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【358】【Yuandan Eight Realms】

After more than ten days of practice, Ye Han has cultivated the Xinghan Jue Heart Technique to the second level. At this time, half a month has passed since he went out to practice. Thinking about it, he only has less than two left.

He had to go back in half a month, and he felt a little nervous.

In two and a half months, Ye Han was still a cultivator of the Seventh Realm of Yuandan. Although he had barely been promoted to the peak of the Seventh Realm after some previous training, he was at most a cultivator of the Eighth Realm of Yuandan.

As a person, let me ask, if half a month of practice only improves one level of cultivation, how much progress can be made in two and a half months?

Thinking about this, Ye Han felt a little worried. Two and a half months might be just a small stage, but thinking about the 10,000-yuan competition that took place less than a year and a half ago, how many more like this can be left from now?

How about two and a half months?

The answer is naturally very few, so Ye Han knows very wisely that his current cultivation speed is far from enough. But under the current situation, he also knows that he can't force it. The most important thing in cultivation is to let nature take its course. Otherwise, as promised.

, the cultivation level will definitely not be truly improved.

The little fox stared blankly at Ye Han, who had been sitting on the ground for a long time and had not yet begun to practice. He suddenly understood and said with a smile: "Master, you don't have to worry about improving your cultivation. Now you have

Once you have reached the second level of art cultivation, your cultivation speed will not be so slow in the future!"

Ye Han was stunned when he heard the words, and then suddenly remembered, yes, when he upgraded the Xinghan Jue to the second level, he did feel that the speed of his mental skills had been greatly improved. If it was according to what the little fox said,

If so, then the speed at which you will improve your cultivation will naturally be infinitely accelerated in the future.

Moreover, Xinghan Jue does not only have two levels. In the future practice, he will definitely be able to improve his cultivation level, and then the speed of practice will be even faster than now.

However, there is a problem that has been bothering him. Now he has borrowed the energy of the Zengyuan Fruit to improve his cultivation, and the quantity of the Zengyuan Fruit is so limited. Who can imagine that after the Zengyuan Fruit is used up,

Can I still maintain this speed of cultivation?

With a slight sigh, Ye Han took out a Yuan-increasing fruit from his storage jade pendant, closed his eyes, and soon entered into practice. Since you choose to practice, you have to let everything go as it comes. It is yours after all.

It shouldn't be yours, so even thinking about it is useless. The same is true for things like chance. Although Ye Han is worried that he will never meet something like Zengyuan Fruit in the future, he doesn't have too much worry. On the contrary,

It is already a great opportunity for me to encounter the Zengyuan Fruit. If I think about it anymore, it would be greed.

Seeing that Ye Han had entered the practice, the little fox found a place by herself, lying on the ground, and spit out a small inner elixir from her mouth. This was the inner elixir of the little fox. Almost every element

All beasts will have such an inner elixir, which is their natal inner elixir, and the heads of state are almost always cultivating the inner elixir.

Although the little fox is a Star Beast, in the final analysis it is just a Yuan Beast, a rather weird Yuan Beast. However, this weirdness cannot change everything about her, so when she practices, she can only follow

The way of cultivation for ordinary yuan beasts is to cultivate elixirs and not to cultivate the body.

After Ye Han entered the practice, the Xinghan Jue's mental method in his body began to move along the way of the meridians. As expected, the Xinghan Jue was upgraded to the second level, and the running speed was greatly improved. In a short time,

It has been circulating around his meridians for many days.

And that Yuan-increasing fruit was also restrained by the Xing Han Jue's mental method, wrapped in heavy vitality, and then circulated in the major meridians. I don't know how long it took, and its energy gradually became thinner, until

Finally it dissipated and was completely integrated into this vitality.

At the same time, Xinghan Jue's mental technique did not dare to stop. Ye Han slowly changed his position and introduced this vitality into the eighth Yuan Dan that was about to be formed in his body. He borrowed this vitality to transfer the eighth Yuan Dan.

The elixir was tightly wrapped, and finally the vitality was slowly integrated into the golden elixir.

The golden elixir has already been formed. Now it has been baptized by vitality and gradually hardened. Finally, the cold light shines brightly. The eighth golden elixir is formed instantly, breaking away from the original spiritual liquid state. This heralds Ye Han's cultivation level to be official.

Entered the eight realms of Yuan Dan.

Looking inside at the eight Yuan Dans in his body and the remaining Yuan Ling, Ye Han couldn't help but feel a burst of joy in his heart. At the same time, he secretly sighed: "I have finally reached the cultivation base of the Eight Realm Yuan Dan. I only need to cultivate one more Yuan Ling."

Dan, then you can transform into an infant smoothly!"

At this moment, Ye Han suddenly felt that the star energy hidden deep in his body was turbulent, and then a light blue light emanated from it. Ye Han was shocked when he saw this, secretly said something bad, and started to move the star again.

