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Chapter 98

After completing the conferring ceremony in the ancestral hall, Ye Yang declined Ye Wencheng's invitation to have dinner and returned to his dormitory alone.

Relying on his memory, Ye Yang took out his pen and ink, copied the shape of the stone carving compass, and marked its approximate size.

In his previous life, he could only copy a circle based on memory alone.

However, after practicing martial arts now, my brain is extremely clear and my memory is extremely strong. When I read a book, I can read hundreds of lines at a glance.

When he copied the stone compass this time, Ye Yang obviously wanted to make a fake to replace it.

Otherwise, if you steal it from the ancestral hall, it will be discovered soon.

Moreover, in the Ye family's opinion, the stone compass is not a rare treasure.

Since its development, its existence may have become a ritual process that symbolizes the direct lineage of the Ye family.

Normally, apart from worshiping ancestors, few people come here, and only a few servants come to clean the place.

Therefore, it is certainly not easy to detect if there is a counterfeit product.

After doing this, Ye Yang immediately left Ye Mansion.

When he walked into the alley, he was already wearing a black cloak and a mask.

After asking passers-by on the street, I quickly found a high-end stonemason's shop.

The goods in the store are all stone sculptures, which are very exquisite.

Ordinary people have no interest in this kind of art that can only be seen but not used.

The guests who come and go are either rich or noble.

"Sir, what type of sculpture do you need?"

Seeing Ye Yang walking into the store, the waiter immediately greeted him warmly.

"Can it be customized?"

Ye Yang asked aloud.

"Yes, but the cost is higher. Which one do you want to customize?"

The waiter nodded.

"It doesn't matter how high the cost is. Take me to see the craftsman first."

There were many people in the lobby, and Ye Yang didn't want to be exposed, so he handed the other party a piece of broken silver.

"Okay, sir, please come this way."

After accepting the tip, the waiter's attitude suddenly became more respectful, and he immediately took Ye Yang to the craftsman's room behind the lobby.

As soon as he entered, he saw a strong man with tools polishing the stone carvings.

His technique is exquisite, and every stroke is as if it was planned in advance, with no more and no less, and the texture is just right.

Moreover, the master stonemason's martial soul is a kind of "iron drill" kind of weapon soul, which is very suitable for this kind of industry.

"Master Chen is the most skilled craftsman in our store. If you have any customization needs, just tell him."

After the waiter finished speaking, he turned around and left knowingly.

"Tell me, what kind of crafts do you want to customize? No matter the size."

Master Chen stopped his movements, looked at Ye Yang, and said confidently.

"Just carve one according to this pattern. The dimensions are all marked, but you need to make it as retro as possible."

Ye Yang directly took out the drawing paper for the stone carving compass and handed it to the craftsman.

"Huh? This again."

Looking at the pictures on it, a trace of surprise flashed in the craftsman's eyes, and he couldn't help but look up at Ye Yang.

"Sir, is it you again?"

Staring at the mysteriously dressed Ye Yang in front of him, the craftsman seemed a little suspicious.


Hearing what he said, Ye Yang was also surprised and asked: "Have you seen this kind of stone sculpture before?"

“Not only have I seen it, but I also carved one myself.”

The craftsman said with certainty: "It was only half a year ago. Because the store received a large number of orders at that time, it could not be completed as soon as possible."

"The young man also said that he was going out for a while and could pick it up when he came back. Until this morning, he just took the stone sculpture away."

Hearing this, Ye Yang's eyes darkened slightly.

The stone-carved compass belongs to the Ye family ancestral hall and has never been touched. Except for my own family, few people can copy it in such detail.

And even if outsiders knew about it, no one would take the risk of stealing this kind of antique stone sculpture that has little value.

"A young man went out for training half a year ago and just came to pick up the goods today..."

Ye Yang secretly speculated in his heart, and combined with the information provided by the craftsmen, he had already made a guess about this.

If it is a child of the Ye family, then the most suspect persons are Ye Han, Ye Hong, and Ye Lingfeng who have recently returned from training.

Among the three, Ye Yang eliminated them one by one.

In the end, only one person was locked.

That is, Ye Han!

Although there is no evidence or speculation, Ye Yang always feels that among the three, that guy is the most suspicious.

Is it possible that Ye Han also discovered something unusual about the stone compass?

In order to make it his own, he obviously had the same idea as his own and planned to replace it with a fake.

"Sir, do you still need to customize it?"

Seeing that Ye Yang was stunned and unresponsive, the craftsman asked.

His thoughts were interrupted and Ye Yang nodded, "How long will it take for it to heal?"

"I still have work on hand, and the delivery time is two days at the earliest."

The craftsman spread his hands and said truthfully.

"Too slow, three hours."

After speaking, Ye Yang took out two five hundred taels of silver notes and placed them on the stone platform.

The craftsman's eyes were slightly startled, and then he shook his head, "The fastest is tomorrow."

"Two hours."

Unexpectedly, Ye Yang shortened the time again.

And this time, what he took out was no longer a banknote, but a Yuan Jing Stone.

Seeing this, the craftsman's pupils trembled sharply, and he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.


Almost instantly, he reached out and grabbed the Yuan Jingshi, and assured with excitement: "No problem."

After receiving a reward that far exceeded his salary, the craftsman immediately became very motivated and quickly selected a piece of stone and started polishing it.

With the previous experience, I am undoubtedly much more skilled in the production techniques of the stone carving compass, and it is even closer to the original.

About two hours later.

A palm-sized stone compass has been completed.

And at Ye Yang's request, some retro frosting was done to add a bit of ancient flavor.

In appearance, it is almost the same as the stone compass in the Ye family ancestral hall.

After getting the counterfeit, Ye Yang quickly walked out of the mason's shop.

He had to sneak out the authentic ones from the ancestral hall before Ye Han did.

If it's too late, it will be even more troublesome to look for it again.

When Ye Yang returned to Ye Mansion, it was already approaching evening.

"It's not dark yet, so that guy won't be in a hurry to take action."

Ye Yang raised his head and glanced at the sky, thinking to himself.

But at this moment, since he discovered that someone was secretly trying to steal something from him, he didn't have so many worries.

Whoever gets the baby first is the winner!

This chapter has been completed!
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