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【282】【Combination of Yin and Yang】I

Feeling ashamed and angry, Leng Ling turned around and glanced at Ye Han and Ye Rou again. She snorted softly, pushed the door out, and then closed the door heavily. Although she could not intervene in the wedding ceremony, she could

You have the right to be angry.

Seeing Leng Ling leave, Ye Han suddenly showed a look of embarrassment on his face. Originally, he didn't want Leng Ling to leave. After all, as long as she stayed here, she could still be of some help. But every time he thought of this

He felt so embarrassed that he had to vent his anger.

Ye Roujing lay on the bed and looked at Ye Han blankly. After a long time, she asked with a blushing face: "Han'er, are you hiding something from me? Why are you so anxious to get married with me? Is it just that?

For this wedding ceremony?"

The shyness on Ye Rou's face became even stronger as she spoke. She naturally understood the meaning of flowers and candles in the bridal chamber, and Ye Han was no stranger to this. For this reason, a hint of embarrassment appeared on his face.


Nodding subconsciously, Ye Han never denied it. After all, before that, he really wanted to have sex with Ye Rou in the bridal chamber, but he also understood that his original intention was not what Ye Rou imagined.

The purpose is still to save Ye Rou.

Ye Rou thought too much, and Ye Han inadvertently thought too much too, but what Ye Han thought about was not something embarrassing, but what Ye Rou thought about was extremely embarrassing, so embarrassing that she even felt timid.

After hearing what Ye Han meant, Ye Rou was even more at a loss. She originally hoped that Ye Han would deny this statement, but she did not expect that Ye Han not only did not deny it, but actually admitted it so thoroughly and completely let her down.

No one has anything to say.

For this reason, Ye Rou's face showed not only shyness, but also some anger. Why do you have to admit it? As long as you don't admit it, wouldn't you be able to temporarily avoid some embarrassment?

Ye Han didn't know what Ye Rou was thinking, but he still wanted to complete this wedding ceremony with another purpose. Although he didn't understand the true meaning of the merger of Yin and Yang, he also knew that such things that he didn't understand could only be solved.

Witness it with facts. Perhaps only those who take action can truly understand all of this!

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and the more he thought about it, the more passionate he became. Ye Han thought that he was a newlywed husband, and his rude thoughts instantly buried everything in his heart. He knew that what he had to accomplish next was an extremely important thing.

A major task, perhaps, this is also a mission.

He had experienced it before. Although Ye Han was a little worried, but that kind of man should have true qualities, he unintentionally diluted all these worries and hurriedly came to the bedside. After turning around and looking around, he saw that there were no remaining loopholes.

He could no longer suppress the excitement in his heart.

Ye Rou wanted to prepare more, but she never thought that Ye Han wouldn't even give him this chance. Before she could recover, she felt a pair of thicker but full of tenderness appeared on her body.


She screamed subconsciously. Although Ye Rou was seriously injured, the strength in her hands did not disappear completely. Although Ye Han was intact, she was easily pushed away due to lack of precautions.

Even though he failed to succeed, Ye Han was not discouraged. Perhaps he knew that what was going to happen next was unavoidable. This was his mission, and it was also Ye Rou's mission.

If one plan failed, he would try another, but Ye Han was not like this. He failed with one plan, so he repeated his old tricks. Based on Ye Rou's awareness of prevention, he rushed forward again and easily controlled Ye Rou.

every move.

Seeing the situation, Ye Rou knew that an extremely inevitable and bloody battle was about to begin. For this reason, she stopped all resistance. This kind of behavior of letting everyone do whatever she wanted caused Ye Han to almost lose his nature.

Reason is constantly driving Ye Han, and he must not have too many evil intentions. Otherwise, not only will he not be able to help Ye Rou control his injuries, but he may also unintentionally aggravate his injuries.

Although Ye Han almost lost his mind, the remaining trace of reason seemed to be more profound. Soon, he suddenly stopped when his hands were about to further invade Ye Rou's body.

Ye Han's actions stopped, which undoubtedly gave Ye Rou a chance to take precautions and clear up her consciousness. Finally, when she felt relieved, her consciousness began to return to normal, but there was one thing she didn't understand: why did Ye Han

Will it stop suddenly?

In front of beauty, a man who does not have evil thoughts in the world may not be considered a man, but Ye Rou does not think so, because he understands that Ye Han is indeed a man, and if he suddenly stops now, there must be something wrong with him.

The last resort.

Ye Han had some compulsions. She originally believed that as long as she completed the wedding ceremony, all the suffering would be relieved. However, during the process of taking action, he had a new feeling.

