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【222】【Rage of Yanyang】

Lieyuan City, shrouded in night, seemed particularly peaceful, but tonight, it seemed extremely unstable. Under the tranquility of the night, there were murderous intentions hidden everywhere.

The Yan family seems to have been infected by this murderous intention and is on alert. According to reliable sources, not long ago, a group of spies appeared in the Yan family.

For this reason, although it is already the dead of night, the entire Yan family is immersed in the excitement. Perhaps something more serious has happened in the family.

Spies are undercover. Although there are strict precautions in this big family, this kind of thing still happens. After all, it is easy for others to want to find out some information about this family.

Therefore, if there were just spies and spies visiting, it would not arouse such caution in the family, or even fear.

In the Yan family's meeting hall, all the elite members of the family have gathered here, and some people with not very high qualifications have also gathered outside the meeting hall.

Crowded people, this is the current scene in the Yan family meeting hall. Looking at the posture, it obviously looks like a battlefield about to break out in war.

In the hall, Patriarch Yan Yang sat quietly on the Patriarch's throne, but judging from his face, his mood at the moment was obviously not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

After a while, Yan Yang couldn't hide the anger in his heart. He slapped the desk in front of him heavily, then snorted coldly and said: "I want to see who is it, who dares to do this to me Yan Yang?"

Causing trouble in the family!"

Tonight, Yan Yang is destined to be angry. As the head of the Yan family, it is a disgraceful thing for the family to be infiltrated by spies, not to mention that the spies escaped!

Originally, the spies just ran away, and Yan Yang knew that there was no need to be angry because of this. What made him lose his temper was actually the fact that he thought he had fallen into someone else's trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

In front of the elites of the Yan family, Yan Yang once realized that he had been tricked, so he gave up his decision to track the man in black and went home to find out.

When he got home, if he really found out that he had fallen into the trap, it would be okay, after all, no one could accurately realize this kind of thing. But when he got home, he realized that he had not fallen into the trap at all.

Since he didn't fall into the trap, as the leader of the clan, his previous action of abandoning the man in black and returning home instead will definitely become the laughing stock of others.

Let me ask you, as the leader of the clan, Yan Yang, when faced with such a simple matter as the attack of the men in black, actually put his worries into a non-existent worry and let the men in black escape. In the final analysis,

It was also his clan leader's mistake.

The last thing that makes him feel lucky now is that Yan Xuan and Ye Rou can capture the man in black. In this way, as the leader of the clan, he can find a sufficient step to step down!

"Chief, it's not good!" The people in the hall were so burned by Yan Yang's anger that they dared not speak, but the people outside did not know. For this reason, when Yan Yang's anger was raging, a servant looked like

The well-dressed young man ran in from outside the hall in a hurry!

"What's wrong?" Seeing that the servant looked like he was rushing to be reincarnated, Yan Yang also restrained his anger appropriately and hurriedly yelled at the servant.

Being yelled like this by Yan Yang, not only the servants, but also the other family elites in the hall suddenly panicked, and the servants were the most panicked among them.

In the panic, the servant seemed to be a little unclear in his speech, but he did not stop speaking. He hurriedly cupped his hands towards Yan Yang and said: "Clan leader, it's not good, the young master is back!"

"The young master is back as soon as he comes back. What's wrong? Tell me quickly, has he caught the thief?" Hearing that his son was back, he almost found the steps he was looking for, Yan Yang's face

A look of joy suddenly appeared on his face, and he yelled at the servant again.

Fortunately this time, because Yanyang's roar was not mixed with anger, it did not scare anyone else. Only the servant still looked panicked and stood still!

"Young... the young master is back, but the thief has not come back!" Feeling that the patriarch was very abnormal today, the servant was even more nervous. He hesitated and reported the situation clearly to Yan Yang.

Hearing the servant's report, Yan Yang's heart suddenly froze. The anger that had just dispersed on his face resurfaced in an instant. He grabbed the servant's collar and said fiercely: "What did you say?"

"Back...back to the patriarch, the young master was helped back by the young lady!" After finding out that Yan Yang was in a somewhat insane state, the servant was so nervous that he almost ran away, but was caught by Yan Yang and couldn't do anything for a while.

Unable to run away, she had no choice but to tell him the complete truth.

Sure enough, when Jing Jia Ding said this, the anger on the clan leader's face became even more intense, almost turning his whole old face red. Then he roared angrily for a lifetime, and the strength of the injury was uncontrollable, and he threw the Jia Ding out of the hall.


