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Chapter 343 Meet Ye Han

"Your Majesty, if you need manpower, please give me your orders. I will do my best?"

Seeing that his persuasion was fruitless, Tang Jinyao seemed to have some awareness and planned to contribute a small amount.

"No need for now."

Ye Yang smiled calmly and ordered: "For political matters, you should find a successor as soon as possible and practice more in your free time."

After saying that, he took out a bottle of pill pills from the system storage space and handed it to the other party.

Each of these pills is about the size of a fingernail, red and yellow as gold, and vaguely exudes a light medicinal fragrance.

Juyuan Dan!

They were all pills collected from the disciples of those sects in the secret realm of Tonghai.

In the sect, the Juyuan Pill is not a rare thing, but in the secular world, it is an extremely precious spiritual elixir of cultivation.

"Your Majesty, these Yuan Judan...are all for me?"

Tang Jinyao opened it and took a look, his eyes suddenly flashed.

"Well, if we create a sect in the future, there will still be many things for you to deal with, so hurry up and improve your cultivation, and I will give you better things when the time comes."

Ye Yang smiled calmly and gave his assurance.

In recent years, Tang Jinyao has been busy with various affairs and has no time to practice. He is still at the fifth level of cultivation.

This ability really cannot keep up with later development.

Therefore, Ye Yang planned to use the system's function to produce a Holy Spirit Fruit to increase Tang Jinyao's strength.

After all, Tang Jinyao's ability is obvious to all. With him by your side to help, you will definitely be able to save a lot of worry.

"My lord, I obey the order."

Tang Jinyao suppressed his excitement and immediately bowed to salute.

There was not the slightest suspicion about what Ye Yang said.

"I will leave tomorrow. Is there anything else you need to report?"

Before leaving, Ye Yang planned to be a responsible emperor for once.

When there is something to do, start the court, and when there is nothing to do, leave the court.

This is the minimalist principle he always uses in doing things, and it is not the so-called laziness.

Just like in the last class or meeting, you talked a lot of nonsense. The process seems very rich, but in fact it is a waste of time and energy.

It is better to simplify things and act vigorously and resolutely!

"Your Majesty, there is indeed something that requires your decision."

After Tang Jinyao pondered for a while, he said: "The ancestral home of the Ye family branch where you used to be is Qingyun City."

"The local government would like to decorate your ancestral home as a memorial."

"But that ancestral home is now occupied by seven guys of unknown origin. They also had fierce conflicts with the local government and injured many government officials."

"Those seven people, six boys and one girl, are only in their teens, and they all have extremely high martial arts talents. They also promised a big brother named Ye to protect his family."

Could it be those little guys?

Hearing this, Ye Yang's face changed slightly.

His thoughts couldn't help but recall the seven beggars he rescued from human traffickers when they were assassinated by Tong Tong in an alley a few years ago.

At that time, in order to give those children a way to survive, they were allowed to go to Ye Mansion in Qingyun City so that they could have a place to stay.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, those seven children would still be there.

But now, they should all be adults.

And from what Tang Jinyao said just now, they seem to have good martial arts talents.

As he thought about it, a smile appeared at the corner of Ye Yang's mouth unconsciously.

"Send the order and bring them to the Imperial City. Call them the eldest brother named Ye."

Immediately, Ye Yang looked at Tang Jinyao and ordered.

"Huh? Your Majesty, are you...?"

Hearing this, Tang Jinyao's face was slightly startled, but he quickly reacted, then smiled knowingly, "I will go immediately."

At that moment, he quickly walked out of the hall and issued an urgent order.

To prevent the government officials of Qingyun City from harming the seven boys and girls before this happens.

After handling all matters, Ye Yang also stood up and walked out of the hall.

Judging from the direction it was walking, it was obviously the east area of ​​the Imperial Palace.

That is the living area for members of the Ye family, and Ye Yang plans to take the initiative to meet Ye Han.

Since Master Cheng has reminded him, it is necessary for him to meet the mysterious remnant soul for a while.

In his own territory, Ye Yang does not allow any potential threats.

The east area of ​​the palace covers a very vast area.

Even the former Ye family's mansion was not half the size compared to this place.

Almost every member of the Ye family has their own private courtyard.

In this eastern area, there is no Royal Guards, all are patrolled by the Ye family guards.

"See the Emperor."

Seeing Ye Yang appear, the patrolling Ye family guards saluted respectfully.

"Do you know which private courtyard Ye Han lives in?"

Ye Yang asked aloud.

Although he could directly summon Ye Han in the name of the emperor, he felt that this unexpected meeting might make the mysterious remnant soul unable to make any preparations in advance.

"Reporting to the Emperor, after you returned to the palace yesterday, Master Ye Han left and moved to Ye Mansion."

The leader of the guard team immediately replied.

Hearing this, Ye Yang raised his eyebrows lightly.

It seems that this Ye Han is still proud and proud. He feels that the palace is his own territory, so he does not live here. Instead, he lives back in Ye Mansion.

Ye Yang didn't care at all about this.

After all, he usually has no fixed residence and wanders around.

Since time travel, there has not been a true 'home'.

"Your Majesty, if you want to see Master Ye Han, I will summon him immediately."

The guard captain said with awe.


After saying this, Ye Yang's figure suddenly rose up.

The moment he jumped several meters high, the Seven Mysterious Flying Discs were already stepping on his feet, and turned into a ray of light and shadow, flying towards Ye Mansion in the distance.

After a while.

Ye Yang appeared above Ye Mansion, standing in the sky.

Just when he was about to land, a sharp sword energy suddenly burst out from the mansion below, chilling his bones!

Immediately afterwards, a black figure appeared on one of the eaves.

That man, with long black hair shawl and cold eyes, was Ye Han.

"Oh it's you."

Ye Han raised his eyes and looked up at the sky, his eyes immediately locked on Ye Yang.

He seemed a little surprised by Ye Yang's arrival.

In mid-air, Ye Yang's figure slowly descended, and immediately landed on the eaves opposite Ye Han.

The two of them looked at each other, with no unnecessary hostility in their calm eyes.

"You came to me?"

Ye Han's eyes narrowed slightly and he asked tentatively.

"Not really."

Ye Yang shook his head, and then changed the subject, "To be precise, I want to find the remaining soul in your body."

Upon hearing this, Ye Han's stern eyes suddenly trembled slightly.

Did this guy find out that Mr. Mu is old?

When did this happen?!

Just as Ye Han was surprised, Mu Zong in his body was also surprised.

All along, he has been hiding in Ye Han's body, operating in secret like an outsider.

So at this moment, when Ye Yang called him by name, Mu Zong felt as if he had been exposed, and his thoughts were complicated.

"I know you are here, come out and meet me."

Ye Yang's face was calm and calm, with no intention at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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