Ye Rou, who was seriously injured, could not bear the torment. This made Ye Han suddenly realize that the so-called combination of yin and yang mentioned by the jade old man was not a simple sexual intercourse between husband and wife, but had a deeper meaning.

"What exactly could it be?"

After thinking for a while, but still unable to find a suitable answer, Ye Han couldn't help but murmur to himself, but even so, he still didn't understand. However, after this murmur, Ye Rou couldn't help but feel something in her heart.

Got some doubts!

"What the hell is that?"

After thinking about it, Ye Rou became more and more confused. In desperation, she could only look at Ye Han blankly, hoping to get the answer she wanted from him.

After hearing Ye Rou's question, Ye Han was stunned for a moment, and quickly looked at Ye Rou. After being silent, he also briefly told Ye Rou the healing method of combining yin and yang that the old man Jade said.

The combination of yin and yang is just a way of saying it. Even Ye Han doesn't know how to do it now. For this reason, he can only tell one of them, but he can't explain it completely.

Sometimes, explanations are often redundant. Don't say that Ye Han doesn't understand the true meaning of the combination of yin and yang. Even if he does, let me ask, how can he speak frankly at this moment?

After Ye Han gave some advice, Ye Rou suddenly understood. It turned out that the main reason why Ye Han married her was because of her injuries. For this reason, she couldn't help but wonder whether this marriage was really out of sincerity.

Falling in love is still just for healing.

"Han'er, tell me honestly, are you marrying me today because you really love me, or because you just want to help me heal?" The more she thought about it, the more confused she became. Although Ye Rou believed that Ye Han loved her deeply, she still couldn't.

At this moment, I don't feel any doubt.

Ye Han was stunned when he heard this. He had thought about this question before, but he didn't know why Ye Rou suddenly mentioned it at this moment. Could it be that his sincerity could not earn Ye Rou's trust?

Seeing Ye Han's behavior, Ye Rou smiled quickly and explained: "Han'er, don't mind, I just want to ask. I have been with you for so long, I understand what you mean!"

As she spoke, Ye Rou glanced at Ye Han subconsciously, and saw that the hesitation on his face had not completely faded away. In desperation, she had no choice but to get up from the bed, then gently snuggled into his arms, and whispered:

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have doubted you!"

Breathing a sigh of relief, Ye Han freed up his hands, gently hugged Ye Rou's shoulders, and then smiled and said: "Okay, I don't mean to blame you, but I still don't understand how this combination of yin and yang should work.

Do it!”

After listening to Ye Han's words, Ye Rou's heart calmed down. Although she has not gotten what she wanted so far, she understands that her commitment to each other is right. Only in this way can she truly make up for her previous treatment.

of harm!

After calming down her heart, Ye Rou began to ponder. After a while, she shook her head helplessly and said with a bitter smile: "The combination of yin and yang, logically speaking, should be the bridal chamber, but.


Speaking of this, Ye Rou felt shy for a moment, and then hesitated for a while before continuing: "It's just that now that I'm seriously injured, it may be difficult to achieve the combination of yin and yang!"

What Ye Rou said has also appeared in Ye Han's heart. As she said, a person under heavy weight has difficulty in ordinary movements. If she wants to have a real bridal chamber, it is obviously necessary for her.

A hundred harms and no benefit.

At this moment, a strange breath came, which not only affected Ye Han's consciousness, but also affected Ye Rou's mind. After careful inspection, both of them understood that this strange breath was obviously...

It emanates from their respective jade stones!

"Jade merger?"

It felt like Ye Rou didn't know much about jade from then on, so she didn't feel anything unusual. But Ye Han was different. After practicing in the ice field during that time, he already understood that there was a connection between jade and jade.

When these two pieces of jade are combined together, the power that can be exerted is bound to be extremely powerful. He also has some understanding of this. Now that the combination of yin and yang cannot be accomplished artificially, what if it is replaced by jade?

Ye Han had never thought about this before, but now that he suddenly sensed the change in the jade, he quickly thought of it. What's more, he also believed that the merging of yin and yang mentioned by the old man in jade did not refer to people, but to people.

It means jade.

Human beings are divided into men and women, masculine yang and feminine yin. Similarly, jade also has two completely different attributes, one is cold and the other is fire. Fire belongs to yang and cold belongs to yin. If these two are combined

When combined together, isn’t that also a combination of yin and yang?

Thinking of this, Ye Han couldn't help but feel happy. If this method was really effective, wouldn't it not only help Ye Rou heal his injuries, but also discover another way to use jade?

"Then let's get started?"

The method has been thought out, and the key is to use it properly. Now, if you want to implement this method, the most important thing is the two of you. For this reason, Ye Han can't wait to see the results.~

This chapter has been completed!
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