The cold technique is intended to control the energy emanating from the star.

However, although Xinghan Jue has been upgraded to the second level, it still does not have the power to control the star energy. According to the little fox, the ability to control the star energy can only reach the third level, and he obviously has not yet mastered the star energy.

When Han Jue reaches that level, even though he is determined to resolve the upcoming crisis, he is unable to do so.

At this moment, Ye Han started to get a little anxious, so he didn't worry so much. He hurriedly distracted his mind, opened his eyes slightly, and then shouted to the little fox: "Little fox, come and help me!"

At this time, the little fox was cultivating vigorously. When he suddenly heard Ye Han's cry, he hurriedly withdrew his inner elixir, then slowly came to Ye Han's side, and asked with a surprised look: "Master, what are you doing?"

Already? Why do you look so ugly?"

Ye Han's face was not only ugly, but extremely ugly. After listening to the little fox's words, a ball of anger suddenly emerged from the bottom of his heart. He wanted to be angry, but he couldn't, because at this moment, he

The star energy in his body was slowly absorbing the vitality in his body, forcing him to pull his mind back into his body.

However, everything happened too suddenly and too fast. Although Ye Han recovered his mind in time, he still could not stop the devouring of star energy. Seeing that the energy in his body was gradually absorbed, Ye Han was anxious at this time.

The extent can be imagined.

Suddenly, a powerful breath of beast energy hit him. Ye Han's Yuan Qi suddenly paused. He turned around and looked around. He saw a line of light blue Yuan Qi entering his body. He was overjoyed because he smelled a trace of Yuan Qi.

The aura of the Silk Beast Yuan, for this reason, he dared to conclude that this Yuan Qi came from the hands of the little fox, or rather from the mouth.

Feeling that the savior had come, Ye Han was a little relieved, but he still didn't dare to relax, because at this moment, more than half of the energy in his body had been absorbed. If he continued to absorb it, even if the little fox came to help, it would be of no use.


Soon, the light blue energy full of beast energy came to the place where the star energy gathered, and Ye Hanzhi heard a voice in his ears: "Master, quickly use your Xinghan Jue mental technique,

Use the vitality I gave you to refine the star energy that was just emitted, hurry up!"

Ye Han was shocked when he heard the words. He didn't dare to say anything, so he suddenly started using the Xinhan Juexin method. According to the little fox's words, he slowly deployed it around the star energy. Before it could be restored to its original state, he entered

In front of the place where the stars gather, wrap up this star.

Xingyuan was wrapped in powerful vitality, and naturally lost contact with the main body. It became a caged bird for a while. Not only could it not return to the main body, it was isolated by this beastly energy, and then slowly began to

It was refined until it finally disappeared.

At the same time, the voice of the little fox came again: "Okay, stop your mental skills now, and I will help you restore this vitality. Remember, when I stop my work later, you will definitely have to run Xinghan again."

The Jue Heart Technique distributes this successfully refined vitality to all parts of the body, while causing unnecessary trouble."

Ye Han has been practicing for such a long time. Even if he is not a master-level figure, he is no longer a fledgling. After all, he also knows the result of the absorption of vitality in the body. If not treated in time, it may become a lifelong problem.

He is a useless person who cannot cultivate, and he has almost been drained of his vitality before. The vitality everywhere in his body must be very thin. If he does not take the opportunity to fill it up, even if he does not become a useless person, his cultivation level will definitely be greatly reduced.

After the little fox reminded him, Ye Han quickly calmed down, and then waited for the little fox's action. The little fox took the lead and did not hesitate. An inner elixir suddenly spurted out from the air, and in a blink of an eye it came to the top of where Ye Han was sitting.

Immediately afterwards, a curtain of light emitted from the inner elixir, tightly covering Ye Han below in the curtain of light.

At the same time, the little fox once again sprayed out a stream of vitality from his mouth, and sprayed it into the inner elixir. The vitality entered the inner elixir, and the light curtain emanating from the inner elixir became stronger in an instant.

In this light curtain that was faintly emitting light blue light, Ye Han's figure began to spin in place.

After a long time, the little fox restrained the vitality that erupted in the air, and inhaled suddenly, sucking his inner elixir back into his belly. Then he stood up slowly, and then looked at Ye Han closely.

, there seemed to be thousands of worries sprouting in her heart.

At this time, Ye Han, after some guidance from the little fox, felt that the little fox had finished his work, so he began to forcibly raise a burst of vitality.

Transform and restore it to pure vitality energy that circulates around the body.

At this time, the vitality in Ye Han's body no longer had the same beastly energy as when it was integrated into the little fox's vitality. Obviously, the little fox knew that there was a big gap between his own vitality and Ye Han's, so he forcibly removed his own vitality.

The vitality was isolated from Ye Han's body and withdrawn into his own body.

This chapter has been completed!
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