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Chapter 288 Arrive at Beiling City


On the ground in the early morning, fighter jets streaked across the sky like meteors, and their strong roars felt like they were tearing the sky apart.

In the cockpit, Ye Yang's mind moved slightly, and the powerful energy surging in his body gradually calmed down.

Without the interference of vitality, the flashing information light on the console quickly returned to normal.

Breaking through to the eighth level this time, Ye Yang couldn't help but feel a little more confident about participating in the Tonghai Secret Realm.

After all, the Tonghai Secret Realm is blocked by energy barriers, and only warriors below the Holy Spirit Realm can enter.

With his current cultivation level at the early stage of the eighth level, coupled with the ability to combine with the fox-tailed marten to transform into a beast, his strength will increase even if he encounters a warrior at the peak of the eighth level.

Moreover, there is Shadow, a senior guard of the ninth level, protecting him. As long as he is not attacked by many martial arts masters, he will definitely be able to handle it with ease.

Immediately, Ye Yang turned his eyes and looked at the compressed biscuits that were nearly half left, and couldn't help but feel a little nauseous.

Although the food is good, sometimes it is difficult to swallow even if you eat it every day or in large quantities.

"Shadow, these are all given to you."

Ye Yang made a move and had no intention of putting the remaining compressed biscuits into the system storage space.

"Thank you, young master."

Shadow gladly accepted it and put it all into his own Qiankun bag.

Unexpectedly, there were so many treasures, so the master gave them all as gifts, and he was very grateful.

"Shadow, when you get to Beiling City, hide in my shadow and see if you can get a spot."

Considering the cost of funds, Ye Yang planned to bid only in his own name.

If the more than 300,000 yuan crystals are divided into two places, the competition level will definitely be reduced by half.

So he didn't want to make this trip in vain.


Shadow understood and nodded respectfully.

At this time, the fighter jet piloted by Ye Yang had already flown into the northern region of the Lanyue Empire.

Even sitting in the cockpit, you can clearly feel that the temperature has dropped a lot.

As we flew deep into the northern region, what appeared in our sight was a vast white land covered with frost.

Looking around, the entire mountains and rivers are hidden under a blanket of frost.

The severe cold weather suddenly formed a large number of snowstorms, blowing continuously in the sky, and dense snowflakes mixed with cold currents roared wildly.

Even though Ye Yang and Shadow are not weak in martial arts today, they still fully feel the severe cold here.

In this kind of blizzard weather, the visibility was extremely low. To prevent hitting the mountain peak, Ye Yang directly raised the flight altitude and drove the speed to the extreme.

At such a fast speed, the parts inside the fighter jet rotate rapidly, and the heat energy generated has a certain effect on keeping out the cold.

At the same time, Ye Yang mobilized his energy to form a layer of energy cover covering the entire fighter jet.

In this way, under such high-speed flying conditions, in just a moment, the fighter plane passed through the outer blizzard area and flew into the core area of ​​​​the ice in the northern domain.

Although the climate here is still extremely cold, at least there is no heavy snowfall, and the view suddenly becomes wider.

In the sight, the outline of a huge city is looming.

From a distance, it looks like an ancient ferocious beast, a huge creature crawling on the ice sheet, exuding a majestic aura that makes people feel heart-stopping.

This is Beiling City.

The city walls outside the city are towering and towering, seeming to spread to the end of sight, and the area is extremely huge.

To be able to build such a huge city in such a harsh environment is not difficult to see the powerful foundation of the Lanyue Empire.

Perhaps because the bidding quota for Tonghai Secret Realm is about to go on sale, there are many martial arts practitioners appearing on the roads extending in all directions.

They walked on the smooth ice as if they were walking on flat ground, their steps steady and heavy.

At this time, as Ye Yang flew out of the blizzard area in a fighter jet, many warriors suddenly discovered it.

For a time, countless surprised gazes were cast high into the sky.

"What kind of bird is that? It can actually travel through the outer blizzard!"

"It should be a powerful monster with a high level. You can tell by how fast it flies."

"Yes, those who can tame such high-level monsters are most likely those sect figures."

"Tsk tsk, it is indeed a sect with strong foundation."

Looking at the fighter jets flying past like meteors in the high sky, the martial cultivators who were also heading to Beiling City were shocked and couldn't help but start talking.

When he was still a long way away from Beiling City while driving the fighter jet, Ye Yang immediately slowed down.

When the fighter jet stopped flying and was about to fall, he suddenly moved it and put it directly into the system storage space.

At the same time, the Seven Mysterious Flying Disks also flashed under Ye Yang's feet, floating and flying.

The shadow figure swayed and melted into Ye Yang's shadow, becoming inseparable.

"Hey, why is that bird missing?"

Those people not far behind were all surprised when they saw Ye Yang stepping on the aircraft.

Everyone's eyes were all focused on Ye Yang, and they couldn't help but look at him curiously.

However, the two sides were far apart and no one could see Ye Yang clearly.

Ye Yang ignored this and controlled the Qixuan Flying Disk to speed up and fly straight to Beiling City.

Since every city has express regulations prohibiting martial arts flying, Ye Yang did not want to cause trouble. When he arrived at the city gate, he put away the Qixuan Frisbee and landed on the ground.

He raised his eyes and saw that the city gate in front of him was unusually spacious. There was a huge flow of people passing by, but it was not crowded at all.

The city guards guarding the gate have long known that there will be an auction of secret realm quotas in the city in the near future. Most of the people who come here are high-level martial practitioners, so their inspection process can be reduced as much as possible to avoid being questioned as seeking trouble.


After all, these martial arts cultivators are all powerful. If a conflict breaks out, their little ability will not be able to withstand it.

Because of this, Ye Yang easily entered this huge city without any hindrance as he followed the flow of people outside the city.

Walking on the bustling streets, Ye Yang did not wander around, but found a quiet inn in the city and settled down for the time being.

In order to improve his cultivation as quickly as possible, he ate compressed biscuits for five consecutive days along the way, which almost made him feel like a bird in his mouth.

So as soon as he arrived at the inn, Ye Yang generously ordered a large table of delicacies and called the fox-tailed martens out to eat together.

The eating behavior of one person and one animal was quite crude and crazy, attracting the diners at the neighboring tables to look at it frequently.

For those who didn’t know, they thought they were refugees who had fled here.

The innkeeper hurriedly calculated the abacus, worried that he would be eaten, and ordered a waiter to go over and test the reality.

Ye Yang can naturally see this little trick.

In response, he not only settled the bill in advance, but also took this opportunity to gain a lot of information about the secret realm of Tonghai from the waiter.

This chapter has been completed!
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