but they need the long-range assistance of archers in the process to suppress the enemy's charge. This can be regarded as a mutually reinforcing principle.

Ye Yang is no stranger to these.

When I was in a military academy in my previous life, military chess drills could be said to be a required course.

He had already mastered Sun Tzu's Art of War and Han Xin's ancient military tactics in previous military chess deductions.

But with the development of modern technology, the entire system has become more mature.

By this time, several soldiers had already moved the sandbox model to the scene.

Looking at the crude military chess deduction equipment, Master Cheng shook his head, stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Speaking of war chess deduction, I used to refine such equipment for entertainment when I had nothing to do."

"If you want to compete, I can borrow it for you to play with."

Master Cheng also seemed to want to show off and took out a sand table model directly from the Qiankun bag.

This sand table is extremely large, oval in shape, and ten meters wide.

It is covered with all kinds of mysterious runes, and it seems that it can be transformed through the runes.

On the edges of both sides, there are two formation holes, which should be where the two of them are standing.

"This sand table I have has three rune circles in total, namely humans, heaven, earth, and soldiers."

Master Cheng explained: "The site is attached with various simulated terrains, plains, valleys, river junctions..."

"No matter which one you choose, you can choose to conduct war games anywhere."

"The sky disk represents the celestial phenomena. Under the operation of the runes, it can produce day, night, and cloudy and sunny weather."

"As for the soldier board, there are various types of soldiers, and the number of the soldiers can be set, and they can be mobilized at will to fight in the sand table."

After listening to what Master Cheng said about the use of the sand table, everyone present was shocked and immediately burst into an uproar.

Because this kind of military chess deduction is very different from ordinary sand table exercises, and it is much closer to reality.

Simply amazing!

Regarding these, Ye Yang did not react in surprise.

In previous online games, various empire battle games could be designed no matter how real the scene was.

However, given the level of development in this world, it is indeed impressive that Master Cheng can refine such military chess simulation model equipment.

"The method of use is very simple. The two formations on the sand table are the main camps. You each stand in one."

Master Cheng continued: "After the military disk formation is activated, the main camp area will be covered with an isolation light curtain. You will not be able to see any troop movements from the enemy camp. You can only receive battle status information and issue military orders from the rune formation.


"As for the rest, you will know after trying them out, so I won't explain them one by one."

Ye Yang and Ye Luo looked at each other, then moved to the left and right, each choosing a position to stand on.

Hearing this, Ye Junxiong praised sincerely: "Master Cheng's skill in refining weapons is really miraculous. I really admire him."

Master Cheng smiled modestly and said: "It's just a tool for entertainment, it cannot be considered a place of elegance."

"Since the head of the Ye family is the referee, it's up to you to choose the terrain for the military chess game."

While speaking, Master Cheng took out a talisman seal, ignited it, and formed a talisman seal, which was directly driven into the sand table.


A slight sound was heard, and the originally dim sand table suddenly lit up with a mysterious light as if it was electrified.

Groups of totems of various terrain types also floated up.

"Just use this."

After looking around for a while, Ye Junxiong randomly selected a terrain template with rivers.


Master Cheng points his finger, and the terrain pattern on the sand table changes instantly.

In the site, there are mountains and rivers.

The two camps, black and white, each occupy the north and south, and have almost the same number of troops.

One hundred thousand infantry, 50,000 cavalry, 20,000 archers, and various siege engines.

The difference is that the black camp area where Ye Yang is located has ten villages.

There are only eight villages in Baiying Village in Yeluo.

However, Ye Luo's city was half as big as Ye Yang's city.

The terrain and resources of the two camps each have their own advantages and disadvantages.

"According to the rules, you now have thirty breaths of time to observe the terrain of the opponent's camp, and then officially start the competition."

Ye Junxiong looked at Ye Yang and the others, adhering to the fair and open competition rules.

Ye Yang's eyes narrowed slightly, and he quickly memorized the terrain of the enemy camp into his mind.

With rapid thinking, strategic plans were quickly drawn up.

As for which one to implement specifically, it will be decided based on the enemy's trend.

There was a faint smile on Ye Luo's dark face, and he must have thought of a satisfactory strategic plan.

Thirty breaths of time will soon end.

"Okay, let's start!"

As Ye Junxiong's voice sounded, Master Cheng also officially started the formation of the military chess deduction.


Almost instantly, two formation isolation light curtains flashed out of thin air, covering their respective main camp areas.

Ye Yanggang reacted, and several military order talismans of the various branches of arms suddenly appeared in front of him.

Among the arms, there are also five seventh-level deputy generals and two eighth-level generals.

Immediately, Ye Yang began to arrange his troops according to various types of troops and terrain.

In the early stage, both sides used conventional testing methods.

After some deployment, the two armies each sent thousands of infantry and archers.

Near a river, the first confrontation broke out!

The upper reaches of the river is a plain area. The ten villages in Ye Yang's camp have many residents, so this plain is a battleground for him.

In this way, half of the territory's food supply problem can be solved.

However, Ye Luo obviously saw this and had already sent 3,000 infantrymen to ambush here to block the attack.

Moreover, these three thousand soldiers were led by two lieutenants in a flanking attack, and the lineup had overwhelming power.

Ye Yang naturally expected this.

After all, from the beginning, he deliberately created such noise to attract the enemy's attention.

So at this point, he already has backup plans in the dark.

This chapter has been completed!
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