In the end, only a scream was heard, and the servant fell outside the hall, raising all the dust on the ground. He just fell to the ground with an unwilling look on his face, like a dead man!

For a servant, not only the clan leader, but also the elites standing outside do not take it seriously. For this reason, the death of the servant is just an accident, just a tragedy in a corner.

After the clan leader threw away his servant, the anger in his heart did not decrease, but increased sharply. For this reason, no one present dared to have the slightest thought of being offended, let alone feel the slightest sense of relief.

What's the use of getting angry? Getting angry can't solve the problem! Although everyone dare not speak, they are very unhappy in their hearts. Your clan leader obviously did something wrong in this matter, but now you are here to implicate innocent people!

With no choice but to do so, everyone could only stand there in a daze, hoping that the clan leader's anger would subside soon, so that everyone would no longer have to live in fear all day long.

Fortunately, Yan Yang probably knew that getting angry in the meeting hall would not achieve any results. For this reason, after learning that his son was being helped back, he hurriedly walked out of the meeting hall.

Watching Yan Yang leave, everyone outside the meeting hall and inside the meeting hall could not help but take a breath of cold air when they saw the clan leader leaving. No matter what, after sending the clan leader away, his own

Personal safety is guaranteed!

After a long sigh, everyone looked at each other again, and then slowly dispersed, leaving the meeting hall, and everyone went back to their homes. Those who had wives looked for their wives, and those who didn't had wives went back to sleep!

Naturally, among them, there are some who are not afraid of death and stay in the meeting hall, as if waiting for trial. What's more, there are also some family members who think they are very qualified, silently following Yan.

Behind Yang.

As Yan Yang moved forward, the group of people soon arrived at the family's front hall. Watching the clan leader enter the hall, everyone stood quietly outside the hall.

Although they really wanted to serve the clan leader and wanted to calm down the clan leader's anger, they were also somewhat worried about their own safety. For this reason, they did not have the courage to follow him.

Naturally, among these people, there were still a few brave ones. When they saw Yan Yang walking into the hall, they also walked in with them.

Upon closer inspection, it seems that these people are following the clan leader not because they are bold, but because they are the clan leader's confidants, and they do not have to worry about their lives being threatened.

In the front hall of the family, there are also several servants standing there at the moment, but they are not there to watch the excitement, but carefully put the unclean Yan Xuan on a chair and clean the dirt on his body!

Beside these people, there seemed to be a woman who was as beautiful as a flower. She was looking at Yanyang quietly. She accidentally noticed the arrival of the clan leader, and just then she slowly withdrew her gaze, and turned to look at her nervously.

The patriarch salutes!

"Rou'er pays homage to the patriarch!" This girl was dressed in light red and had a lovely face. She looked like a beautiful woman. Obviously, this person was Ye Rou, the young lady of the Yan family.

"What's going on? What's wrong with Xuan'er?" After briefly glancing at the female Ye Rou, Yan Yang quickly came to Yan Xuan's side without much pause, and took a closer look at Yan Xuan's injuries.

Just then he turned around and asked Ye Rou.

"This..." Upon hearing Yan Yang's question, Ye Rou suddenly showed a cautious look on her face. After being silent for a while, she explained to Yan Yang: "It was those three men in black who took him


Although Ye Rou did not fully know the identities of the men in black, she did know that one of them was Ye Han. However, although she knew that Ye Han was among them, she had to pretend to do something in order to prevent Yan Yang from angering him.

They don’t know yet!

When Yan Yang heard this, his face suddenly showed a strong look of anger. However, he did not blame Ye Rou for not protecting him well, but silently formed a seal and injected it into Yan Xuan's body.

Although Yan Xuan's injuries were serious, they were not fatal. For this reason, Yan Yang just used a seal to recover all his injuries!

"Father!" Slowly opening his eyes, Yan Yang scanned his surroundings and realized that he was already at home. Just then he looked at Yan Yang beside him and shouted to him.

"Tell me quickly, what happened, who hurt you?" Seeing Yan Xuan wake up, Yan Yang asked again with an angry look.

He shook his head. He basically didn't know much about what happened before. He only knew that he was knocked unconscious by a man in black, but he didn't know who knocked him out!

However, in this situation, his consciousness was still intact. Since he was knocked unconscious, why did he appear in his home again now?~

This chapter has been completed!
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